Commit c3024db0 authored by Yoni Fogel's avatar Yoni Fogel

Closes #553

Lock escalation causes all lock trees (all dbs in an environment)
to escalate their locks.
This is useful, since we can have one lock tree/db holding 99% of the locks
and then we run out of locks on a different lock tree.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb@2952 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 0608c924
......@@ -1316,15 +1316,15 @@ static inline int toku__escalate_reads_from_border_range(toku_lock_tree* tree,
* Replaces all writes that overlap with range
* Deletes all reads dominated by range
static int toku__do_escalation(toku_lock_tree* tree, BOOL* locks_available) {
static int toku__lt_do_escalation(toku_lock_tree* tree) {
int r = ENOSYS;
if (!tree || !locks_available) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
if (!tree->lock_escalation_allowed) { r = EDOM; goto cleanup; }
toku_range_tree* border = tree->borderwrite;
if (!tree) { r = EINVAL; goto cleanup; }
if (!tree->lock_escalation_allowed) { r = 0; goto cleanup; }
toku_range_tree* border = tree->borderwrite;
toku_range border_range;
BOOL found = FALSE;
BOOL trivial = FALSE;
BOOL found = FALSE;
BOOL trivial = FALSE;
while ((r = toku_rt_next(border, &border_range, &found)) == 0 && found) {
......@@ -1341,14 +1341,25 @@ static int toku__do_escalation(toku_lock_tree* tree, BOOL* locks_available) {
if (r!=0) { r = toku__lt_panic(tree, r); goto cleanup; }
r = 0;
*locks_available = toku__mgr_lock_test_incr(tree->mgr, 0);
/* Escalation is allowed if 1/10th of the locks (or more) are free. */
if (r!=0) {
if (tree && locks_available) {
*locks_available = FALSE;
return r;
/* TODO: Different error code for escalation failed vs not even happened. */
static int toku__ltm_do_escalation(toku_ltm* mgr, BOOL* locks_available) {
assert(mgr && locks_available);
int r = ENOSYS;
toku_lock_tree* lt = NULL;
while ((lt = toku_lth_next(mgr->lth)) != NULL) {
r = toku__lt_do_escalation(lt);
if (r!=0) { goto cleanup; }
*locks_available = toku__mgr_lock_test_incr(mgr, 0);
r = 0;
return r;
......@@ -1363,9 +1374,9 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_range_read_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (out_of_locks && tree->lock_escalation_allowed) {
if (out_of_locks) {
BOOL locks_available = FALSE;
r = toku__do_escalation(tree, &locks_available);
r = toku__ltm_do_escalation(tree->mgr, &locks_available);
if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (!locks_available) {
......@@ -1479,9 +1490,9 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (out_of_locks && tree->lock_escalation_allowed) {
if (out_of_locks) {
BOOL locks_available = FALSE;
r = toku__do_escalation(tree, &locks_available);
r = toku__ltm_do_escalation(tree->mgr, &locks_available);
if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (!locks_available) {
......@@ -1545,9 +1556,9 @@ int toku_lt_acquire_range_write_lock(toku_lock_tree* tree, DB_TXN* txn,
if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (out_of_locks && tree->lock_escalation_allowed) {
if (out_of_locks) {
BOOL locks_available = FALSE;
r = toku__do_escalation(tree, &locks_available);
r = toku__ltm_do_escalation(tree->mgr, &locks_available);
if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; }
if (!locks_available) {
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