Commit d4f2e7a9 authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

Fix failures introduced in the previous push

parent 51564575
......@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ if (`select @@join_cache_level=6`)
--echo # Not anymore:
--echo # The following query gives wrong result due to Bug#49129
select sin(0);
select * from t0 where t0.a in
(select t1.a from t1, t2 where t2.a=t0.a and t1.b=t2.b);
......@@ -852,13 +852,13 @@ bool Key_value_records_iterator::init(DsMrr_impl *dsmrr_arg)
uchar *key_in_buf= dsmrr->cur_index_tuple;
last_identical_key_ptr= dsmrr->cur_index_tuple;
if (dsmrr->use_key_pointers)
dsmrr->cur_index_tuple= *((uchar**)dsmrr->cur_index_tuple);
/* Check out how many more identical keys are following */
//char *save_cur_range_info= cur_range_info;
uchar *save_cur_index_tuple= dsmrr->cur_index_tuple;
last_identical_key_ptr= dsmrr->cur_index_tuple;
while (!
if (DsMrr_impl::key_tuple_cmp(dsmrr, key_in_buf, dsmrr->cur_index_tuple))
......@@ -901,6 +901,7 @@ int Key_value_records_iterator::get_next()
return res;
get_next_row= FALSE;
}; // This gets us next range_id.
......@@ -1052,7 +1053,7 @@ int DsMrr_impl::dsmrr_next(char **range_info)
if (do_sort_keys)
if (index_scan_eof)
if (!index_scan_eof)
/* There are some sorted keys left. Use them to get rowids */
if ((res= dsmrr_fill_rowid_buffer()))
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