Commit f8fcc618 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

break out tuple data read

  more state saving
  break out tuple data read for ndb_restore
  more save state in run query
parent 9a392206
......@@ -241,19 +241,22 @@ static void dbug_print_table(const char *info, TABLE *table)
static void run_query(THD *thd, char *buf, char *end,
const int *no_print_error, my_bool disable_binlog)
ulong save_query_length= thd->query_length;
char *save_query= thd->query;
struct system_variables save_variables= thd->variables;
struct system_status_var save_status_var= thd->status_var;
ulong save_thd_query_length= thd->query_length;
char *save_thd_query= thd->query;
struct system_variables save_thd_variables= thd->variables;
struct system_status_var save_thd_status_var= thd->status_var;
THD_TRANS save_thd_transaction_all= thd->transaction.all;
THD_TRANS save_thd_transaction_stmt= thd->transaction.stmt;
ulonglong save_thd_options= thd->options;
DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(save_thd_options) == sizeof(thd->options));
NET save_net= thd->net;
NET save_thd_net= thd->net;
const char* found_semicolon= NULL;
bzero((char*) &thd->net, sizeof(NET));
thd->query_length= end - buf;
thd->query= buf;
thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id= thread_id;
thd->transaction.stmt.modified_non_trans_table= FALSE;
if (disable_binlog)
thd->options&= ~OPTION_BIN_LOG;
......@@ -276,11 +279,13 @@ static void run_query(THD *thd, char *buf, char *end,
thd->options= save_thd_options;
thd->query_length= save_query_length;
thd->query= save_query;
thd->variables= save_variables;
thd->status_var= save_status_var;
thd->net= save_net;
thd->query_length= save_thd_query_length;
thd->query= save_thd_query;
thd->variables= save_thd_variables;
thd->status_var= save_thd_status_var;
thd->transaction.all= save_thd_transaction_all;
thd->transaction.stmt= save_thd_transaction_stmt;
thd->net= save_thd_net;
if (thd == injector_thd)
......@@ -534,6 +534,88 @@ TupleS::prepareRecord(TableS & tab){
return true;
RestoreDataIterator::readTupleData(Uint32 *buf_ptr, Uint32 *ptr,
Uint32 dataLength)
while (ptr + 2 < buf_ptr + dataLength)
typedef BackupFormat::DataFile::VariableData VarData;
VarData * data = (VarData *)ptr;
Uint32 sz = ntohl(data->Sz);
Uint32 attrId = ntohl(data->Id); // column_no
AttributeData * attr_data = m_tuple.getData(attrId);
const AttributeDesc * attr_desc = m_tuple.getDesc(attrId);
// just a reminder - remove when backwards compat implemented
if (m_currentTable->backupVersion < MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3) &&
const Uint32 ind = attr_desc->m_nullBitIndex;
attr_data->null = true;
attr_data->void_value = NULL;
if (m_currentTable->backupVersion < MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3))
sz *= 4;
attr_data->null = false;
attr_data->void_value = &data->Data[0];
attr_data->size = sz;
//if (m_currentTable->getTableId() >= 2) { ndbout << "var off=" << ptr-buf_ptr << " attrId=" << attrId << endl; }
* Compute array size
const Uint32 arraySize = sz / (attr_desc->size / 8);
assert(arraySize <= attr_desc->arraySize);
//convert the length of blob(v1) and text(v1)
&& (attr_desc->m_column->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Blob
|| attr_desc->m_column->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Text)
&& attr_desc->m_column->getArrayType() == NdbDictionary::Column::ArrayTypeFixed)
char* p = (char*)&attr_data->u_int64_value[0];
Uint64 x;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(Uint64));
x = Twiddle64(x);
memcpy(p, &x, sizeof(Uint64));
//convert datetime type
&& attr_desc->m_column->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Datetime)
char* p = (char*)&attr_data->u_int64_value[0];
Uint64 x;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(Uint64));
x = Twiddle64(x);
memcpy(p, &x, sizeof(Uint64));
if(!Twiddle(attr_desc, attr_data, attr_desc->arraySize))
return -1;
ptr += ((sz + 3) >> 2) + 2;
assert(ptr == buf_ptr + dataLength);
return 0;
const TupleS *
RestoreDataIterator::getNextTuple(int & res)
......@@ -630,78 +712,8 @@ RestoreDataIterator::getNextTuple(int & res)
attr_data->void_value = NULL;
while (ptr + 2 < buf_ptr + dataLength) {
typedef BackupFormat::DataFile::VariableData VarData;
VarData * data = (VarData *)ptr;
Uint32 sz = ntohl(data->Sz);
Uint32 attrId = ntohl(data->Id); // column_no
AttributeData * attr_data = m_tuple.getData(attrId);
const AttributeDesc * attr_desc = m_tuple.getDesc(attrId);
// just a reminder - remove when backwards compat implemented
if(m_currentTable->backupVersion < MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3) &&
const Uint32 ind = attr_desc->m_nullBitIndex;
attr_data->null = true;
attr_data->void_value = NULL;
if (m_currentTable->backupVersion < MAKE_VERSION(5,1,3))
sz *= 4;
attr_data->null = false;
attr_data->void_value = &data->Data[0];
attr_data->size = sz;
//if (m_currentTable->getTableId() >= 2) { ndbout << "var off=" << ptr-buf_ptr << " attrId=" << attrId << endl; }
* Compute array size
const Uint32 arraySize = sz / (attr_desc->size / 8);
assert(arraySize <= attr_desc->arraySize);
//convert the length of blob(v1) and text(v1)
&& (attr_desc->m_column->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Blob
|| attr_desc->m_column->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Text)
&& attr_desc->m_column->getArrayType() == NdbDictionary::Column::ArrayTypeFixed)
char* p = (char*)&attr_data->u_int64_value[0];
Uint64 x;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(Uint64));
x = Twiddle64(x);
memcpy(p, &x, sizeof(Uint64));
//convert datetime type
&& attr_desc->m_column->getType() == NdbDictionary::Column::Datetime)
char* p = (char*)&attr_data->u_int64_value[0];
Uint64 x;
memcpy(&x, p, sizeof(Uint64));
x = Twiddle64(x);
memcpy(p, &x, sizeof(Uint64));
if(!Twiddle(attr_desc, attr_data, attr_desc->arraySize))
res = -1;
return NULL;
ptr += ((sz + 3) >> 2) + 2;
assert(ptr == buf_ptr + dataLength);
if ((res = readTupleData(buf_ptr, ptr, dataLength)))
return NULL;
m_count ++;
res = 0;
......@@ -355,6 +355,10 @@ public:
bool validateFragmentFooter();
const TupleS *getNextTuple(int & res);
int readTupleData(Uint32 *buf_ptr, Uint32 *ptr, Uint32 dataLength);
class LogEntry {
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