Commit eca91c6f authored by Alexander Nozdrin's avatar Alexander Nozdrin

Automerge from mysql-next-mr.

parents d34e3df8 2f5413eb
......@@ -7724,6 +7724,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (!ok_to_do)
if (command->type == Q_SOURCE ||
command->type == Q_ERROR ||
command->type == Q_WRITE_FILE ||
command->type == Q_APPEND_FILE ||
command->type == Q_PERL)
......@@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ if (`select @result = 0`){
skip OK;
echo ^ Found warnings!!;
echo ^ Found warnings in $log_error;
......@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ BEGIN
WHERE suspicious=1;
IF @num_warnings > 0 THEN
SELECT file_name, line
FROM error_log WHERE suspicious=1;
--SELECT * FROM test_suppressions;
-- Return 2 -> check failed
let $is_win = `select convert(@@version_compile_os using latin1) IN ("Win32","Win64","Windows")`;
let $is_embedded = `select version() like '%embedded%'`;
#echo is_win: $is_win;
#echo is_embedded: $is_embedded;
if ($is_win)
if ($is_embedded)
skip Not supported with embedded on windows;
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv )
DWORD pid= -1;
HANDLE shutdown_event;
char safe_process_name[32]= {0};
int retry_open_event= 100;
int retry_open_event= 2;
/* Ignore any signals */
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
......@@ -51,15 +51,31 @@ int main(int argc, const char** argv )
Check if the process is alive, otherwise there is really
no idea to retry the open of the event
no sense to retry the open of the event
HANDLE process;
if ((process= OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, pid)) == NULL)
DWORD exit_code;
if (!process)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open event or process %d, error: %d\n",
pid, GetLastError());
/* Already died */
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(process,&exit_code))
fprintf(stderr, "GetExitCodeProcess failed, pid= %d, err= %d\n",
pid, GetLastError());
if (exit_code != STILL_ACTIVE)
/* Already died */
if (retry_open_event--)
......@@ -981,6 +981,17 @@ sub collect_one_test_case {
if ( $tinfo->{'need_ssl'} )
# This is a test that needs ssl
if ( ! $::opt_ssl_supported ) {
# SSL is not supported, skip it
$tinfo->{'skip'}= 1;
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "No SSL support";
return $tinfo;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find config file to use if not already selected in <testname>.opt file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -1061,6 +1072,7 @@ my @tags=
["include/", "ndb_test", 1],
["", "federated_test", 1],
["include/", "not_embedded", 1],
["include/", "need_ssl", 1],
......@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ sub mtr_report_test ($) {
$fail = "exp-fail";
$tinfo->{exp_fail}= 1;
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
my $opt_compress;
my $opt_ssl;
my $opt_skip_ssl;
my $opt_ssl_supported;
our $opt_ssl_supported;
my $opt_ps_protocol;
my $opt_sp_protocol;
my $opt_cursor_protocol;
......@@ -323,7 +323,8 @@ sub main {
for my $limit (2000, 1500, 1000, 500){
$opt_parallel-- if ($sys_info->min_bogomips() < $limit);
$opt_parallel= 8 if ($opt_parallel > 8);
my $max_par= $ENV{MTR_MAX_PARALLEL} || 8;
$opt_parallel= $max_par if ($opt_parallel > $max_par);
$opt_parallel= $num_tests if ($opt_parallel > $num_tests);
$opt_parallel= 1 if (IS_WINDOWS and $sys_info->isvm());
$opt_parallel= 1 if ($opt_parallel < 1);
......@@ -519,7 +520,8 @@ sub run_test_server ($$$) {
$num_failed_test++ unless $result->{retries};
$num_failed_test++ unless ($result->{retries} ||
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test has failed, force is off
......@@ -738,6 +740,7 @@ sub run_worker ($) {
elsif ($line eq 'BYE'){
mtr_report("Server said BYE");
else {
......@@ -1336,6 +1339,9 @@ sub command_line_setup {
push(@valgrind_args, @default_valgrind_args)
unless @valgrind_args;
# Make valgrind run in quiet mode so it only print errors
push(@valgrind_args, "--quiet" );
mtr_report("Running valgrind with options \"",
join(" ", @valgrind_args), "\"");
......@@ -1793,7 +1799,7 @@ sub environment_setup {
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add the path where mysqld will find
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($mysql_version_id >= 50100 && !(IS_WINDOWS && $opt_embedded_server)) {
if ($mysql_version_id >= 50100) {
my $plugin_filename;
......@@ -3019,7 +3025,8 @@ test case was executed:\n";
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running ".
"'check testcase $mode test'";
"'check testcase $mode test'".
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
$result= 3;
......@@ -3137,7 +3144,8 @@ sub run_on_all($$)
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running '$run'";
"The server $proc crashed while running '$run'".
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
# Kill any check processes still running
......@@ -3251,6 +3259,12 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
mtr_verbose("Running test:", $tinfo->{name});
# Allow only alpanumerics pluss _ - + . in combination names
my $combination= $tinfo->{combination};
if ($combination && $combination !~ /^\w[-\w\.\+]+$/)
mtr_error("Combination '$combination' contains illegal characters");
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Init variables that can change between each test case
# -------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -3443,14 +3457,14 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
my $check_res;
if ( restart_forced_by_test() )
elsif ( $opt_check_testcases and
$check_res= check_testcase($tinfo, "after"))
if ($check_res == 1) {
# Test case had sideeffects, not fatal error, just continue
mtr_report("Resuming tests...\n");
else {
......@@ -3531,7 +3545,8 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# Server failed, probably crashed
"Server $proc failed during test run";
"Server $proc failed during test run" .
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
# ----------------------------------------------------
# It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it
......@@ -3586,12 +3601,11 @@ sub run_testcase ($) {
# Extract server log from after the last occurrence of named test
# Return as an array of lines
# Perform a rough examination of the servers
# error log and write all lines that look
# suspicious into $error_log.warnings
sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
sub extract_server_log ($$) {
my ($error_log, $tname) = @_;
# Open the servers .err log file and read all lines
......@@ -3643,8 +3657,37 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
return @lines;
# Write all suspicious lines to $error_log.warnings file
# Get log from server identified from its $proc object, from named test
# Return as a single string
sub get_log_from_proc ($$) {
my ($proc, $name)= @_;
my $srv_log= "";
foreach my $mysqld (mysqlds()) {
if ($mysqld->{proc} eq $proc) {
my @srv_lines= extract_server_log($mysqld->value('#log-error'), $name);
$srv_log= "\nServer log from this test:\n" . join ("", @srv_lines);
return $srv_log;
# Perform a rough examination of the servers
# error log and write all lines that look
# suspicious into $error_log.warnings
sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
my ($error_log, $tname) = @_;
my @lines= extract_server_log($error_log, $tname);
# Write all suspicious lines to $error_log.warnings file
my $warning_log = "$error_log.warnings";
my $Fwarn = IO::File->new($warning_log, "w")
or die("Could not open file '$warning_log' for writing: $!");
......@@ -3652,14 +3695,9 @@ sub extract_warning_lines ($$) {
my @patterns =
# The patterns for detection of [Warning] and [ERROR]
# in the server log files have been faulty for a longer period
# and correcting them shows a few additional harmless warnings.
# Thus those patterns are temporarily removed from the list
# of patterns. For more info see BUG#42408
qr/^Warning:|mysqld: Warning|\[Warning\]/,
qr/^==.* at 0x/,
qr/^==\d*==/, # valgrind errors
qr/InnoDB: Warning|InnoDB: Error/,
qr/^safe_mutex:|allocated at line/,
qr/missing DBUG_RETURN/,
......@@ -3832,7 +3870,8 @@ sub check_warnings ($) {
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'";
"The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'".
get_log_from_proc($proc, $tinfo->{name});
$result= 3;
......@@ -4091,6 +4130,7 @@ sub mysqld_stop {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $mysqld->value('character-sets-dir'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--password=");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%d", $mysqld->value('port'));
......@@ -4288,7 +4328,8 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
mtr_error("Failed to start mysqld $mysqld->name()");
my $mname= $mysqld->name();
mtr_error("Failed to start mysqld $mname with command $exe");
# Remember options used when starting
......@@ -4299,11 +4340,12 @@ sub mysqld_start ($$) {
sub stop_all_servers () {
my $shutdown_timeout = $_[0] or 0;
mtr_verbose("Stopping all servers...");
# Kill all started servers
My::SafeProcess::shutdown(0, # shutdown timeout 0 => kill
# Remove pidfiles
......@@ -4674,7 +4716,8 @@ sub start_servers($) {
my $logfile= $mysqld->value('#log-error');
if ( defined $logfile and -f $logfile )
$tinfo->{logfile}= mtr_fromfile($logfile);
my @srv_lines= extract_server_log($logfile, $tinfo->{name});
$tinfo->{logfile}= "Server log is:\n" . join ("", @srv_lines);
......@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ here is the sourced script
outer=2 ifval=0
outer=1 ifval=1
here is the sourced script
ERROR 42S02: Table 'test.nowhere' doesn't exist
In loop
here is the sourced script
......@@ -854,6 +854,7 @@ while ($outer)
# Test source in an if in a while which is false on 1st iteration
# Also test --error in same context
let $outer= 2; # Number of outer loops
let $ifval= 0; # false 1st time
while ($outer)
......@@ -862,6 +863,8 @@ while ($outer)
if ($ifval) {
--source $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/
SELECT * from nowhere;
dec $outer;
inc $ifval;
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
--source include/
SELECT @@global.example_enum_var = 'e2';
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