1. 04 Jun, 2003 1 commit
    • monty@narttu.mysql.fi's avatar
      Added SQLSTATE to client/server protocol · 23145cfe
      monty@narttu.mysql.fi authored
      bmove_allign -> bmove_align
      Added OLAP function ROLLUP
      Split mysql_fix_privilege_tables to a script and a .sql data file
      Added new (MEMROOT*) functions to avoid calling current_thd() when creating some common objects.
      Added table_alias_charset, for easier --lower-case-table-name handling
      Better SQL_MODE handling (Setting complex options also sets sub options)
      New (faster) assembler string functions for x86
  2. 27 May, 2003 10 commits
  3. 26 May, 2003 10 commits
  4. 24 May, 2003 1 commit
    • mysql@home.(none)'s avatar
      symlink.result: · f537e3ad
      mysql@home.(none) authored
        Character set in this test results was displayed dispite the fact that the table has the same character set
  5. 23 May, 2003 13 commits
  6. 22 May, 2003 5 commits