1. 29 Jun, 2007 1 commit
    • gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc's avatar
      Fixed bug #29205. · 3c260e4a
      gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc authored
      When a UNION statement forced conversion of an UTF8
      charset value to a binary charset value, the byte
      length of the result values was truncated to the
      CHAR_LENGTH of the original UTF8 value.
  2. 28 Jun, 2007 1 commit
  3. 27 Jun, 2007 2 commits
    • mhansson@dl145s.mysql.com's avatar
      Merge mhansson@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-opt · a90ff737
      mhansson@dl145s.mysql.com authored
      into  dl145s.mysql.com:/dev/shm/mhansson/my50-bug28677
    • gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz's avatar
      Bug #26642: create index corrupts table definition in .frm · 0b421fad
      gkodinov/kgeorge@magare.gmz authored
        Thanks to Martin Friebe for finding and submitting a fix for this bug!
        A table with maximum number of key segments and maximum length key name
        would have a corrupted .frm file, due to an incorrect calculation of the
        complete key length.  Now the key length is computed correctly (I hope) :-)
        MyISAM would reject a table with the maximum number of keys and the maximum
        number of key segments in all keys.  It would allow one less than this total
        maximum.  Now MyISAM accepts a table defined with the maximum.  (This is a
        very minor issue.)
  4. 26 Jun, 2007 3 commits
  5. 25 Jun, 2007 5 commits
  6. 24 Jun, 2007 3 commits
    • igor@olga.mysql.com's avatar
      Merge olga.mysql.com:/home/igor/mysql-5.0-opt · da416060
      igor@olga.mysql.com authored
      into  olga.mysql.com:/home/igor/dev-opt/mysql-5.0-opt-bug25602
    • gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc's avatar
      Merge gleb.loc:/home/uchum/work/bk/5.0 · 684d0ced
      gshchepa/uchum@gleb.loc authored
      into  gleb.loc:/home/uchum/work/bk/5.0-opt
    • igor@olga.mysql.com's avatar
      Fixed bug #25602. A query with DISTINCT in the select list to which · 59b9077c
      igor@olga.mysql.com authored
      the loose scan optimization for grouping queries was applied returned 
      a wrong result set when the query was used with the SQL_BIG_RESULT
      The SQL_BIG_RESULT option forces to use sorting algorithm for grouping
      queries instead of employing a suitable index. The current loose scan
      optimization is applied only for one table queries when the suitable
      index is covering. It does not make sense to use sort algorithm in this
      case. However the create_sort_index function does not take into account
      the possible choice of the loose scan to implement the DISTINCT operator
      which makes sorting unnecessary. Moreover the current implementation of
      the loose scan for queries with distinct assumes that sorting will
      never happen. Thus in this case create_sort_index should not call
      the function filesort.
  7. 23 Jun, 2007 3 commits
  8. 22 Jun, 2007 9 commits
  9. 21 Jun, 2007 13 commits