Commit d44859bc authored by unknown's avatar unknown

Added copy_typelib() declaration to make ABI compatibility test happy

parent 4d94617b
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ enum mysql_status;
typedef struct st_mysql_rows MYSQL_ROWS;
# 24 "my_list.h"
typedef struct st_list LIST;
# 35 "my_alloc.h"
typedef struct st_mem_root MEM_ROOT;
# 251 "mysql.h"
typedef struct st_mysql MYSQL;
# 653 "mysql.h"
......@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ typedef struct st_mysql_stmt MYSQL_STMT;
typedef struct character_set MY_CHARSET_INFO;
# 180 "mysql_com.h"
typedef struct st_net NET;
# 21 "typelib.h"
# 23 "typelib.h"
typedef struct st_typelib TYPELIB;
# 170 "mysql_com.h"
typedef struct st_vio Vio;
......@@ -76,8 +78,6 @@ typedef int my_socket;
typedef unsigned long long int my_ulonglong;
# 144 "mysql.h"
typedef struct embedded_query_result EMBEDDED_QUERY_RESULT;
# 35 "my_alloc.h"
typedef struct st_mem_root MEM_ROOT;
# 145 "mysql.h"
typedef struct st_mysql_data MYSQL_DATA;
# 750 "mysql.h"
......@@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ struct __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__(void *)), aligned(__alignof__(unsigned
my_bool report_error;
my_bool return_errno;
# 21 "typelib.h"
# 23 "typelib.h"
struct __attribute__((aligned(__alignof__(unsigned int)), aligned(__alignof__(void *)))) st_typelib
unsigned int count;
......@@ -630,9 +630,11 @@ enum mysql_status
extern my_bool check_scramble(char const * reply, char const * message, unsigned char const * hash_stage2);
# 416 "mysql_com.h"
extern my_bool check_scramble_323(char const *, char const * message, unsigned long int * salt);
# 33 "typelib.h"
extern TYPELIB * copy_typelib(MEM_ROOT * root, TYPELIB * from);
# 411 "mysql_com.h"
extern void create_random_string(char * to, unsigned int, struct rand_struct * rand_st);
# 28 "typelib.h"
# 30 "typelib.h"
extern int find_type(char * x, TYPELIB * typelib, unsigned int);
# 425 "mysql_com.h"
extern void get_salt_from_password(unsigned char * res, char const * password);
......@@ -640,7 +642,7 @@ extern void get_salt_from_password(unsigned char * res, char const * password);
extern void get_salt_from_password_323(unsigned long int * res, char const * password);
# 431 "mysql_com.h"
extern char * get_tty_password(char * opt_message);
# 30 "typelib.h"
# 32 "typelib.h"
extern char const * get_type(TYPELIB * typelib, unsigned int);
# 413 "mysql_com.h"
extern void hash_password(unsigned long int * to, char const * password, unsigned int);
......@@ -668,7 +670,7 @@ extern void make_password_from_salt_323(char * to, unsigned long int const * sal
extern void make_scrambled_password(char * to, char const * password);
# 414 "mysql_com.h"
extern void make_scrambled_password_323(char * to, char const * password);
# 29 "typelib.h"
# 31 "typelib.h"
extern void make_type(char * to, unsigned int, TYPELIB * typelib);
# 437 "mysql_com.h"
extern int modify_defaults_file(char const * file_location, char const * option, char const * option_value, char const * section_name, int);
......@@ -962,5 +964,5 @@ extern void randominit(struct rand_struct *, unsigned long int, unsigned long in
extern void scramble(char * to, char const * message, char const * password);
# 415 "mysql_com.h"
extern void scramble_323(char * to, char const * message, char const * password);
# 32 "typelib.h"
# 35 "typelib.h"
extern TYPELIB sql_protocol_typelib;
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