Commit cb729724 authored by Bradley C. Kuszmaul's avatar Bradley C. Kuszmaul Committed by Yoni Fogel

Allocate blocks on alignment and don't write the root FIFO over the translate...

Allocate blocks on alignment and don't write the root FIFO over the translate block.  Addresses #1080, #1000, #1131.

git-svn-id: file:///svn/tokudb.1131b+1080a@6167 c7de825b-a66e-492c-adef-691d508d4ae1
parent 6818460a
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ struct blockpair {
struct block_allocator {
u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning; // How much to reserve at the beginning
u_int64_t alignment; // Block alignment
u_int64_t n_blocks; // How many blocks
u_int64_t blocks_array_size; // How big is the blocks_array. Must be >= n_blocks.
struct blockpair *blocks_array; // These blocks are sorted by address.
......@@ -53,9 +54,10 @@ block_allocator_print (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) {
create_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR *ba, u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning) {
create_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR *ba, u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning, u_int64_t alignment) {
result->reserve_at_beginning = reserve_at_beginning;
result->alignment = alignment;
result->n_blocks = 0;
result->blocks_array_size = 1;
XMALLOC_N(result->blocks_array_size, result->blocks_array);
......@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@ grow_blocks_array (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) {
block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t offset) {
assert(offset%ba->alignment == 0);
u_int64_t i;
assert(offset >= ba->reserve_at_beginning);
......@@ -107,6 +110,10 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t of
static u_int64_t align (u_int64_t value, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba) {
return ((value+ba->alignment-1)/ba->alignment)*ba->alignment;
block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offset) {
......@@ -123,11 +130,11 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offs
for (i=0; i<ba->n_blocks; i++, blocknum++) {
if (blocknum>=ba->n_blocks) blocknum=0;
// Consider the space after blocknum
if (blocknum+1 ==ba->n_blocks) continue; // Can't use the space after the last block, since that would be new space.
if (blocknum+1 == ba->n_blocks) continue; // Can't use the space after the last block, since that would be new space.
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[blocknum];
u_int64_t this_offset = bp[0].offset;
u_int64_t this_size = bp[0].size;
u_int64_t answer_offset = this_offset + this_size;
u_int64_t answer_offset = align(this_offset + this_size, ba);
if (answer_offset + size > bp[1].offset) continue; // The block we want doesn't fit after this block.
// It fits, so allocate it here.
memmove(bp+2, bp+1, (ba->n_blocks - blocknum -1)*sizeof(struct blockpair));
......@@ -141,7 +148,7 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offs
// It didn't fit anywhere, so fit it on the end.
struct blockpair *bp = &ba->blocks_array[ba->n_blocks];
u_int64_t answer_offset = bp[-1].offset+bp[-1].size;
u_int64_t answer_offset = align(bp[-1].offset+bp[-1].size, ba);
bp->offset = answer_offset;
bp->size = size;
......@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
typedef struct block_allocator *BLOCK_ALLOCATOR;
create_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR * ba, u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning);
create_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR * ba, u_int64_t reserve_at_beginning, u_int64_t alignment);
// Effect: Create a block allocator, in which the first RESERVE_AT_BEGINNING bytes are not put into a block.
// All blocks be start on a multiple of ALIGNMENT.
// Aborts if we run out of memory.
// Parameters
// ba (OUT): Result stored here.
// reserve_at_beginning (IN) Size of reserved block at beginning.
// alignment (IN) Block alignment.
destroy_block_allocator (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR *ba);
......@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@ block_allocator_alloc_block_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t of
// Effect: Allocate a block of the specified size at a particular offset.
// Aborts if anything goes wrong.
// Requires: The resulting block may not overlap any other allocated block.
// And the offset must be a multiple of the block alignment.
// Parameters:
// ba (IN/OUT): The block allocator. (Modifies ba.)
// size (IN): The size of the block.
......@@ -54,6 +57,7 @@ void
block_allocator_alloc_block (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, u_int64_t size, u_int64_t *offset);
// Effect: Allocate a block of the specified size at an address chosen by the allocator.
// Aborts if anything goes wrong.
// The block address will be a multiple of the alignment.
// Parameters:
// ba (IN/OUT): The block allocator. (Modifies ba.)
// size (IN): The size of the block.
......@@ -281,4 +281,6 @@ enum brt_layout_version_e {
void toku_brtheader_free (struct brt_header *h);
int toku_brtheader_close (CACHEFILE cachefile, void *header_v);
......@@ -620,7 +620,8 @@ int toku_serialize_brt_header_to_wbuf (struct wbuf *wbuf, struct brt_header *h)
if (h->block_translation_address_on_disk != 0) {
block_allocator_free_block(h->block_allocator, h->block_translation_address_on_disk);
block_allocator_alloc_block(h->block_allocator, 4 + 8*h->translated_blocknum_limit, &h->block_translation_address_on_disk);
block_allocator_alloc_block(h->block_allocator, 4 + 16*h->translated_blocknum_limit, &h->block_translation_address_on_disk);
//printf("%s:%d bta=%lu size=%lu\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, h->block_translation_address_on_disk, 4 + 16*h->translated_blocknum_limit);
wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->translated_blocknum_limit);
wbuf_DISKOFF(wbuf, h->block_translation_address_on_disk);
if (h->n_named_roots>=0) {
......@@ -702,7 +703,7 @@ int deserialize_brtheader (u_int32_t size, int fd, DISKOFF off, struct brt_heade
h->block_translation_size_on_disk = 4 + 16 * h->translated_blocknum_limit;
h->block_translation_address_on_disk = rbuf_diskoff(&rc);
// Set up the the block translation buffer.
create_block_allocator(&h->block_allocator, h->nodesize);
create_block_allocator(&h->block_allocator, h->nodesize, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT);
// printf("%s:%d translated_blocknum_limit=%ld, block_translation_address_on_disk=%ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, h->translated_blocknum_limit, h->block_translation_address_on_disk);
if (h->block_translation_address_on_disk == 0) {
h->block_translation = 0;
......@@ -718,7 +719,7 @@ int deserialize_brtheader (u_int32_t size, int fd, DISKOFF off, struct brt_heade
// check the checksum
u_int32_t x1764 = x1764_memory(tbuf, h->block_translation_size_on_disk - 4);
u_int64_t offset = h->block_translation_size_on_disk - 4;
// printf("%s:%d read from %ld (x1764 offset=%ld) size=%ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, h->block_translation_address_on_disk, offset, h->block_translation_size_on_disk);
//printf("%s:%d read from %ld (x1764 offset=%ld) size=%ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, h->block_translation_address_on_disk, offset, h->block_translation_size_on_disk);
u_int32_t stored_x1764 = ntohl(*(int*)(tbuf + offset));
assert(x1764 == stored_x1764);
......@@ -222,7 +222,9 @@ int toku_brtheader_close (CACHEFILE cachefile, void *header_v) {
// block_allocator_allocated_limit(h->block_allocator), h->unused_blocks.b*h->nodesize);
if (h->dirty) {
toku_serialize_brt_header_to(toku_cachefile_fd(cachefile), h);
toku_serialize_fifo_at(toku_cachefile_fd(cachefile), block_allocator_allocated_limit(h->block_allocator), h->fifo);
u_int64_t write_to = block_allocator_allocated_limit(h->block_allocator); // Must compute this after writing the header.
//printf("%s:%d fifo written to %lu\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, write_to);
toku_serialize_fifo_at(toku_cachefile_fd(cachefile), write_to, h->fifo);
return 0;
......@@ -2162,7 +2164,7 @@ static int brt_alloc_init_header(BRT t, const char *dbname, TOKUTXN txn) {
t->h->block_translation_size_on_disk = 0;
t->h->block_translation_address_on_disk = 0;
// printf("%s:%d translated_blocknum_limit=%ld, block_translation_address_on_disk=%ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, t->h->translated_blocknum_limit, t->h->block_translation_address_on_disk);
create_block_allocator(&t->h->block_allocator, t->nodesize);
create_block_allocator(&t->h->block_allocator, t->nodesize, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT);
t->root_put_counter = global_root_put_counter++;
if (dbname) {
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static void
test_ba0 (void) {
u_int64_t b0, b1;
create_block_allocator(&ba, 100);
create_block_allocator(&ba, 100, 1);
ba_alloc_at(ba, 50, 100);
ba_alloc_at(ba, 25, 150);
ba_alloc (ba, 10, &b0);
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ test_ba0 (void) {
static void
test_ba1 (int n_initial) {
create_block_allocator(&ba, 0);
create_block_allocator(&ba, 0, 1);
int i;
int n_blocks=0;
u_int64_t blocks[1000];
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ static void test_serialize(void) {
brt_h->block_translation = btps;
brt_h->block_translation[20].diskoff = 4096;
brt_h->block_translation[20].size = 100;
create_block_allocator(&brt_h->block_allocator, 4096);
create_block_allocator(&brt_h->block_allocator, 4096, BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_ALIGNMENT);
u_int64_t b;
block_allocator_alloc_block(brt_h->block_allocator, 100, &b);
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