Commit c17fc16c authored by unknown's avatar unknown

BUG#19702 - Using myisampack/myisamchk on a FULLTEXT indexed

            table results in table corrupt

Fulltext key has always two keysegs, thus we need to update
FT_SEGS (last) element from seg array in case of compressed table.
Also we must update ft2_keyinfo.

  Fulltext key has always two keysegs, thus we need to update
  FT_SEGS (last) element from seg array in case of compressed table.
  Also we must update ft2_keyinfo.
parent c939a8d7
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
/* Functions to compressed records */
#include "myisamdef.h"
#include "fulltext.h"
#define IS_CHAR ((uint) 32768) /* Bit if char (not offset) in tree */
......@@ -228,11 +228,19 @@ my_bool _mi_read_pack_info(MI_INFO *info, pbool fix_keys)
for (i=0 ; i < share->base.keys ; i++)
share->keyinfo[i].keylength+=(uint16) diff_length;
share->keyinfo[i].minlength+=(uint16) diff_length;
share->keyinfo[i].maxlength+=(uint16) diff_length;
(uint16) rec_reflength;
MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo= &share->keyinfo[i];
keyinfo->keylength+= (uint16) diff_length;
keyinfo->minlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
keyinfo->maxlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
keyinfo->seg[keyinfo->flag & HA_FULLTEXT ?
FT_SEGS : keyinfo->keysegs].length= (uint16) rec_reflength;
if (share->ft2_keyinfo.seg)
MI_KEYDEF *ft2_keyinfo= &share->ft2_keyinfo;
ft2_keyinfo->keylength+= (uint16) diff_length;
ft2_keyinfo->minlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
ft2_keyinfo->maxlength+= (uint16) diff_length;
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