Commit dd07e30c authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

- Change the connect_xtrace variable to from int to set

  modified:   storage/connect/inihandl.cpp
parent 5abdd20c
......@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static PROFILESECTION *PROFILE_Load( FILE *file )
next_key = &section->key;
prev_key = NULL;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("New section: '%s'\n",section->name);
......@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static PROFILESECTION *PROFILE_Load( FILE *file )
next_key = &key->next;
prev_key = key;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("New key: name='%s', value='%s'\n",
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_FlushFile(void)
FILE *file = NULL;
struct stat buf;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("PROFILE_FlushFile: CurProfile=%p\n", CurProfile);
if (!CurProfile) {
......@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_FlushFile(void)
return FALSE;
} // endif !file
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("Saving '%s'\n", CurProfile->filename);
PROFILE_Save(file, CurProfile->section);
......@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_Open(LPCSTR filename)
struct stat buf;
PROFILE *tempProfile;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("PROFILE_Open: CurProfile=%p N=%d\n", CurProfile, N_CACHED_PROFILES);
/* First time around */
......@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_Open(LPCSTR filename)
/* Check for a match */
for (i = 0; i < N_CACHED_PROFILES; i++) {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("MRU=%s i=%d\n", SVP(MRUProfile[i]->filename), i);
if (MRUProfile[i]->filename && !strcmp(filename, MRUProfile[i]->filename)) {
......@@ -483,11 +483,11 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_Open(LPCSTR filename)
} // endif i
if (!stat(CurProfile->filename, &buf) && CurProfile->mtime == buf.st_mtime) {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("(%s): already opened (mru=%d)\n", filename, i);
} else {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("(%s): already opened, needs refreshing (mru=%d)\n", filename, i);
} // endif stat
......@@ -535,11 +535,11 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_Open(LPCSTR filename)
// strcpy(p, filename);
// _strlwr(p);
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("Opening %s\n", filename);
if ((file = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("(%s): found it\n", filename);
// CurProfile->unix_name = malloc(strlen(buffer)+1);
......@@ -574,12 +574,12 @@ void PROFILE_Close(LPCSTR filename)
struct stat buf;
PROFILE *tempProfile;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("PROFILE_Close: CurProfile=%p N=%d\n", CurProfile, N_CACHED_PROFILES);
/* Check for a match */
for (i = 0; i < N_CACHED_PROFILES; i++) {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("MRU=%s i=%d\n", SVP(MRUProfile[i]->filename), i);
if (MRUProfile[i]->filename && !strcmp(filename, MRUProfile[i]->filename)) {
......@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ void PROFILE_Close(LPCSTR filename)
} // endif i
if (trace > 1) {
if (trace(2)) {
if (!stat(CurProfile->filename, &buf) && CurProfile->mtime == buf.st_mtime)
htrc("(%s): already opened (mru=%d)\n", filename, i);
......@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ void PROFILE_End(void)
int i;
if (trace)
if (trace(3))
htrc("PROFILE_End: CurProfile=%p N=%d\n", CurProfile, N_CACHED_PROFILES);
if (!CurProfile) // Sergey Vojtovich
......@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ void PROFILE_End(void)
/* Close all opened files and free the cache structure */
for (i = 0; i < N_CACHED_PROFILES; i++) {
if (trace)
if (trace(3))
htrc("MRU=%s i=%d\n", SVP(MRUProfile[i]->filename), i);
// CurProfile = MRUProfile[i]; Sergey Vojtovich
......@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ static int PROFILE_GetSectionNames(LPSTR buffer, uint len)
uint f,l;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("GetSectionNames: buffer=%p len=%u\n", buffer, len);
if (!buffer || !len)
......@@ -909,17 +909,17 @@ static int PROFILE_GetSectionNames(LPSTR buffer, uint len)
buf = buffer;
section = CurProfile->section;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("GetSectionNames: section=%p\n", section);
while (section != NULL) {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("section=%s\n", section->name);
if (section->name[0]) {
l = strlen(section->name) + 1;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("l=%u f=%u\n", l, f);
if (l > f) {
......@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ static int PROFILE_GetString(LPCSTR section, LPCSTR key_name,
key = PROFILE_Find(&CurProfile->section, section, key_name, FALSE, FALSE);
PROFILE_CopyEntry(buffer, (key && key->value) ? key->value : def_val, len, FALSE);
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("('%s','%s','%s'): returning '%s'\n",
section, key_name, def_val, buffer );
......@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_SetString(LPCSTR section_name, LPCSTR key_name,
LPCSTR value, BOOL create_always)
if (!key_name) { /* Delete a whole section */
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("Deleting('%s')\n", section_name);
CurProfile->changed |= PROFILE_DeleteSection(&CurProfile->section,
......@@ -1018,7 +1018,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_SetString(LPCSTR section_name, LPCSTR key_name,
return TRUE; /* Even if PROFILE_DeleteSection() has failed,
this is not an error on application's level.*/
} else if (!value) { /* Delete a key */
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("Deleting('%s','%s')\n", section_name, key_name);
CurProfile->changed |= PROFILE_DeleteKey(&CurProfile->section,
......@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_SetString(LPCSTR section_name, LPCSTR key_name,
} else { /* Set the key value */
PROFILEKEY *key = PROFILE_Find(&CurProfile->section, section_name,
key_name, TRUE, create_always);
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("Setting('%s','%s','%s')\n", section_name, key_name, value);
if (!key)
......@@ -1040,17 +1040,17 @@ static BOOL PROFILE_SetString(LPCSTR section_name, LPCSTR key_name,
if (!strcmp(key->value, value)) {
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc(" no change needed\n" );
return TRUE; /* No change needed */
} // endif value
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc(" replacing '%s'\n", key->value);
} else if (trace > 1)
} else if (trace(2))
htrc(" creating key\n" );
key->value = (char*)malloc(strlen(value) + 1);
......@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(LPSTR buffer, DWORD size, LPCSTR filename)
DWORD ret = 0;
if (trace > 1)
if (trace(2))
htrc("GPPSN: filename=%s\n", filename);
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