1. 18 Oct, 2013 1 commit
  2. 26 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  3. 25 Sep, 2013 1 commit
  4. 03 Jul, 2013 1 commit
  5. 05 May, 2013 1 commit
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
      Fixed errors and compiler warnings found by buildbot · 9c7fc884
      Michael Widenius authored
      Solaris fixes:
      - Fixed that wait_timeout_func and wait_timeout tests works on solaris
      - We have to compile without NO_ALARM on Solaris as Solaris doesn't support timeouts on sockets with setsockopt(.. SO_RCVTIMEO).
      - Fixed that compile-solaris-amd64-debug works (before that we got a wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 on linkage)
      - Added missing sync_with_master
      Other bug fixes:
      - Free memory for rpl_global_gtid_binlog_state before exit() to avoid 'accessing uninitalized mutex' error.
        Fixed issues on Solaris with ksh
        Added missing -m64 flag
        We have to compile without NO_ALARM on Solaris as Solaris doesn't support timeouts on sockets with setsockopt(.. SO_RCVTIMEO)
        - Added missing sync_with_master (fix by knielsen)
        Added () to get rid of compiler warning
        Fixed compiler warning
        Free memory for static variable rpl_global_gtid_binlog_state before exit()
        - If we are compiling with safemalloc, we would try to call sf_free() for some members after sf_terminate() was called, which would result of trying to access the uninitalized mutex 'sf_mutex'
        Fixed compiler warnings of converting double to ulong.
        Fixed compiler warnings of converting double to ulong or uint
        - Better to have all variables that can be number of rows as 'ha_rows'
        Added rpl_binlog_state::free() to be able to free memory for static objects before exit()
        Added rpl_binlog_state::free() to be able to free memory for static objects before exit()
        Fixed compiler warning
        Fixed compiler warnings of converting double to uint
        Added cast to get rid of compiler warning
        Remove code that didn't do anything.
        (store_record() with record[0] is a no-op)
        Added  __attribute__ ((unused))
        Ignore warnings from atomic_add_64_nv
        (was not able to fix this with a cast as the macro is a bit different between systems)
        Added more DBUG_PRINT
  6. 21 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  7. 20 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  8. 18 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  9. 07 Apr, 2013 1 commit
  10. 26 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  11. 18 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  12. 14 Mar, 2013 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-4272 fix. · f17af008
      unknown authored
      Incorrect NULL value handling in Item_func_conv_charset fixed.
  13. 11 Mar, 2013 1 commit
  14. 25 Feb, 2013 2 commits
  15. 11 Feb, 2013 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-26. Intermediate commit. · c0454433
      unknown authored
      Implement binlog_gtid_pos() function. This will be used so that
      the slave can obtain the gtid position automatically from first
      connect with old-style position - then MASTER_GTID_POS=AUTO will
      work the next time. Can also be used by mysqldump --master-data
      to give the current gtid position directly.
  16. 25 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  17. 21 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  18. 20 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  19. 10 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  20. 09 Jan, 2013 1 commit
  21. 28 Dec, 2012 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      MDEV-3873 & MDEV-3876 & MDEV-3912 : Wrong result (extra rows) with ALL subquery · 91e4632e
      unknown authored
      from a MERGE view.
      The problem was in the lost ability to be null for the table of a left join if it
      is a view/derived table.
      It hapenned because setup_table_map(), was called earlier then we merged
      the view or derived.
      Fixed by propagating new maybe_null flag during Item::update_used_tables().
      Change in join_outer.test and join_outer_jcl6.test appeared because
      IS NULL reported no used tables (i.e. constant) for argument which could not be
      NULL and new maybe_null flag was propagated for IS NULL argument (Item_field)
      because table the Item_field belonged to changed its maybe_null status.
  22. 23 Dec, 2012 2 commits
  23. 28 Sep, 2012 1 commit
  24. 08 Sep, 2012 1 commit
    • Michael Widenius's avatar
      Added new status variables: · 962dcca9
      Michael Widenius authored
      Opened_views, Executed_triggers, Executed_events
      Added new process status 'updating status' as part of 'freeing items'
        Test of feature_xxx status variables
        Removed duplicated 'language' variable.
        Test of opened_views
        Write more information on failure
        Test of feature_xxx status variables
        Test of opened_views
        Increment executed_events status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Add new status variables to 'show status'
        Added executed_events
        Increment status variable
        Add new status variables
        Added new process status 'updating status' as part of 'freeing items'
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
        Increment status variable
  25. 05 Aug, 2012 1 commit
  26. 15 Feb, 2012 1 commit
  27. 15 Dec, 2011 1 commit
    • Chaithra Gopalareddy's avatar
      Bug#13344643:Format function in view looses locale information · 1ceb16a0
      Chaithra Gopalareddy authored
      Problem description:
      When a view is created using function FORMAT and if FORMAT function uses locale
      option,definition of view saved into server doesn't contain that locale information,
      create  table test2 (bb decimal (10,2));
      insert into test2 values (10.32),(10009.2),(12345678.21);
      create view test3 as select format(bb,1,'sk_SK') as cc from test2;
      select * from test3;
      | cc           |
      | 10.3         |
      | 10,009.2     |
      | 12,345,678.2 |
      3 rows in set (0.02 sec)
      show create view test3
                      View: test3
               Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost`
      SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `test3` AS select format(`test2`.`bb`,1) AS `cc`
      from `test2`
      character_set_client: latin1
      collation_connection: latin1_swedish_ci
      1 row in set (0.02 sec)
      Problem Analysis:
      The function Item_func_format::print() which prints the query string to create
      the view does not print the third argument (i.e the locale information). Hence
       view is created without locale information. 
      Problem Solution:
      If argument count is more than 2 we now print the third argument onto the query string.
      Files changed:
      Function call changes: Item_func_format::print()
      Added test case to test the bug
      Result of the test case appended here
  28. 02 Nov, 2011 1 commit
  29. 22 Sep, 2011 1 commit
  30. 15 Sep, 2011 1 commit
    • Kristofer Pettersson's avatar
      Bug#11764310 - 57132: CONV FUNCTION CRASHES, NEGATIVE ARGUMENT TO MEMCPY · 68ff1c7a
      Kristofer Pettersson authored
      Amendment to previous patch:
      Failure in CONV() should return NULL instead of
      empty set.
      When compiled on Windows or Solaris the function
      Item_func_conv::val_str() doesn't fail on 
      longlong2str() but finds an earlier exit path
      based on the attributes of the arguments.
      This exit path returns NULL on failure and as a
      consequence the original patch caused different
      test results depending on the OS used.
  31. 06 Sep, 2011 1 commit
  32. 18 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  33. 13 Jul, 2011 1 commit
  34. 30 Jun, 2011 1 commit
  35. 12 Jun, 2011 1 commit
    • Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
      Backport Fix for Bug#24509 - 2048 file descriptor limit on windows needs increasing. · aaa157ca
      Vladislav Vaintroub authored
      The patch replaces the use of the POSIX I/O interfaces in mysys on Windows with 
      the Win32 API calls (CreateFile, WriteFile, etc). The Windows HANDLE for the open
       file is stored in the my_file_info struct, along with a flag for append mode 
      (because the Windows API does not support opening files in append mode in all cases)
      The default max open files has been increased to 16384 and can be increased further
      by setting --max-open-files=<value> during the server start.
      Noteworthy benefit of this patch is that it removes limits from the table_cache size - 
      allowing for more simultaneus users
  36. 10 Jun, 2011 1 commit
  37. 19 May, 2011 1 commit
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      many changes to my_getsystime.c: · 90b1a385
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      * my_getsystime() is only an interval timer. Its value can beused for calculating
        time intervals.
      * renamed my_getsystime() to my_interval_timer(), to make the semantics
        clearer and let the compiler catch wrong usages of my_getsystime()
        (also future ones, that may come in merges).
      * increased its granularity from 100ns to 1ns, old value was for UUID,
        but as UUID can no longer use it directly there is no need to downgrade
        the OS provided value
      * fixed the UUID code to anchor the my_interval_timer() on the epoch, as
        required by the UUID standard. That is, this was only needed by UUID,
        and now I've moved it to UUID code from my_getsystime().
      * fixed other wrong usages of my_getsystime() - e.g. in calculating
        times for pthread_cond_timedwait. It was buggy and could've caused
        long waits if OS clock would be changed.
  38. 16 May, 2011 1 commit
    • Guilhem Bichot's avatar
      Fix for BUG#11755168 '46895: test "outfile_loaddata" fails (reproducible)'. · 1d0d7818
      Guilhem Bichot authored
      In sql_class.cc, 'row_count', of type 'ha_rows', was used as last argument for
      "Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ld".
      So 'ha_rows' was used as 'long'.
      On SPARC32 Solaris builds, 'long' is 4 bytes and 'ha_rows' is 'longlong' i.e. 8 bytes.
      So the printf-like code was reading only the first 4 bytes.
      Because the CPU is big-endian, 1LL is 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01
      so the first four bytes yield 0. So the warning message had "row 0" instead of
      "row 1" in test outfile_loaddata.test:
      -Warning	1366	Incorrect string value: '\xE1\xE2\xF7' for column 'b' at row 1
      +Warning	1366	Incorrect string value: '\xE1\xE2\xF7' for column 'b' at row 0
      All error-messaging functions which internally invoke some printf-life function
      are potential candidate for such mistakes.
      One apparently easy way to catch such mistakes is to use
      ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT (from my_attribute.h).
      But this works only when call site has both:
      a) the format as a string literal
      b) the types of arguments.
        func(ER(ER_BLAH), 10);
      will silently not be checked, because ER(ER_BLAH) is not known at
      compile time (it is known at run-time, and depends on the chosen
        func("%s", a va_list argument);
      has the same problem, as the *real* type of arguments is not
      known at this site at compile time (it's known in some caller).
      though possibly correct (if ER(ER_BLAH) has no '%' markers), will not
      compile (gcc says "error: format not a string literal and no format
      1) ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT is here added only to functions which in practice
      take "string literal" formats: "my_error_reporter" and "print_admin_msg".
      2) it cannot be added to the other functions: my_error(),
      push_warning_printf(), Table_check_intact::report_error(),
      To do a one-time check of functions listed in (2), the following
      "static code analysis" has been done:
      1) replace
        my_error(ER_xxx, arguments for substitution in format)
      with the equivalent
        my_printf_error(ER_xxx,ER(ER_xxx), arguments for substitution in
      so that we have ER(ER_xxx) and the arguments *in the same call site*
      2) add ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT to push_warning_printf(),
      Table_check_intact::report_error(), general_log_print()
      3) replace ER(xxx) with the hard-coded English text found in
      errmsg.txt (like: ER(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR) is replaced with
      "Unknown error"), so that a call site has the format as string literal
      4) this way, ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT can effectively do its job
      5) compile, fix errors detected by ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT
      6) revert steps 1-2-3.
      The present patch has no compiler error when submitted again to the
      static code analysis above.
      It cannot catch all problems though: see Field::set_warning(), in
      which a call to push_warning_printf() has a variable error
      (thus, not replacable by a string literal); I checked set_warning() calls
      by hand though.
      See also WL 5883 for one proposal to avoid such bugs from appearing
      again in the future.
      The issues fixed in the patch are:
      a) mismatch in types (like 'int' passed to '%ld')
      b) more arguments passed than specified in the format.
      This patch resolves mismatches by changing the type/number of arguments,
      not by changing error messages of sql/share/errmsg.txt. The latter would be wrong,
      per the following old rule: errmsg.txt must be as stable as possible; no insertions
      or deletions of messages, no changes of type or number of printf-like format specifiers,
      are allowed, as long as the change impacts a message already released in a GA version.
      If this rule is not followed:
      - Connectors, which use error message numbers, will be confused (by insertions/deletions
      of messages)
      - using errmsg.sys of MySQL 5.1.n with mysqld of MySQL 5.1.(n+1)
      could produce wrong messages or crash; such usage can easily happen if
      installing 5.1.(n+1) while /etc/my.cnf still has --language=/path/to/5.1.n/xxx;
      or if copying mysqld from 5.1.(n+1) into a 5.1.n installation.
      When fixing b), I have verified that the superfluous arguments were not used in the format
      in the first 5.1 GA (5.1.30 'bteam@astra04-20081114162938-z8mctjp6st27uobm').
      Had they been used, then passing them today, even if the message doesn't use them
      anymore, would have been necessary, as explained above.
        this function pointer is used only with "string literal" formats, so we can add
        test should pass now
        by having a format as string literal, ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT check becomes effective.
        Change justified by the following excerpt from sql/share/errmsg.txt:
                eng "Same old and new event name"
                eng "Error during starting/stopping of the scheduler. Error code %u"
        ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE 42000 S1009
                eng "Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu."
        ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION 42000 S1009
                eng "Too big precision %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu."
        ER_TOO_BIG_DISPLAYWIDTH 42000 S1009
                eng "Display width out of range for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu)"
        ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001
                eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)"
        (sizeof() returns size_t)
        Too many arguments for:
                eng "Got error %d '%-.100s' from %s"
        Patch by Jonas Oreland.
        print_admin_msg() is used only with a literal as format, so ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT
        ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001
                eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)"
        (sizeof() returns size_t)
        ER_TOO_BIG_SCALE 42000 S1009
                eng "Too big scale %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu."
        ER_TOO_BIG_PRECISION 42000 S1009
                eng "Too big precision %d specified for column '%-.192s'. Maximum is %lu."
        'c_len' and 'c_dec' are char*, passed as %d !! We don't know their value
        (as strtoul() failed), but they are likely big, so we use INT_MAX.
        'len' is ulong.
        ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE 22003 
                eng "Out of range value for column '%s' at row %ld"
                eng "Can't load function '%-.192s'"
                eng "Uncompressed data size too large; the maximum size is %d (probably, length of uncompressed data was corrupted)"
        max_allowed_packet is ulong.
        sql_print_message_func is a function _pointer_.
                eng "Recursive limit %d (as set by the max_sp_recursion_depth variable) was exceeded for routine %.192s"
        max_sp_recursion_depth is ulong
        ER_PASSWORD_NO_MATCH 42000 
                eng "Can't find any matching row in the user table"
                eng "You are not allowed to create a user with GRANT"
                eng "Incorrect key file for table '%-.200s'; try to repair it"
                eng "Too many tables; MySQL can only use %d tables in a join"
        MAX_TABLES is size_t.
                eng "Unknown error"
                eng "Incorrect %-.32s value: '%-.128s' for column '%.192s' at row %ld"
        WARN_DATA_TRUNCATED 01000 
                eng "Data truncated for column '%s' at row %ld"
                eng "Bad handshake"
        ER_BAD_HOST_ERROR 08S01 
                eng "Can't get hostname for your address"
                eng "Column count doesn't match value count at row %ld"
                eng "MySQL is started in --skip-name-resolve mode; you must restart it without this switch for this grant to work"
        	eng "Too high level of nesting for select"
                eng "Unknown error"
        ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001
                eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)"
        ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001
                eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)"
        ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001
                eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)"
                eng "Unknown prepared statement handler (%.*s) given to %s"
        length value (for '%.*s') must be 'int', per the doc of printf()
        and the code of my_vsnprintf().
        ER_OUTOFMEMORY HY001 S1001
                eng "Out of memory; restart server and try again (needed %d bytes)"
        ER_TOO_BIG_FIELDLENGTH 42000 S1009
                eng "Column length too big for column '%-.192s' (max = %lu); use BLOB or TEXT instead"
                eng "Incorrect information in file: '%-.200s'"
                eng "Column count of mysql.%s is wrong. Expected %d, found %d. Created with MySQL %d, now running %d. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error."
        table->s->mysql_version is ulong.
          eng "Comment for table '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)"
          eng "Comment for field '%-.64s' is too long (max = %lu)"
        ER_TOO_BIG_ROWSIZE 42000 
                eng "Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is %ld. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs"