Commit e7aa18fb authored by Sergey Petrunya's avatar Sergey Petrunya

Code cleanup (1)

parent 2c7c230a
......@@ -7787,8 +7787,8 @@ bool setup_tables(THD *thd, Name_resolution_context *context,
DBUG_ASSERT(item == table_list->jtbm_subselect);
//psergey-merge: ^ todo: error checking!
if (table_list->jtbm_subselect->setup_engine(FALSE))
......@@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@ enum_nested_loop_state JOIN_CACHE::join_matching_records(bool skip_last)
/* Prepare to retrieve all records of the joined table */
if ((error= join_tab_scan->open())) //psergey-merge: TODO: look what it does inside? status-reset should use next_linear_tab
if ((error= join_tab_scan->open()))
goto finish; /* psergey-note: if this returns error, we will assert in net_send_statement() */
if ((rc= join_tab_execution_startup(join_tab)) < 0)
......@@ -121,11 +121,6 @@ class JOIN_CACHE :public Sql_alloc
JOIN *join;
Cardinality of the range of join tables whose fields can be put into the
cache. A table from the range not necessarily contributes to the cache.
// psergey-merge: gone: uint tables;
JOIN_TAB of the first table that can have it's fields in the join cache.
That is, tables in the [start_tab, tab) range can have their fields in the
......@@ -14728,20 +14728,6 @@ join_read_always_key(JOIN_TAB *tab)
// psergey-merge:todo: should the below be removed: ?
// if not, what's the BKA equivalent for it?
// (example: this is needed for outer joins where we can't do early NULL
// filtering because we'll still need to produce NULL-complemented records)
/* Perform "Late NULLs Filtering" (see internals manual for explanations) */
#if 0
Not needed?
for (uint i= 0 ; i < tab->ref.key_parts ; i++)
if ((tab->ref.null_rejecting & 1 << i) && tab->ref.items[i]->is_null())
return -1;
if (cp_buffer_from_ref(tab->join->thd, table, &tab->ref))
return -1;
if ((error= table->file->ha_index_read_map(table->record[0],
......@@ -357,9 +357,6 @@ typedef struct st_join_table {
uint sj_strategy;
//psergey-merge: todo: stop using this:
struct st_join_table *first_sjm_sibling;
void cleanup();
inline bool is_using_loose_index_scan()
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