- 15 Feb, 2013 1 commit
Pedro Gomes authored
In method mysql_binlog_send, right after detecting a EOF in the read event loop, and before deciding if we should change to a new binlog file there is a execution window where new events can be written to the binlog and a rotation can happen. When reaching the test, the function will then change to a new binlog file ignoring all the events written in this window. This will result in events not being replicated. Only when the binlog is detected as deactivated in the event loop of the dump thread, can we really know that no more events remain. For this reason, this test is now made under the log lock in the beginning of the event loop when reading the events.
- 01 Dec, 2012 1 commit
Libing Song authored
FORMAT_DESCRIPTION_LOG_EVENT::CALC_SERVER_VERSION_SPLIT Problem: When reading a Format_description_log_event, it supposes MySQL version is always valid and DBUG_ASSERTION is used check the version number. However, user may give a wrong binlog offset, even give a faked binary event which includes an invalid MySQL version. This will cause server crash. Fix: The assertions are removed and an error will be reported if MySQL version in Format_description_log_event is invalid.
- 12 Oct, 2012 1 commit
Nuno Carvalho authored
This bug had two problems: P1) Reads out of bounds; P2) Writes out of bounds. PROBLEM P1 ---------- User_var_log_event unmarshalling from binlog was not performing range checks when using name_len and val_len variables to walk on event buffer. Added range checks to User_var_log_event unmarshalling to prevent unmarshalling errors. PROBLEM P2 ---------- User_var_log_event value was allocated on thread stack, what caused stack frame errors when User_var_log_event value was bigger than thread stack size. Currently value is allocated on heap memory.
- 22 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Rohit Kalhans authored
QUOTING IN REPLICATION Problem: Misquoting or unquoted identifiers may lead to incorrect statements to be logged to the binary log. Fix: we use specialized functions to append quoted identifiers in the statements generated by the server.
- 10 Sep, 2012 1 commit
Andrei Elkin authored
An "orthographic" typo in User_var::set_deferred() was made in fixes for bug@14275000. While editing the signature of the initial patch to remove the only argument, the assigned value of the argument remained in the body ... to be successfully compiled (!) thanks to names coincidence: the arg to User_var method and its member. Fixed with correcting the typo.
- 14 Aug, 2012 1 commit
Sujatha Sivakumar authored
MASTER-MASTER AND USING SET USE Problem: ======= In a master-master set-up, a master can show a wrong 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS' output. Requirements: - master-master - log_slave_updates This is caused when using SET user-variables and then using it to perform writes. From then on the master that performed the insert will have a SHOW SLAVE STATUS that is wrong and it will never get updated until a write happens on the other master. On"Master A" the "exec_master_log_pos" is not getting updated. Analysis: ======== Slave receives a "User_var" event from the master and after applying the event, when "log_slave_updates" option is enabled the slave tries to write this applied event into its own binary log. At the time of writing this event the slave should use the "originating server-id". But in the above case the sever always logs the "user var events" by using its global server-id. Due to this in a "master-master" replication when the event comes back to the originating server the "User_var_event" doesn't get skipped. "User_var_events" are context based events and they always follow with a query event which marks their end of group. Due to the above mentioned problem with "User_var_event" logging the "User_var_event" never gets skipped where as its corresponding "query_event" gets skipped. Hence the "User_var" event always waits for the next "query event" and the "Exec_master_log_position" does not get updated properly. Fix: === `MYSQL_BIN_LOG::write' function is used to write events into binary log. Within this function a new object for "User_var_log_event" is created and this new object is used to write the "User_var" event in the binlog. "User var" event is inherited from "Log_event". This "Log_event" has different overloaded constructors. When a "THD" object is present "Log_event(thd,...)" constructor should be used to initialise the objects and in the absence of a valid "THD" object "Log_event()" minimal constructor should be used. In the above mentioned problem always default minimal constructor was used which is incorrect. This minimal constructor is replaced with "Log_event(thd,...)".
- 05 Jul, 2012 1 commit
Andrei Elkin authored
Fixes for BUG11761686 left a flaw that managed to slip away from testing. Only effective filtering branch was actually tested with a regression test added to rpl_filter_tables_not_exist. The reason of the failure is destuction of too early mem-root-allocated memory at the end of the deferred User-var's do_apply_event(). Fixed with bypassing free_root() in the deferred execution branch. Deallocation of created in do_apply_event() items is done by the base code through THD::cleanup_after_query() -> free_items() that the parent Query can't miss.
- 21 May, 2012 1 commit
Manish Kumar authored
Problem ======== SQL statements close to the size of max_allowed_packet produce binary log events larger than max_allowed_packet. The reason why this failure is occuring is because the event length is more than the total size of the max_allowed_packet + max_event_header length. Now since the event length exceeds this size master Dump thread is unable to send the packet on to the slave. That can happen e.g with row-based replication in Update_rows event. Fix ==== The problem was fixed by increasing the max_allowed_packet for the slave's threads (IO/SQL) by increasing it to 1GB. This is done using the new server option included which is used to regulate the max_allowed_packet of the slave thread (IO/SQL). This causes the large packets to be received by the slave and apply it successfully.
- 20 Apr, 2012 1 commit
Andrei Elkin authored
BUG#11761686 insert_id event is not filtered. Two issues are covered. INSERT into autoincrement field which is not the first part in the composed primary key is unsafe by autoincrement logging design. The case is specific to MyISAM engine because Innodb does not allow such table definition. However no warnings and row-format logging in the MIXED mode was done, and that is fixed. Int-, Rand-, User-var log-events were not filtered along with their parent query that made possible them to screw up execution context of the following query. Fixed with deferring their execution until the parent query. ****** Bug#11754117 Post review fixes.
- 30 Jun, 2011 1 commit
Kent Boortz authored
- 21 Dec, 2010 1 commit
Normally, auto_increment value is generated for the column by inserting either NULL or 0 into it. NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO suppresses this behavior for 0 so that only NULL generates the auto_increment value. This behavior is also followed by a slave, specifically by the SQL Thread, when applying events in the statement format from a master. However, when applying events in the row format, the flag was ignored thus causing an assertion failure: "Assertion failed: next_insert_id == 0, file .\handler.cc" In fact, we never need to generate a auto_increment value for the column when applying events in row format on slave. So we don't allow it to happen by using 'MODE_NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO'. Refactoring: Get rid of all the sql_mode checks to rows_log_event when applying it for avoiding problems caused by the inconsistency of the sql_mode on slave and master as the sql_mode is not set for Rows_log_event.
- 19 Oct, 2010 1 commit
Davi Arnaut authored
Tag or remove unused arguments and variables.
- 06 Oct, 2010 1 commit
Luis Soares authored
Suprisingly, a Slave_log_event would show up in the binary log. This event is never used and should not appear in the logs. As such, when the slave (or the mysqlbinlog tool) reads the event, it will hit an invalid pointer (reference to the descriptor event when deserializing the Slave_log_event was purposodely set to NULL). The presence of the Slave_log_event denotes a corrupted log, but we cannot tell how the log got corrupted in the first place. However, we can make the server cope with such events when it reads them - in case of log corruption - and fail gracefully. This patch makes the server/mysqlbinlog to report that it has found an invalid log event when Slave_log_event is read.
- 28 Jun, 2010 1 commit
Davi Arnaut authored
- 27 Jun, 2010 1 commit
DROP USER RENAME USER CURRENT_USER() ... GRANT ... TO CURRENT_USER() REVOKE ... FROM CURRENT_USER() ALTER DEFINER = CURRENT_USER() EVENTbut, When these statements are binlogged, CURRENT_USER() just is binlogged as 'CURRENT_USER()', it is not expanded to the real user name. When slave executes the log event, 'CURRENT_USER()' is expand to the user of slave SQL thread, but SQL thread's user name always NULL. This breaks the replication. After this patch, session's user will be written into query log events if these statements call CURREN_USER() or 'ALTER EVENT' does not assign a definer.
- 04 Jul, 2010 1 commit
DROP USER RENAME USER CURRENT_USER() ... GRANT ... TO CURRENT_USER() REVOKE ... FROM CURRENT_USER() ALTER DEFINER = CURRENT_USER() EVENTbut, When these statements are binlogged, CURRENT_USER() just is binlogged as 'CURRENT_USER()', it is not expanded to the real user name. When slave executes the log event, 'CURRENT_USER()' is expand to the user of slave SQL thread, but SQL thread's user name always NULL. This breaks the replication. After this patch, session's user will be written into query log events if these statements call CURREN_USER() or 'ALTER EVENT' does not assign a definer.
- 08 May, 2010 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
MYSQL_BIN_LOG m_table_map_version member and it's associated functions were not used in the logic of binlogging and replication, this patch removed all related code.
- 28 Mar, 2010 1 commit
When mysqlbinlog was given the --database=X flag, it always printed 'ROLLBACK TO', but the corresponding 'SAVEPOINT' statement was not printed. The replicated filter(replicated-do/ignore-db) and binlog filter (binlog-do/ignore-db) has the same problem. They are solved in this patch together. After this patch, We always check whether the query is 'SAVEPOINT' statement or not. Because this is a literal check, 'SAVEPOINT' and 'ROLLBACK TO' statements are also binlogged in uppercase with no any comments. The binlog before this patch can be handled correctly except one case that any comments are in front of the keywords. for example: /* bla bla */ SAVEPOINT a; /* bla bla */ ROLLBACK TO a;
- 17 Mar, 2010 1 commit
Mats Kindahl authored
for InnoDB The class Field_bit_as_char stores the metadata for the field incorrecly because bytes_in_rec and bit_len are set to (field_length + 7 ) / 8 and 0 respectively, while Field_bit has the correct values field_length / 8 and field_length % 8. Solved the problem by re-computing the values for the metadata based on the field_length instead of using the bytes_in_rec and bit_len variables. To handle compatibility with old server, a table map flag was added to indicate that the bit computation is exact. If the flag is clear, the slave computes the number of bytes required to store the bit field and compares that instead, effectively allowing replication *without conversion* from any field length that require the same number of bytes to store.
- 27 Jan, 2010 1 commit
Andrei Elkin authored
improving comments
- 25 Jan, 2010 1 commit
Andrei Elkin authored
When replicating from 4.1 master to 5.0 slave START SLAVE UNTIL can stop too late. The necessary in calculating of the beginning of an event the event's length did not correspond to the master's genuine information at the event's execution time. That piece of info was changed at the event's relay-logging due to binlog_version<4 event conversion by IO thread. Fixed with storing the master genuine Query_log_event size into a new status variable at relay-logging of the event. The stored info is extacted at the event execution and participate further to caclulate the correct start position of the event in the until-pos stopping routine. The new status variable's algorithm will be only active when the event comes from the master of version < 5.0 (binlog_version < 4).
- 15 Dec, 2009 1 commit
'LOAD DATA CONCURRENT [LOCAL] INFILE ...' statment only is binlogged as 'LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INFILE ...' in SBR and MBR. As a result, if replication is on, queries on slaves will be blocked by the replication SQL thread. This patch write code to write 'CONCURRENT' into the log event if 'CONCURRENT' option is in the original statement in SBR and MBR.
- 22 Oct, 2009 1 commit
Alfranio Correia authored
Backporting BUG#43789 to mysql-5.1-bugteam The replication was generating corrupted data, warning messages on Valgrind and aborting on debug mode while replicating a "null" to "not null" field. Specifically the unpack_row routine, was considering the slave's table definition and trying to retrieve a field value, where there was nothing to be retrieved, ignoring the fact that the value was defined as "null" by the master. To fix the problem, we proceed as follows: 1 - If it is not STRICT sql_mode, implicit default values are used, regardless if it is multi-row or single-row statement. 2 - However, if it is STRICT mode, then a we do what follows: 2.1 If it is a transactional engine, we do a rollback on the first NULL that is to be set into a NOT NULL column and return an error. 2.2 If it is a non-transactional engine and it is the first row to be inserted with multi-row, we also return the error. Otherwise, we proceed with the execution, use implicit default values and print out warning messages. Unfortunately, the current patch cannot mimic the behavior showed by the master for updates on multi-tables and multi-row inserts. This happens because such statements are unfolded in different row events. For instance, considering the following updates and strict mode: (master) create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int not null); insert into t1 values (1); insert into t2 values (2); update t1, t2 SET t1.a=10, t2.a=NULL; t1 would have (10) and t2 would have (0) as this would be handled as a multi-row update. On the other hand, if we had the following updates: (master) create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int); (slave) create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int not null); (master) insert into t1 values (1); insert into t2 values (2); update t1, t2 SET t1.a=10, t2.a=NULL; On the master t1 would have (10) and t2 would have (NULL). On the slave, t1 would have (10) but the update on t1 would fail.
- 28 Sep, 2009 1 commit
Tatiana A. Nurnberg authored
"load data" statements were written to the binlog as a mix of the original statement and bits recreated from parse-info. This relied on implementation details and broke with IGNORE_SPACES and versioned comments. We now completely resynthesize the query for LOAD DATA for binlog (which among other things normalizes them somewhat with regard to case, spaces, etc.). We have already parsed the query properly, so we make use of that rather than mix-and-match string literals and parsed items. This should make us safe with regard to versioned comments, even those spanning multiple tokens. Also no longer affected by IGNORE_SPACES.
- 07 Jun, 2009 1 commit
Luis Soares authored
mysqlbinlog --database parameter was being ignored when processing row events. As such no event filtering would take place. This patch addresses this by deploying a call to shall_skip_database when table_map_events are handled (as these contain also the name of the database). All other rows events referencing the table id for the filtered map event, will also be skipped.
- 30 May, 2009 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
Make the caller of Query_log_event, Execute_load_log_event constructors and THD::binlog_query to provide the error code instead of having the constructors to figure out the error code.
- 27 Mar, 2009 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
When the thread executing a DDL was killed after finished its execution but before writing the binlog event, the error code in the binlog event could be set wrongly to ER_SERVER_SHUTDOWN or ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED. This patch fixed the problem by ignoring the kill status when constructing the event for DDL statements. This patch also included the following changes in order to provide the test case. 1) modified mysqltest to support variable for connection command 2) modified mysql-test-run.pl, add new variable MYSQL_SLAVE to run mysql client against the slave mysqld.
- 05 Mar, 2009 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
Backporting patch to 5.0.
- 21 Feb, 2009 1 commit
Alfranio Correia authored
If secure-file-priv was set on slave, it became unable to execute LOAD DATA INFILE statements sent from master using mixed or statement-based replication. This patch fixes the issue by ignoring this security restriction and checking if the files are created and read by the slave in the --slave-load-tmpdir while executing the SQL Thread.
- 09 Jan, 2009 2 commits
Sven Sandberg authored
Adding comments to some of the high-level functions in replication.
Sven Sandberg authored
Problem: when the server reads a log_event from file, it should read the post-header lengths from the format_description_log_event. Some event types which currently have post-header length 0 did not do this, and instead had a hard-coded zero length for the post-header. That means the current server version will not be able to read future versions of these events. Fix: make the reader functions read the post-header.
- 29 Dec, 2008 1 commit
Sven Sandberg authored
Problem: When an Incident_log_event contains a bad incident number on disk, the server crashes with an assertion. Fix: Don't validate input with assertions. Use errors.
- 28 Sep, 2008 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
Rotate event is automatically generated and written when rotating binary log or relay log. Rotate events for relay logs are usually ignored by slave SQL thread becuase they have the same server id as that of the slave. However, if --replicate-same-server-id is enabled, rotate event for relay log would be treated as if it's a rotate event from master, and would be executed by slave to update the rli->group_master_log_name and rli->group_master_log_pos to a wrong value and cause the MASTER_POS_WAIT function to fail and return NULL. This patch fixed this problem by setting a flag bit (LOG_EVENT_RELAY_LOG_F) in the event to tell the SQL thread to ignore these Rotate events generated for relay logs. This patch also added another binlog event flag bit (LOG_EVENT_ARTIFICIAL_F) to distinquish faked events, the method used before this was by checking if log_pos was zero.
- 26 Aug, 2008 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
- 21 Aug, 2008 1 commit
Alexander Barkov authored
- Implementing --base64-format=decode-rows, to display SQL-alike decoded row events without their BINLOG statements. - Adding --base64-format=decode-rows into tests when calling mysqlbinlog to avoid non-deterministic results - Removing resetting of last_table_id in "RESET MASTER", which appeared to be dangerous.
- 20 Aug, 2008 1 commit
Alexander Barkov authored
Implementing -v command line parameter to mysqlbinlog to decode and print row events. mysql-test/include/mysqlbinlog_row_engine.inc mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog_row.result mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog_row_big.result mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog_row_innodb.result mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog_row_myisam.result mysql-test/r/mysqlbinlog_row_trans.result mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog_row.test mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog_row_big.test mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog_row_innodb.test mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog_row_myisam.test mysql-test/t/mysqlbinlog_row_trans.test Adding tests client/Makefile.am Adding new files to symlink client/mysqlbinlog.cc Adding -v option sql/log_event.cc Impelentations of the new methods sql/log_event.h Declaration of the new methods and member sql/mysql_priv.h Adding new function prototype sql/rpl_tblmap.cc Adding pre-processor conditions sql/rpl_tblmap.h Adding pre-processor conditions sql/rpl_utility.h Adding pre-processor conditions sql/sql_base.cc Adding reset_table_id_sequence() function. sql/sql_repl.cc Resetting table_id on "RESET MASTER" .bzrignore Ignoring new symlinked files
- 31 Jul, 2008 1 commit
He Zhenxing authored
The problem of this bug is that we need to get the list of tables to be updated for a multi-table update statement, which requires to open all the tables referenced by the statement and resolve all the fields involved in update in order to figure out the list of tables for update. However if there are replicate filter rules, some tables might not exist on slave and result in a failure before we could examine the filter rules. I think the whole problem can not be solved on slave alone, the master must record and send the information of tables involved for update to slave, so that the slave do not need to open all the tables referenced by the multi-table update statement to figure out which tables are involved for update. So a status variable is added to Query_log event to store the value of table map for update on master. And on slave, it will try to get the value of this variable and use it to examine filter rules without opening any tables on slave, if this values is not available, the old approach is used and thus the bug will still occur for when replicating from old masters.
- 28 Mar, 2008 1 commit
mats@mats-laptop.(none) authored
The bug allow multiple executing transactions working with non-transactional to interfere with each others by interleaving the events of different trans- actions. Bug is fixed by writing non-transactional events to the transaction cache and flushing the cache to the binary log at statement commit. To mimic the behavior of normal statement-based replication, we flush the transaction cache in row- based mode when there is no committed statements in the transaction cache, which means we are committing the first one. This means that it will be written to the binary log as a "mini-transaction" with just the rows for the statement. Note that the changes here does not take effect when building the server with HAVE_TRANSACTIONS set to false, but it is not clear if this was possible before this patch either. For row-based logging, we also have that when AUTOCOMMIT=1, the code now always generates a BEGIN/COMMIT pair for single statements, or BEGIN/ROLLBACK pair in the case of non-transactional changes in a statement that was rolled back. Note that for the case where changes to a non-transactional table causes a rollback due to error, the statement will now be logged with a BEGIN/ROLLBACK pair, even though some changes has been committed to the non-transactional table.
- 07 Mar, 2008 1 commit
sven@riska.(none) authored
Problem: in mixed and statement mode, a query that refers to a system variable will use the slave's value when replayed on slave. So if the value of a system variable is inserted into a table, the slave will differ from the master. Fix: mark statements that refer to a system variable as "unsafe", meaning they will be replicated by row in mixed mode and produce a warning in statement mode. There are some exceptions: some variables are actually replicated. Those should *not* be marked as unsafe. BUG#34732: mysqlbinlog does not print default values for auto_increment variables Problem: mysqlbinlog does not print default values for some variables, including auto_increment_increment and others. So if a client executing the output of mysqlbinlog has different default values, replication will be wrong. Fix: Always print default values for all variables that are replicated. I need to fix the two bugs at the same time, because the test cases would fail if I only fixed one of them.
- 20 Feb, 2008 1 commit
sven@riska.(none) authored
Minor update with corrections and notes on the binlog format. This only affects comments, not code.