Commit fab383aa authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

Use after free in authentication

parent a52c46e0
set @old_dbug=@@global.debug_dbug;
set global debug_dbug='+d,auth_disconnect';
create user 'bad' identified by 'worse';
set global debug_dbug=@old_dbug;
drop user bad;
source include/;
set @old_dbug=@@global.debug_dbug;
# use after free if need plugin change and auth aborted
set global debug_dbug='+d,auth_disconnect';
create user 'bad' identified by 'worse';
--error 1
--exec $MYSQL --default-auth=mysql_old_password --user=bad --password=worse
set global debug_dbug=@old_dbug;
drop user bad;
......@@ -2742,7 +2742,7 @@ static int client_mpvio_read_packet(struct st_plugin_vio *mpv, uchar **buf)
*buf= mysql->net.read_pos;
/* was it a request to change plugins ? */
if (**buf == 254)
if (pkt_len == packet_error || **buf == 254)
return (int)packet_error; /* if yes, this plugin shan't continue */
......@@ -2927,7 +2927,7 @@ int run_plugin_auth(MYSQL *mysql, char *data, uint data_len,
compile_time_assert(CR_OK == -1);
compile_time_assert(CR_ERROR == 0);
if (res > CR_OK && mysql->net.read_pos[0] != 254)
if (res > CR_OK && (mysql->net.last_errno || mysql->net.read_pos[0] != 254))
the plugin returned an error. write it down in mysql,
......@@ -8217,6 +8217,7 @@ static bool send_plugin_request_packet(MPVIO_EXT *mpvio,
const char *client_auth_plugin=
((st_mysql_auth *) (plugin_decl(mpvio->plugin)->info))->client_auth_plugin;
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("auth_disconnect", { vio_close(net->vio); DBUG_RETURN(1); });
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