Commit c87f8151 authored by Rich Prohaska's avatar Rich Prohaska

DB-478 DB-788 DB-789 optimize tokudb table enhancements

parent 23c4a786
set default_storage_engine='tokudb';
drop table if exists t;
create table t (a int, b int, c int, primary key(a), key(b), key(c));
set tokudb_optimize_index_name='primary';
optimize table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t optimize note Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
test.t optimize status OK
set tokudb_optimize_index_name='b';
optimize table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t optimize note Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
test.t optimize status OK
set tokudb_optimize_index_name='c';
optimize table t;
Table Op Msg_type Msg_text
test.t optimize note Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead
test.t optimize status OK
drop table t;
# test tokudb_optimize_index_name session variable
set default_storage_engine='tokudb';
source include/;
drop table if exists t;
create table t (a int, b int, c int, primary key(a), key(b), key(c));
# optimize primary key
set tokudb_optimize_index_name='primary';
optimize table t;
# optimize key b
set tokudb_optimize_index_name='b';
optimize table t;
# optimize key c
set tokudb_optimize_index_name='c';
optimize table t;
drop table t;
......@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ PATENT RIGHTS GRANT:
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."
#include "toku_time.h"
struct analyze_progress_extra {
THD *thd;
......@@ -186,9 +188,12 @@ typedef struct hot_optimize_context {
uint progress_stage;
uint current_table;
uint num_tables;
float progress_limit;
uint64_t progress_last_time;
uint64_t throttle;
static int hot_poll_fun(void *extra, float progress) {
static int hot_optimize_progress_fun(void *extra, float progress) {
if (thd_killed(context->thd)) {
sprintf(context->write_status_msg, "The process has been killed, aborting hot optimize.");
......@@ -207,14 +212,27 @@ static int hot_poll_fun(void *extra, float progress) {
// the percentage we report here is for the current stage/db
thd_progress_report(context->thd, (unsigned long long) percentage, 100);
return 0;
// throttle the optimize table
if (context->throttle) {
uint64_t time_now = toku_current_time_microsec();
uint64_t dt = time_now - context->progress_last_time;
uint64_t throttle_time = 1000000ULL / context->throttle;
if (throttle_time > dt) {
usleep(throttle_time - dt);
context->progress_last_time = toku_current_time_microsec();
// return 1 if progress has reach the progress limit
return progress >= context->progress_limit;
// flatten all DB's in this table, to do so, peform hot optimize on each db
int ha_tokudb::do_optimize(THD *thd) {
TOKUDB_HANDLER_DBUG_ENTER("%s", share->table_name);
int error = 0;
const char *orig_proc_info = tokudb_thd_get_proc_info(thd);
int error;
uint curr_num_DBs = table->s->keys + tokudb_test(hidden_primary_key);
......@@ -225,11 +243,21 @@ int ha_tokudb::do_optimize(THD *thd) {
// for each DB, run optimize and hot_optimize
for (uint i = 0; i < curr_num_DBs; i++) {
// only optimize the index if it matches the optimize_index_name session variable
const char *optimize_index_name = THDVAR(thd, optimize_index_name);
if (optimize_index_name) {
const char *this_index_name = i >= table_share->keys ? "primary" : table_share->key_info[i].name;
if (strcasecmp(optimize_index_name, this_index_name) != 0) {
DB* db = share->key_file[i];
error = db->optimize(db);
if (error) {
goto cleanup;
struct hot_optimize_context hc;
memset(&hc, 0, sizeof hc); = thd;
......@@ -237,8 +265,11 @@ int ha_tokudb::do_optimize(THD *thd) {
hc.ha = this;
hc.current_table = i;
hc.num_tables = curr_num_DBs;
hc.progress_limit = THDVAR(thd, optimize_index_fraction);
hc.progress_last_time = toku_current_time_microsec();
hc.throttle = THDVAR(thd, optimize_throttle);
uint64_t loops_run;
error = db->hot_optimize(db, NULL, NULL, hot_poll_fun, &hc, &loops_run);
error = db->hot_optimize(db, NULL, NULL, hot_optimize_progress_fun, &hc, &loops_run);
if (error) {
goto cleanup;
......@@ -1390,8 +1390,6 @@ static MYSQL_SYSVAR_STR(data_dir, tokudb_data_dir, PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY, "TokuDB
static MYSQL_SYSVAR_STR(version, tokudb_version, PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY, "TokuDB Version", NULL, NULL, NULL);
static MYSQL_SYSVAR_UINT(init_flags, tokudb_init_flags, PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY, "Sets TokuDB DB_ENV->open flags", NULL, NULL, tokudb_init_flags, 0, ~0U, 0);
static MYSQL_SYSVAR_UINT(write_status_frequency, tokudb_write_status_frequency, 0, "TokuDB frequency that show processlist updates status of writes", NULL, NULL, 1000, 0, ~0U, 0);
static MYSQL_SYSVAR_UINT(read_status_frequency, tokudb_read_status_frequency, 0, "TokuDB frequency that show processlist updates status of reads", NULL, NULL, 10000, 0, ~0U, 0);
static MYSQL_SYSVAR_INT(fs_reserve_percent, tokudb_fs_reserve_percent, PLUGIN_VAR_READONLY, "TokuDB file system space reserve (percent free required)", NULL, NULL, 5, 0, 100, 0);
......@@ -1428,7 +1426,6 @@ static struct st_mysql_sys_var *tokudb_system_variables[] = {
......@@ -1469,6 +1466,9 @@ static struct st_mysql_sys_var *tokudb_system_variables[] = {
......@@ -545,6 +545,12 @@ static MYSQL_THDVAR_BOOL(rpl_lookup_rows, PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL, "lookup a row on
static MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONGLONG(rpl_lookup_rows_delay, PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL, "time in milliseconds to add to lookups on replication slave",
NULL, NULL, 0 /*default*/, 0 /*min*/, ~0ULL /*max*/, 1 /*blocksize*/);
static MYSQL_THDVAR_STR(optimize_index_name, PLUGIN_VAR_THDLOCAL + PLUGIN_VAR_MEMALLOC, "optimize index name (default all indexes)", NULL /*check*/, NULL /*update*/, NULL /*default*/);
static MYSQL_THDVAR_DOUBLE(optimize_index_fraction, 0, "optimize index fraction (default 1.0 all)", NULL /*check*/, NULL /*update*/, 1.0 /*def*/, 0 /*min*/, 1.0 /*max*/, 1);
static MYSQL_THDVAR_ULONGLONG(optimize_throttle, 0, "optimize throttle (default no throttle)", NULL /*check*/, NULL /*update*/, 0 /*def*/, 0 /*min*/, ~0ULL /*max*/, 1);
extern HASH tokudb_open_tables;
extern pthread_mutex_t tokudb_mutex;
extern uint32_t tokudb_write_status_frequency;
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