Commit f38ef430 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

cleanup: remove *.opt files from the versioning suite

use include/ when some feature needs to be present
(because --xxx in the opt file will fail if the xxx is not compiled in)

set variables in the test, not on the command line, to avoid unnecessary
server restarts (they're must slower than SET).
parent f1bd02d9
set system_versioning_alter_history=keep;
# Check conventional partitioning on temporal tables
create table t1 (x int)
with system versioning
-- source include/
-- source suite/versioning/
set system_versioning_alter_history=keep;
--echo # Check conventional partitioning on temporal tables
create table t1 (x int)
--source include/
--source suite/versioning/
create table t (a int);
--innodb --default-storage-engine=innodb
-- source include/
set default_storage_engine=innodb;
delimiter ~~;
create or replace procedure drop_archives (in vtmd_name varchar(64))
-- source include/
delimiter ~~;
create or replace procedure drop_archives (in vtmd_name varchar(64))
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