Commit dd7907e1 authored by unknown's avatar unknown


parents 8cf00d90 72961244
......@@ -3,5 +3,17 @@
# This file is now deprecated and has been replaced by
# unittest/ma_test_all-t
if test -n "$1"; then
# can't pass options to ma_test_all-t, so if anything
# was passed as an argument, assume the purpose was to pass
# them to ma_test_all-t and call it directly
perl ../../unittest/ run unittest/ma_test_all-t
unittest/ma_test_all-t $@
perl ../../unittest/ run unittest/ma_test_all-t
......@@ -6,21 +6,26 @@
use Getopt::Long;
$|= 1;
$VER= "1.1";
$opt_version= 0;
$opt_help= 0;
$opt_verbose= 0;
$opt_maria_path= undef();
$opt_valgrind= "valgrind --alignment=8 --leak-check=yes";
$opt_suffix= "";
$opt_silent= "-s";
my $maria_path= $ENV{'maria_path'};
$VER= "1.2";
$opt_version= 0;
$opt_help= 0;
$opt_verbose= 0;
$opt_maria_path= undef();
$opt_valgrind= "valgrind --alignment=8 --leak-check=yes";
$opt_suffix= "";
$opt_silent= "-s";
$opt_number_of_tests= 0;
$opt_run_tests= undef();
my $maria_path= $ENV{'maria_path'};
my $my_progname= $0;
$my_progname=~ s/.*[\/]//;
my $runtime_error= 0; # Return 1 if error(s) occur during run
my $NEW_TEST= 0; # Test group separator in an array of tests
my $test_begin= 0;
my $test_end= 0;
my $test_counter= 0;
......@@ -34,7 +39,8 @@ sub run_tests
my $flag_exit= 0;
if (!GetOptions("help", "version", "verbose", "maria-path=s",
"valgrind=s", "suffix=s", "silent=s"))
"valgrind=s", "suffix=s", "silent=s", "number-of-tests",
$flag_exit= 1;
......@@ -54,12 +60,6 @@ sub run_tests
usage() if ($opt_help || $flag_exit);
# clean-up
unlink <*.TMD maria_log*>; # Delete temporary files
# IMPORTANT: If you modify this file, please read this:
......@@ -73,13 +73,59 @@ sub run_tests
# make the unit test fail during 'make test'. $nr_tests must be right.
$nr_tests+= run_check_tests(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) * 4; #
$nr_tests+= run_check_tests(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) * 4; #
$nr_tests+= run_repair_tests(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) * 4; # called 4 times
$nr_tests+= run_pack_tests(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) * 4; #
$nr_tests+= run_pack_tests(0, 0, 0, 0, 1) * 4; #
$nr_tests+= run_tests_on_warnings_and_errors(0, 0, 0, 1);
$nr_tests+= run_ma_test_recovery(0, 1);
$nr_tests+= run_tests_on_clrs(0, 1);
if ($opt_number_of_tests)
print "Total number of tests is $nr_tests\n";
if (defined($opt_run_tests))
if ($opt_run_tests =~ m/^(\d+)$/)
$test_begin= $1;
elsif ($opt_run_tests =~ m/^(\d+)\.+(\d+)$/)
$test_begin= $1;
$test_end= $2;
print "Wrong syntax for option --run-tests=$opt_run_tests\n";
print "Please use --run-tests=<begin>..<end>\nwhere 'begin' is the ";
print "first test to be run and 'end' is the last.\n";
if ($test_end > $nr_tests)
print "Test range ($test_begin..$test_end) out of range. ";
print "There are only $nr_tests in the test suite.\n";
$test_begin++ if (!$test_begin); # Handle zero, if user gave that
if ($test_end && $test_begin > $test_end)
print "Bad test range ($test_begin..$test_end)\n";
# Now adjust number of tests
$nr_tests= ($test_end ? $test_end : $nr_tests) - $test_begin + 1;
# clean-up
unlink <*.TMD maria_log*>; # Delete temporary files
# Run tests
......@@ -433,6 +479,16 @@ sub ok
my ($com, $verbose, $iteration, $expected_error)= @_;
my ($msg, $output, $err, $len);
if ($test_begin > $test_counter)
return 0;
if ($test_end && $test_end < $test_counter)
$msg= "";
$expected_error= 0 if (!defined($expected_error));
......@@ -444,7 +500,7 @@ sub ok
$len= length($com);
if ($verbose)
print " " x (65 - $len);
print " " x (62 - $len);
print " ";
$err= $?;
......@@ -453,7 +509,12 @@ sub ok
print "[ " if ($verbose);
print "ok";
print " ]" if ($verbose);
if ($verbose)
print " ]";
print " " x (5 - length("$test_counter"));
print "$test_counter";
print "\n";
return 1;
......@@ -476,7 +537,7 @@ sub ok
$msg.= "at line ";
$msg.= (caller)[2];
$msg.= " (errcode: $err)\n";
$msg.= "\n(errcode: $err, test: $test_counter)\n";
if ($expected_error)
$msg.= "Was expecting errcode: $expected_error\n";
......@@ -557,6 +618,11 @@ Options
--suffix=... Suffix for test files (ma_test1, ma_test2 etc.),
if they have one ('$opt_suffix')
--silent=... Silent option passed to ma_test* tests ('$opt_silent')
--number-of-tests Print the total number of tests and exit.
--run-tests=... Test number(s) that should be run. You can give just
one number or a range. For example 45..89
Use this with caution, because some of the tests
might depend on previous ones.
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