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  1. 08 May, 2019 1 commit
    • Igor Babaev's avatar
      MDEV-17894 Assertion `(thd->lex)->current_select' failed in MYSQLparse(), · 09aa5d3f
      Igor Babaev authored
                 query with VALUES()
      A table value constructor can be used in all contexts where a select
      can be used. In particular an ORDER BY clause or a LIMIT clause or both
      of them can be attached to a table value constructor to produce a new
      query. Unfortunately execution of such queries was not supported.
      This patch fixes the problem.
  2. 19 Feb, 2019 1 commit
  3. 13 Nov, 2018 2 commits
  4. 12 Nov, 2018 2 commits
  5. 11 Nov, 2018 2 commits
  6. 10 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  7. 09 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  8. 08 Nov, 2018 1 commit
  9. 18 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  10. 04 Oct, 2018 1 commit
  11. 24 Aug, 2018 1 commit
  12. 21 Aug, 2018 1 commit
    • Igor Babaev's avatar
      MDEV-16930 Crash when VALUES in derived table contains expressions · c43d11b9
      Igor Babaev authored
      This patch always provides columns of the temporary table used for
      materialization of a table value constructor with some names.
      Before this patch these names were always borrowed from the items
      of the first row of the table value constructor. When this row
      contained expressions and expressions were not named then it could cause
      different kinds of problems. In particular if the TVC is used as the
      specification of a derived table this could cause a crash.
      The names given to the expressions used in a TVC are the same as those
      given to the columns of the result set from the corresponding SELECT.
  13. 20 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  14. 13 Jun, 2018 1 commit
  15. 23 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      MDEV-16244 sql_mode=ORACLE: Some keywords do not work in variable declarations · 611488e3
      Alexander Barkov authored
      1. Adding LEX::make_item_sysvar() and reusing it
         in sql_yacc.yy and sql_yacc_ora.yy.
         Removing the "opt_component" rule.
      2. Renaming rules to better reflect their purpose:
         - keyword to keyword_ident
         - keyword_sp to keyword_label
         - keyword_sp_not_data_type to keyword_sp_var_and_label
         Also renaming:
         - sp_decl_ident_keyword to keyword_sp_decl for naming consistency
         - keyword_alias to keyword_table_alias,
           for consistency with ident_table_alias
         - keyword_sp_data_type to keyword_data_type,
           as it has nothing SP-specific.
         keyword_sp_var_and_label to a separate rule keyword_sysvar_type.
         We don't have system variables with these names anyway.
         Adding ident_sysvar_name and using it in the grammar that needs
         a system variable name instead of ident_or_text.
         This removed a number of shift/reduce conflicts
         between GLOBAL_SYM/LOCAL_SYM/SESSION_SYM as a variable scope and
         as a variable name.
      4. Moving keywords BEGIN_SYM, END (in both *.yy fiels)
         and EXCEPTION_SYM (in sql_yacc_ora.yy) into a separate
         rule keyword_sp_block_section, because in Oracle verb keywords
         are good variables names and can appear in e.g. DECLARE,
         while block keywords (BEGIN, END, EXCEPTION) are not good variable names
         and cannot appear in DECLARE.
      5. Further splitting keyword_directly_not_assignable in sql_yacc_ora.yy:
         moving keyword_sp_verb_clause out. Renaming the rest of
         keyword_directly_not_assignable to keyword_sp_head,
         which represents keywords that can appear in optional
      6. Renaming keyword_sp_verb_clause to keyword_verb_clause,
         as now it does not contains anything SP-specific.
         As a result or #4,#5,#6, the rule keyword_directly_not_assignable
         was replaced to three separate rules:
         - keyword_sp_block
         - keyword_sp_head
         - keyword_verb_clause
         Adding the same rules in sql_yacc.yy, for unification.
      6. Adding keyword_sp_head and keyword_verb_clause into keyword_sp_decl.
         This fixes MDEV-16244.
      7. Reorganizing the rest of keyword related rules into two groups:
        a. Rules defining a list of keywords and consisting of only terminal symbols:
          - keyword_sp_var_not_label
          - keyword_sp_head
          - keyword_sp_verb_clause
          - keyword_sp_block_section
          - keyword_sysvar_type
        b. Rules that combine the above lists into keyword places:
          - keyword_table_alias
          - keyword_ident
          - keyword_label
          - keyword_sysvar_name
          - keyword_sp_decl
        Rules from the group "b" use on the right side only rules
        from the group "a" (with optional terminal symbols added).
        Rules from the group "b" DO NOT mutually use each other any more.
        This makes them easier to read (and see the difference between them).
        Sorting the right sides of the group "b" keyword rules alphabetically,
        for yet better readability.
  16. 22 May, 2018 1 commit
  17. 21 May, 2018 4 commits
  18. 18 May, 2018 2 commits
  19. 17 May, 2018 3 commits
  20. 16 May, 2018 2 commits
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      Token precedence cleanup in *.yy · 48d70388
      Alexander Barkov authored
      We'll be fixing soon shift-reduce conflicts introduced in the new
      10.3 syntax (see MDEV-15818 for details) by defining precedence for
      a number of tokens (e.g. TIMESTAMP, TRANSACTION_SYM, TEXT_STRING)
      and adding "%prec" directives.
      Before doing this, it's better to have the existing precedences set properly,
      for easier readability and maintainability.
      - Changing precedence of NOT to its proper position (between AND and IS).
        It was wrong. It worked fine only because the relevant grammar reside
        in different separate rules (expr and predicate).
      - Moving NOT2_SYM and BINARY to the same line with NEG and ~
        It worked fine because operators !, BINARY, ~ do not conflict
        to each other.
      - Fixing associativity of NOT_SYM, NOT2_SYM, BINARY, COLLATE_SYM
        from "right" to "left". They are not dyadic (operate on a single expression
        only). So "%left" or "%right" is needed only to set precedence,
        while associativity does not matter.
        Note, it would be better to use "%precedence" for these tokens
        instead of "%left" though, but we use an old version of Bison on windows,
        which may not support %precedence yet.
      This patch does not change behavior. The generated and are exactly the same before and after this change.
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
  21. 15 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      Removing redundant "%left INTERVAL_SYM" and "%prec INTERVAL_SYM" · 2e0c23d8
      Alexander Barkov authored
      These directives did not have any affect.
      All these affected lines:
      1.  | INTERVAL_SYM expr interval '+' expr
      2.  | INTERVAL_SYM '(' expr ',' expr ')'
      3.  | INTERVAL_SYM '(' expr ',' expr ',' expr_list ')'
      4.  | DATE_ADD_INTERVAL '(' expr ',' INTERVAL_SYM expr interval ')'
      5.  | DATE_SUB_INTERVAL '(' expr ',' INTERVAL_SYM expr interval ')'
      define the grammar unambiguously.
      "bison -v sql_yacc.yy" produces exactly the same sql_yacc.output
      before and after the change.
  22. 14 May, 2018 1 commit
  23. 11 May, 2018 1 commit
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      Removing some duplicate code in THD::convert_string() & friends · 4a126bf3
      Alexander Barkov authored
      1. Adding THD::convert_string(LEX_CSTRING *to,...) as a wrapper
         for convert_string(LEX_STRING *to,...), as LEX_CSTRING
         is now frequently used for conversion purpose.
         This reduced duplicate code in TEXT_STRING_sys,
         TEXT_STRING_literal, TEXT_STRING_filesystem grammar rules in *.yy
      2. Adding yet another THD::convert_string() with an extra parameter
         "bool simple_copy_is_possible". This even more reduced
         repeatable code in the mentioned grammar rules in *.yy
      3. Deriving Lex_ident_cli_st from Lex_string_with_metadata_st,
         as they have very similar functionality. Moving m_quote
         from Lex_ident_cli_st to Lex_string_with_metadata_st,
         as m_quote will be used later to optimize string literals anyway
         (e.g. avoid redundant copying on the tokenizer stage).
         Adjusting Lex_input_stream::get_text() accordingly.
      4. Moving the reminders of the code in TEXT_STRING_sys, TEXT_STRING_literal,
         TEXT_STRING_filesystem grammar rules as new methods in THD:
         - make_text_string_sys()
         - make_text_string_connection()
         - make_text_string_filesystem()
         and changing *.yy to use these new methods.
         This reduced the amount of similar code in
         sql_yacc.yy and sql_yacc_ora.yy.
      5. Removing duplicate code in Lex_input_stream::body_utf8_append_ident():
         by reusing THD::make_text_string_sys(). Thanks to #3 and #4.
      6. Making THD members charset_is_system_charset,
         charset_is_collation_connection, charset_is_character_set_filesystem
         private, as they are not needed externally any more.
  24. 06 May, 2018 3 commits
  25. 30 Apr, 2018 1 commit
  26. 27 Apr, 2018 1 commit
    • Alexander Barkov's avatar
      MDEV-16020 SP variables inside GROUP BY..WITH ROLLUP break replication · 96a301bb
      Alexander Barkov authored
      The code passing positions in the query to constructors of
      Rewritable_query_parameter descendants (e.g. Item_splocal)
      was not reliable. It used various Lex_input_stream methods:
      - get_tok_start()
      - get_tok_start_prev()
      - get_tok_end()
      - get_ptr()
      to find positions of the recently scanned tokens.
      The challenge was mostly to choose between get_tok_start()
      and get_tok_start_prev(), taking into account to the current
      grammar (depending if lookahead takes place before
      or after we read the positions in every particular rule).
      But this approach did not work at all in combination
      with token contractions, when MYSQLlex() translates
      two tokens into one token ID, for example:
      As a result, the tokenizer is already one more token ahead.
      So in query fragment:
        "GROUP BY d, spvar WITH ROLLUP"
      get_tok_start() points to "ROLLUP".
      get_tok_start_prev() points to "WITH".
      As a result, it was "WITH" who was erroneously replaced
      to NAME_CONST() instead of "spvar".
      This patch modifies the code to do it a different way.
      1. For keywords and identifiers, the tokenizer now
      returns LEX_CTRING pointing directly to the query
      fragment. So query positions are now just available using:
      - $1.str           - for the beginning of a token
      - $1.str+$1.length - for the end of a token
      2. Identifiers are not allocated on the THD memory root
      in the tokenizer any more. Allocation is now done
      on later stages, in methods like LEX::create_item_ident().
      3. Two LEX_CSTRING based structures were added:
      - Lex_ident_cli_st - used to store the "client side"
        identifier representation, pointing to the
        query fragment. Note, these identifiers
        are encoded in @@character_set_client
        and can have broken byte sequences.
      - Lex_ident_sys_st - used to store the "server side"
        identifier representation, pointing to the
        THD allocated memory. This representation
        guarantees that the identifier was checked
        for being well-formed, and is encoded in utf8.
      4. To distinguish between two identifier types
         in the grammar, two Bison types were added:
         <ident_cli> and <ident_sys>
      5. All non-reserved keywords were marked as
         being of the type <ident_cli>.
         All reserved keywords are still of the type NONE.
      6. All curly brackets in rules collecting
         non-reserved keywords into non-terminal
         symbols were removed, e.g.:
               BIT_SYM           {}
             | BOOLEAN_SYM       {}
             | BOOLEAN_SYM
        This is important NOT to have brackets here!!!!
        This is needed to make sure that the underlying
        Lex_ident_cli_ststructure correctly passes up to
        the calling rule.
      6. The code to scan identifiers and keywords
        was moved from lex_one_token() into new
        Lex_input_stream methods:
        This was done to:
        - get rid of enormous amount of references to &yylval->lex_str
        - and remove a lot of references like lip->xxx
      7. The allocating functionality which puts identifiers on the
         THD memory root now resides in methods of Lex_ident_sys_st,
         and in THD::to_ident_sys_alloc().
         get_quoted_token() was removed.
      8. Cleanup: check_simple_select() was moved as a method to LEX.
      9. Cleanup: Some more functionality was moved from *.yy
         to new methods were added to LEX:
  27. 29 Mar, 2018 2 commits
    • Monty's avatar
      Move alter partition flags to alter_info->partition_flags · ab194126
      Monty authored
      This is done to get more free flag bits for alter_info->flags
      Renamed all ALTER PARTITION defines to start with ALTER_PARTITION_
      Other things:
      - Shifted some ALTER_xxx defines to get empty bits at end
    • Monty's avatar
      Changed static const in Alter_info and Alter_online_info to defines · 2dbeebdb
      Monty authored
      Main reason was to make it easier to print the above structures in
      a debugger. Additional benefits is that I was able to use same
      defines for both structures, which simplifes some code.
      Most of the code is just removing Alter_info:: and Alter_inplace_info::
      from alter table flags.
      Following renames was done:
      HA_ALTER_FLAGS        -> alter_table_operations
      Alter_info::ADD_INDEX -> ALTER_ADD_INDEX
      DROP_INDEX            -> ALTER_DROP_INDEX
      Other things:
      - Added typedef alter_table_operatons for alter table flags
      - DROP CHECK CONSTRAINT can now be done online
      - Added checks for Aria tables in alter_table_online.test
      - alter_table_flags now takes an ulonglong as argument.
      - Don't support online operations if checksum option is used.
      - doesn't add ALTER_ADD_INDEX if index is not created