1. 12 Apr, 2005 1 commit
  2. 11 Apr, 2005 1 commit
  3. 10 Apr, 2005 1 commit
  4. 09 Apr, 2005 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      New versions of mail_to_db.pl and pmail.pl. · d5e5c6fe
      unknown authored
      Added email threading capabilities to both
        Changes to mail_to_db.pl
        - Removed table name as optional. Future releases may require
          more than one table, after which it's better to have a fixed
          table name.
        - Fixed a bug in report (division by zero error), if table was created,
          but no mails was inserted.
        - Added fields message_id and in_reply_to.
        Changed pmail:
        New option: --thread. Prints all sub sequent replies in the thread.
        New option: --message_id. Prints message_id and number of replies found.
        Both options are run recursively. That means, not just direct replies to
        the mail found are being searched, but also replies to replies and so on
        until the whole thread has been found.
        Clean up: Localized variables and moved code into functions.
  5. 08 Apr, 2005 17 commits
  6. 07 Apr, 2005 19 commits