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  1. 18 Jul, 2008 1 commit
    • Sven Sandberg's avatar
      BUG#38178: rpl_loaddata_map fails sporadically in pushbuild · e5d1324d
      Sven Sandberg authored
      Problem: master binlog has 'create table t1'. Master binlog
      was removed before slave could replicate it. In test's cleanup
      code, master did 'drop table t1', which caused slave sql
      thread to stop with an error since slave sql thread did not
      know about t1.
      Fix: t1 is just an auxiliary construction, only needed on
      master. Hence, we turn off binlogging before t1 is created,
      drop t1 as soon as we don't need it anymore, and then turn
      on binlogging again.
  2. 31 Jan, 2008 2 commits
  3. 30 Jan, 2008 1 commit
  4. 23 Dec, 2007 1 commit
  5. 22 Dec, 2007 1 commit
  6. 21 Dec, 2007 1 commit
    • aelkin/'s avatar
      BUG#30435 loading large LOAD DATA INFILE breaks slave with · 0ca3250e
      aelkin/ authored
                read_buffer_size set on master
      BUG#33413 show binlog events fails if binlog has event size of close
                to max_allowed_packet
      The size of Append_block replication event was determined solely by
      read_buffer_size whereas the rest of replication code deals with
      When the former parameter was set to larger than the latter there were
      two artifacts: the master could not read events from binlog;
      show master events did not show.
      Fixed with 
      - fragmenting the used io-cached buffer into pieces each size of less
        than max_allowed_packet (bug#30435)
      - incrementing show-binlog-events handling thread's max_allowed_packet
        with the max estimated for the replication header size