1. 22 Aug, 2003 1 commit
    • guilhem@mysql.com's avatar
      2 minor edits, plus · 759a3c1e
      guilhem@mysql.com authored
      fix for BUG#1113 "INSERT into non-trans table SELECT ; ROLLBACK" does not send warning"
      fix for BUG#873 "In transaction, INSERT to non-trans table is written too early to binlog".
      Now we don't always write the non-trans update immediately to the binlog;
      if there is something in the binlog cache we write it to the binlog cache
      (because the non-trans update could depend on a trans table which was modified
      earlier in the transaction); then in case of ROLLBACK, we write the binlog
      cache to the binlog, wrapped with BEGIN/ROLLBACK.
      This guarantees that the slave does the same updates.
      For ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT: when we execute a SAVEPOINT command we write it
      to the binlog cache. At ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT, if some non-trans table was updated,
      we write ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT to the binlog cache; when the transaction
      terminates (COMMIT/ROLLBACK), the binlog cache will be flushed to the binlog
      (because of the non-trans update) so we'll have SAVEPOINT and ROLLBACK TO
      SAVEPOINT in the binlog.
      Apart from this rare case of updates of mixed table types in transaction, the
      usual way is still clear the binlog cache at ROLLBACK, or chop it at
      ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT (meaning the SAVEPOINT command is also chopped, which
      is fine).
      Note that BUG#873 encompasses subbugs 1) and 2) of BUG#333 "3 binlogging bugs when doing INSERT with mixed InnoDB/MyISAM".
  2. 21 Aug, 2003 1 commit
  3. 20 Aug, 2003 7 commits
    • guilhem@mysql.com's avatar
      Result updates after Dmitri's and my changes to logging with --log-slave-updates. · ec280a51
      guilhem@mysql.com authored
      Since my changes, rpl_log.test, whose result file depends on file_id, became
      non-repeatable, i.e. file_id on slave in SHOW BINLOG EVENTS
      changed depending on the order of tests (sometimes 1, sometimes 5).
      Which is logical: as now the slave does not copy Create_file and Exec_load from
      the relay log (i.e from the master's binlog) to the slave's binlog, but
      instead lets mysql_load() do the logging, the file_id is now the one whic
      was used on the slave. Before it was the one which was used on the master,
      and by chance the master was always restarted for this test because there's
      a -master.opt file, so file_id on the master is always 1. But now file_id is
      from the slave so we need to restart the slave. That's why I add an (empty)
      -slave.opt file. I could have used 'server_stop/start slave', but this
      would have required the manager, so most of the time mysql-test-run silently
      skip the test which makes it useless. And I want this test to be run !
    • guilhem@mysql.com's avatar
      Merge gbichot@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.0 · f405287b
      guilhem@mysql.com authored
      into mysql.com:/home/mysql_src/mysql-4.0
    • guilhem@mysql.com's avatar
      First commit for fixing BUG#1100 · 1dd53ed0
      guilhem@mysql.com authored
      "LOAD DATA INFILE is badly filtered by binlog-*-db rules".
      There will probably be a second final one to merge Dmitri's changes
      to rpl_log.result and mine.
      2 new tests:
      rpl_loaddata_rule_m : test of logging of LOAD DATA INFILE when the master has binlog-*-db rules,
      rpl_loaddata_rule_s : test of logging of LOAD DATA INFILE when the slave has binlog-*-db rules and --log-slave-updates.
    • dlenev@mysql.com's avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.0 · 423b1b7c
      dlenev@mysql.com authored
      into mysql.com:/home/dlenev/src/mysql-4.0-bg-1086
    • monty@narttu.mysql.fi's avatar
    • dlenev@mysql.com's avatar
      Merge bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-4.0 · 319017ae
      dlenev@mysql.com authored
      into mysql.com:/home/dlenev/src/mysql-4.0-bg-1086
    • monty@narttu.mysql.fi's avatar
      Fixed some varnings from valgrind · 359846f0
      monty@narttu.mysql.fi authored
      Set min value of max_allowed_packet to 1024
      Fixed problem with UNION's without braces and SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS, LIMIT #,#
      and ORDER BY...LIMIT
  4. 19 Aug, 2003 13 commits
  5. 17 Aug, 2003 4 commits
  6. 16 Aug, 2003 1 commit
  7. 15 Aug, 2003 3 commits
  8. 14 Aug, 2003 1 commit
  9. 13 Aug, 2003 9 commits