Commit f80e4116 authored by Horst Hunger's avatar Horst Hunger

Fix for bug#36873 containing the review results.

parent 7eeb9a12
drop table if exists t1;
## Creating new table t1 ##
id INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
name VARCHAR(30)
SET @start_value= @@global.wait_timeout;
## Creating new connection test_con1 ##
## Setting value of variable to 5 ##
SET @@session.wait_timeout = 5;
## Inserting record in table t1 ##
INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_1');
## Using sleep to check timeout ##
## Setting value of variable ##
SET @@global.wait_timeout = 5;
## Creating new connection test_con2 ##
INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_2');
## Using sleep to check timeout ##
SET @start_time= UNIX_TIMESTAMP();
connect (test_con1, localhost, root,,);
SELECT @@session.wait_timeout = @@global.wait_timeout AS 'Expect 1';
Expect 1
SET @@session.wait_timeout = <session_value>;
connect (test_con2, localhost, root,,);
SET @@session.wait_timeout = <session_value> - 1;
connection default;
wait until connections ready
SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist;
SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist
## Setting value of variable to 1 ##
SET @@global.wait_timeout = 1;
## Creating new connection ##
INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_3');
## Using sleep to check timeout ##
## We cannot test it further because the server stops due to wait_timeout ##
SELECT * from t1;
ERROR HY000: MySQL server has gone away
SET @@global.wait_timeout= <global_value>;
SELECT @@session.wait_timeout = @start_value AS 'Expect 1';
Expect 1
connect (test_con3, localhost, root,,);
SELECT @@session.wait_timeout = @@global.wait_timeout AS 'Expect 1';
Expect 1
connection default;
SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist;
SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist
SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time >= <global_value> + <session_value>;;
UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time >= <global_value> + <session_value>;
SET @@global.wait_timeout= @start_value;
......@@ -11,93 +11,87 @@
# Creation Date: 2008-03-07 #
# Author: Salman Rawala #
# #
# Modified: HHunger 2008-08-27 Simplified the test and replaced the sleeps. #
# #
# Description: Test Cases of Dynamic System Variable wait_timeout #
# that checks the functionality of this variable #
# #
# Reference: #
# server-system-variables.html#option_mysqld_wait_timeouts #
# Reference: #
# #
# #
--source include/
drop table if exists t1;
# Creating two new tables #
--echo ## Creating new table t1 ##
id INT NOT NULL auto_increment,
name VARCHAR(30)
SET @start_value= @@global.wait_timeout;
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_186_01-------------------------#'
# Setting initial value of interactive_timeout greater than sleep and
# verifying its behavior on session scope
# 1. test of scope session
--echo ## Creating new connection test_con1 ##
SET @start_time= UNIX_TIMESTAMP();
--echo connect (test_con1, localhost, root,,);
connect (test_con1, localhost, root,,);
connection test_con1;
--echo ## Setting value of variable to 5 ##
SET @@session.wait_timeout = 5;
--echo ## Inserting record in table t1 ##
INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_1');
--echo ## Using sleep to check timeout ##
sleep 4;
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_186_02-------------------------#'
# Setting initial value of interactive_timeout greater than sleep and
# verifying its behavior on global scope
# If not explicitly changed, @@session.wait_timeout equals @@global.wait_timeout.
SELECT @@session.wait_timeout = @@global.wait_timeout AS 'Expect 1';
--echo ## Setting value of variable ##
SET @@global.wait_timeout = 5;
# Find a small value <> @@global.wait_timeout.
let $session_value =
`SELECT IF(@@global.wait_timeout <> 2 OR @@global.wait_timeout IS NULL, 2, 3)`;
--replace_result $session_value <session_value>
eval SET @@session.wait_timeout = $session_value;
--echo ## Creating new connection test_con2 ##
--echo connect (test_con2, localhost, root,,);
connect (test_con2, localhost, root,,);
connection test_con2;
INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_2');
--echo ## Using sleep to check timeout ##
sleep 4;
--replace_result $session_value <session_value>
eval SET @@session.wait_timeout = $session_value - 1;
--echo connection default;
connection default;
--echo wait until connections ready
let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM information_schema.processlist;
--source include/
SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist;
--echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_186_03-------------------------#'
# Setting initial value of interactive_timeout less than sleep and
# verifying its behavior on global scope
# 2. test of scope global
--echo ## Setting value of variable to 1 ##
SET @@global.wait_timeout = 1;
# Find a small value <> @@global.wait_timeout.
let $global_value = $session_value + 1;
--replace_result $global_value <global_value>
eval SET @@global.wait_timeout= $global_value;
--echo ## Creating new connection ##
# Changing the @@global.wait_timeout has no influence on the
# @@session.wait_timeout of already established sessions.
SELECT @@session.wait_timeout = @start_value AS 'Expect 1';
--echo connect (test_con3, localhost, root,,);
connect (test_con3, localhost, root,,);
connection test_con3;
INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_3');
--echo ## Using sleep to check timeout ##
sleep 5;
--echo ## We cannot test it further because the server stops due to wait_timeout ##
--Error 2006
SELECT * from t1;
# If not explicitly changed, @@session.wait_timeout equals @@global.wait_timeout.
SELECT @@session.wait_timeout = @@global.wait_timeout AS 'Expect 1';
--echo connection default;
connection default;
# We can be sure that the connections test_con1 and test_con2 must be
# established because both have already executed a SET @@session.wait_timeout.
# This means they are or at least were visible within the processlist.
# Therefore we can now simply wait till both disappear from the processlist.
let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 FROM information_schema.processlist;
--source include/
SELECT info FROM information_schema.processlist;
--replace_result $global_value <global_value> $session_value <session_value>;
eval SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - @start_time >= $global_value + $session_value;
SET @@global.wait_timeout= @start_value;
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