Commit e124882e authored by's avatar

dict0mem.c, dict0dict.c, row0mysql.c, dict0mem.h:

  Do less statistics calculations for tables
dict0mem.h, row0mysql.c:
  Make calculation of new statistics less frequent, because the statistics in 3.23.44 involves many random disk reads
parent 6a01d8bc
......@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ dict_table_get(
if (table != NULL) {
if (table->stat_last_estimate_counter == (ulint)(-1)) {
if (!table->stat_initialized) {
......@@ -2578,6 +2578,8 @@ dict_update_statistics_low(
ulint size;
ulint sum_of_index_sizes = 0;
printf("Updating statistics for table %s\n", table->name);
/* Find out the sizes of the indexes and how many different values
for the key they approximately have */
......@@ -2612,9 +2614,11 @@ dict_update_statistics_low(
table->stat_clustered_index_size = index->stat_index_size;
table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = sum_of_index_sizes
- index->stat_index_size;
- index->stat_index_size;
table->stat_initialized = TRUE;
table->stat_last_estimate_counter = table->stat_modif_counter;
table->stat_modified_counter = 0;
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ dict_mem_table_create(
table->does_not_fit_in_memory = FALSE;
table->stat_last_estimate_counter = (ulint)(-1);
table->stat_initialized = FALSE;
table->stat_modif_counter = 0;
table->stat_modified_counter = 0;
mutex_set_level(&(table->autoinc_mutex), SYNC_DICT_AUTOINC_MUTEX);
......@@ -348,20 +348,20 @@ struct dict_table_struct{
database pages */
ulint stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes;
/* other indexes in database pages */
ulint stat_last_estimate_counter;
/* when the estimates were last time
calculated; a value (ulint)-1 denotes that
they have not yet been calculated for this
table (or the counter has wrapped over) */
ulint stat_modif_counter;
ibool stat_initialized; /* TRUE if statistics have
been calculated the first time
after database startup or table creation */
ulint stat_modified_counter;
/* when a row is inserted, updated, or deleted,
we add the row length to this number; we
calculate new estimates for the stat_...
values for the table and the indexes at an
but for small tables more often, also
interval of 2 GB or when about 1 / 16 of table
has been modified; also
when the estimate operation is called
for MySQL SHOW TABLE STATUS; this counter
for MySQL SHOW TABLE STATUS; the counter is
reset to zero at statistics calculation;
this counter
is not protected by any latch, because this
is only used for heuristics */
......@@ -377,10 +377,6 @@ struct dict_table_struct{
ulint magic_n;/* magic number */
#define DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N 76333786
/* Statistics are calculated at least with this interval; see the struct
above */
/* Data structure for a stored procedure */
struct dict_proc_struct{
......@@ -432,19 +432,24 @@ row_update_statistics_if_needed(
row_prebuilt_t* prebuilt) /* in: prebuilt struct */
ulint counter;
ulint old_counter;
counter = prebuilt->table->stat_modif_counter;
counter = prebuilt->table->stat_modified_counter;
counter += prebuilt->mysql_row_len;
prebuilt->table->stat_modif_counter = counter;
/* Since the physical size of an InnoDB row is bigger than the
MySQL row len, we put a safety factor 2 below */
old_counter = prebuilt->table->stat_last_estimate_counter;
counter += 2 * prebuilt->mysql_row_len;
if (counter - old_counter >= DICT_STAT_CALCULATE_INTERVAL
|| counter - old_counter >=
* prebuilt->table->stat_clustered_index_size / 2)) {
prebuilt->table->stat_modified_counter = counter;
/* Calculate new statistics if 1 / 16 of table has been modified
since the last time a statistics batch was run, or if
stat_modified_counter > 2 000 000 000 (to avoid wrap-around) */
if (counter > 2000000000
|| ((ib_longlong)counter >
(UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * prebuilt->table->stat_clustered_index_size)
/ 16)) {
......@@ -1019,6 +1024,26 @@ row_create_table_for_mysql(
keywordlen = ut_strlen("innodb_mem_validate");
if (namelen >= keywordlen
&& 0 == ut_memcmp(table->name + namelen - keywordlen,
"innodb_mem_validate", keywordlen)) {
/* We define here a debugging feature intended for
developers */
printf("Validating InnoDB memory:\n"
"to use this feature you must compile InnoDB with\n"
"UNIV_MEM_DEBUG defined in univ.i and the server must be\n"
"quiet because allocation from a mem heap is not protected\n"
"by any semaphore.\n");
printf("Memory validated\n");
/* Serialize data dictionary operations with dictionary mutex:
no deadlocks can occur then in these operations */
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