Commit c0f90425 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

Some small changes.

- Modify tracing to use htrc to be compatible with old versions
  when this code is used to make an EOM module.
  modified:   storage/connect/restget.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp

- Path apparently not needed for the cpprest lib on Linux
  modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
parent 4d93c7f3
......@@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ IF(CONNECT_WITH_REST)
MESSAGE(STATUS "=====> cpprestsdk found")
# Edit next line to set the path to
SET(REST_LIBRARY -L/usr/lib64 -lcpprest)
# If needed edit next line to set the path to
SET(CONNECT_SOURCES ${CONNECT_SOURCES} tabrest.cpp restget.cpp tabrest.h)
......@@ -19,14 +19,13 @@ using namespace concurrency::streams; // Asynchronous streams
#include "global.h"
static uint xt = 0; // Used by lamda expressions
/* Make a local copy of the requested file. */
int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn)
int rc = 0;
bool xt = trace(515);
auto fileStream = std::make_shared<ostream>();
if (!http || !fn) {
......@@ -34,15 +33,15 @@ int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn)
return 2;
} // endif
xt = GetTraceValue();
xtrc(515, "restGetFile: fn=%s\n", fn);
if (xt)
htrc("restGetFile: fn=%s\n", fn);
// Open stream to output file.
pplx::task<void> requestTask = fstream::open_ostream(to_string_t(fn))
.then([=](ostream outFile) {
*fileStream= outFile;
if (xt & 515)
if (xt)
htrc("Outfile isopen=%d\n", outFile.is_open());
// Create http_client to send the request.
......@@ -58,7 +57,7 @@ int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn)
// Handle response headers arriving.
.then([=](http_response response) {
if (xt & 515)
if (xt)
htrc("Received response status code:%u\n",
......@@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn)
// Close the file stream.
.then([=](size_t n) {
if (xt & 515)
if (xt)
htrc("Return size=%u\n", n);
return fileStream->close();
......@@ -77,13 +76,19 @@ int restGetFile(PGLOBAL g, PCSZ http, PCSZ uri, PCSZ fn)
// Wait for all the outstanding I/O to complete and handle any exceptions
try {
xtrc(515, "In Wait\n");
if (xt)
htrc("In Wait\n");
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
xtrc(515, "Error exception: %s\n", e.what());
if (xt)
htrc("Error exception: %s\n", e.what());
sprintf(g->Message, "Error exception: %s", e.what());
rc= 1;
} // end try/catch
xtrc(515, "restget done: rc=%d\n", rc);
if (xt)
htrc("restget done: rc=%d\n", rc);
return rc;
} // end of restGetFile
......@@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ PQRYRES __stdcall ColREST(PGLOBAL g, PTOS tp, char *tab, char *db, bool info)
uri = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Uri", NULL);
fn = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Filename", "rest.json");
#if defined(MARIADB)
ftype = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Type", "JSON");
ftype = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Type", "JSON");
#else // !MARIADB
// OEM tables must specify the file type
ftype = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Ftype", "JSON");
// OEM tables must specify the file type
ftype = GetStringTableOption(g, tp, "Ftype", "JSON");
#endif // !MARIADB
// We used the file name relative to recorded datapath
......@@ -126,21 +126,21 @@ bool RESTDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
char filename[_MAX_PATH + 1];
int rc = 0, n;
LPCSTR ftype;
LPCSTR ftype;
#if defined(MARIADB)
ftype = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Type", "JSON");
ftype = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Type", "JSON");
#else // !MARIADB
// OEM tables must specify the file type
ftype = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Ftype", "JSON");
#endif // !MARIADB
if (trace(1))
htrc("ftype = %s am = %s\n", ftype, SVP(am));
if (trace(515))
htrc("ftype = %s am = %s\n", ftype, SVP(am));
n = (!stricmp(ftype, "JSON")) ? 1
: (!stricmp(ftype, "XML")) ? 2
: (!stricmp(ftype, "CSV")) ? 3 : 0;
n = (!stricmp(ftype, "JSON")) ? 1
: (!stricmp(ftype, "XML")) ? 2
: (!stricmp(ftype, "CSV")) ? 3 : 0;
if (n == 0) {
htrc("DefineAM: Unsupported REST table type %s", am);
......@@ -159,24 +159,24 @@ bool RESTDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
// Retrieve the file from the web and copy it locally
rc = restGetFile(g, Http, Uri, filename);
if (trace(1))
htrc("Return from restGetFile: rc=%d\n", rc);
if (trace(515))
htrc("Return from restGetFile: rc=%d\n", rc);
if (rc)
return true;
else switch (n) {
case 1: Tdp = new (g) JSONDEF; break;
case 2: Tdp = new (g) XMLDEF; break;
case 3: Tdp = new (g) CSVDEF; break;
default: Tdp = NULL;
} // endswitch n
else switch (n) {
case 1: Tdp = new (g) JSONDEF; break;
case 2: Tdp = new (g) XMLDEF; break;
case 3: Tdp = new (g) CSVDEF; break;
default: Tdp = NULL;
} // endswitch n
// Do make the table/view definition
if (Tdp && Tdp->Define(g, Cat, Name, Schema, "REST"))
Tdp = NULL; // Error occured
if (trace(1))
htrc("Tdp defined\n", rc);
if (trace(515))
htrc("Tdp defined\n", rc);
// Return true in case of error
return (Tdp == NULL);
......@@ -187,7 +187,8 @@ bool RESTDEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff)
xtrc(515, "REST GetTable mode=%d\n", m);
if (trace(515))
htrc("REST GetTable mode=%d\n", m);
if (m != MODE_READ && m != MODE_READX) {
strcpy(g->Message, "REST tables are currently read only");
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