1. 09 Apr, 2021 4 commits
  2. 08 Apr, 2021 7 commits
  3. 06 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  4. 05 Apr, 2021 3 commits
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix(?) Linux compile errors · 28b76afc
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
      -fix MDEV-24794
       modified:   storage/connect/valblk.h
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Fix crash when not specifying the collection for MongoDB · 2aefe0be
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/cmgoconn.cpp
      - Fix(?) Linux compile errors
        modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
    • Olivier Bertrand's avatar
      - Copy Mongo2.jar and Mongo3.jar in plugin directory · caff19ad
      Olivier Bertrand authored
        modified:   storage/connect/CMakeLists.txt
        modified:   storage/connect/javaconn.cpp
      - Check privileges while creating tables with Discovery
        modified:   storage/connect/ha_connect.cc
      - Calculate LRECL for JSON tables created with Discovery
        modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
      - Use CreateProcess (Windows) or fork/exec (linux)
        to retrieve the result from REST queries
        modified:   storage/connect/tabrest.cpp
      - Typo
        modified:   storage/connect/jmgoconn.cpp
  5. 03 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  6. 01 Apr, 2021 3 commits
    • Julius Goryavsky's avatar
      MDEV-25321: mariabackup failed if password is passed via environment variable · fb9d1519
      Julius Goryavsky authored
      The mariabackup interface currently supports passing a password
      through an explicit command line variable, but does not support
      passing a password through the MYSQL_PWD environment variable.
      At the same time, the Galera SST script for mariabackup uses
      the environment variable to pass the password, which leads
      (in some cases) to an unsuccessful launch of mariabackup and
      to the inability to start the cluster. This patch fixes this
      issue. It does not need a separate test, as the problem is
      visible in general testing on buildbot.
    • Srinidhi Kaushik's avatar
      MDEV-24197: Add "innodb_force_recovery" for "mariabackup --prepare" · 5bc5ecce
      Srinidhi Kaushik authored
      During the prepare phase of restoring backups, "mariabackup" does
      not seem to allow (or recognize) the option "innodb_force_recovery"
      for the embedded InnoDB server instance that it starts.
      If page corruption observed during page recovery, the prepare step
      fails. While this is indeed the correct behavior ideally, allowing
      this option to be set in case of emergencies might be useful when
      the current backup is the only copy available. Some error messages
      during "--prepare" suggest to set "innodb_force_recovery" to 1:
        [ERROR] InnoDB: Set innodb_force_recovery=1 to ignore corruption.
      For backwards compatibility, "mariabackup --innobackupex --apply-log"
      should also have this option.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarSrinidhi Kaushik <shrinidhi.kaushik@gmail.com>
    • mkaruza's avatar
      MDEV-25047: SIGSEGV in mach_read_from_n_little_endian · f93e087d
      mkaruza authored
      Virtual column fields are not found in prebuilt data type, so we should
      match InnoDB fields with `get_innobase_type_from_mysql_type` method.
      Reviewed-by: default avatarJan Lindström <jan.lindstrom@mariadb.com>
  7. 31 Mar, 2021 3 commits
  8. 30 Mar, 2021 11 commits
    • David CARLIER's avatar
    • Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani's avatar
      MDEV-25200 Index count mismatch due to aborted FULLTEXT INDEX · b771ab24
      Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani authored
      - Aborting of fulltext index creation fails to remove the
      index from sys indexes table. When we try to reload the
      table definition, InnoDB fails with index count mismatch
      error. InnoDB should remove the index from sys indexes while
      rollbacking the secondary index creation.
    • Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani's avatar
      MDEV-15527 page_compressed compressed page partially during import tablespace · 108ba4c3
      Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani authored
      - Post push to address 32-bit build failure.
    • Marko Mäkelä's avatar
      Add missing have_perfschema.inc · 7c423c26
      Marko Mäkelä authored
    • Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani's avatar
      MDEV-15527 page_compressed compressed page partially during import tablespace · c468d5cb
      Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani authored
      - Importing table operation fails to punch the hole in
      the filesystem when page compressed table is involved.
      To achieve that, InnoDB firstly punches the hole for
      the IOBuffer size(1MB). After that, InnoDB should write
      page by page when page compression is involved.
    • Jan Lindström's avatar
      Add supression for warning. · dfda1c92
      Jan Lindström authored
    • Jan Lindström's avatar
      MDEV-24923 : Port selected Galera conflict resolution changes from 10.6 · d217a925
      Jan Lindström authored
      Add condition on trx->state == TRX_STATE_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY in order to
      avoid unnecessary work. If a transaction has already been committed or
      rolled back, it will release its locks in lock_release() and let
      the waiting thread(s) continue execution.
      Let BF wait on lock_rec_has_to_wait and if necessary other BF
      is replayed.
        If BF is not even replicated yet then they are ordered
        Make sure victim_trx is found and check also its state. If
        state is TRX_STATE_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY transaction is
        already committed or rolled back and will release it locks
        Transaction requesting new record lock should be TRX_STATE_ACTIVE
        Conflicting transaction can be in states TRX_STATE_ACTIVE,
        If conflicting transaction is already committed in memory or
        prepared we should wait. When transaction is committed in memory we
        held trx mutex, but not lock_sys->mutex. Therefore, we
        could end here before transaction has time to do lock_release()
        that is protected with lock_sys->mutex.
        We very well can let bf to wait normally as other BF will be
        replayed in case of conflict. For debug builds we will do
        additional sanity checks to catch unsupported bf wait if any.
        Check is victim already in TRX_STATE_COMMITTED_IN_MEMORY state and
        if it is we can return.
        Remove unnecessary wsrep_assert_no_bf_bf_wait function calls.
        We can very well let BF wait here.
    • Daniel Black's avatar
      remove broken tests/grant.pl · c4427332
      Daniel Black authored
    • Daniel Black's avatar
      mallinfo2: whitespace fix · fb3b2eb5
      Daniel Black authored
    • Vladislav Vaintroub's avatar
    • Daniel Black's avatar
      MDEV-24586: remove mysql_to_mariadb.sql · 85b6a818
      Daniel Black authored
      This script is unused and unmaintained.
      The logic is implemented in scripts/mysql_system_tables_fix.sql that forms part of mysql_upgrade
      Its components:
        alter table mysql.user drop column `password_last_changed`, drop column `password_lifetime`, drop column `account_locked`;
      has a friendlier migration path coming MDEV-24122
        alter table mysql.user change column `authentication_string` `auth_string` text COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL;
      Already part of scripts/mysql_system_tables_fix.sql
        alter table mysql.user add column  `Password` char(41) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '' after `user`, add column  `is_role` enum('N','Y') CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT 'N' after `auth_string`;
        alter table mysql.user add column `default_role` char(80) COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL DEFAULT '', add column `max_statement_time` decimal(12,6) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0.000000';
      corrected in MDEV-23201 to be in the right order.
        update mysql.user set `password`=`auth_string`, plugin='' where plugin="mysql_native_password";
      Is handled in server in the function acl_load.
  9. 29 Mar, 2021 3 commits
  10. 27 Mar, 2021 3 commits
  11. 26 Mar, 2021 1 commit
    • Michael Okoko's avatar
      Replace mallinfo with mallinfo2 on supported systems · 48141f3c
      Michael Okoko authored
      `mallinfo` is deprecated since glibc 2.33 and has been replaced by mallinfo2.
      The deprecation causes building the server to fail if glibc version is > 2.33.
      Check if mallinfo2 exist on the system and use it instead.