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  1. 06 Apr, 2006 1 commit
    • svoj@april.(none)'s avatar
      Fix for bug#14945 "Truncate table doesn't reset the auto_increment · 209682e0
      svoj@april.(none) authored
      When TRUNCATE TABLE was called within an stored procedure the
      auto_increment counter was not reset to 0 even if straight
      TRUNCATE for this table did this.
      This fix makes TRUNCATE in stored procedures to be handled exactly
      in the same way as straight TRUNCATE. We achieve this by rolling
      back the fix for bug 8850, which is no longer needed since stored
      procedures don't require prelocked mode anymore (and TRUNCATE is
      not allowed in stored functions or triggers).
  2. 28 Mar, 2006 1 commit
  3. 10 Mar, 2006 2 commits
    •'s avatar
      Fixed BUG#16474: SP crashed MySQL · 61f2dc71 authored
        fix_fields() was not called for "order by" variables if the type was a
        "constant integer", and thus interpreted as a column index.
        However, a local variable is an expression and should not be interpreted
        as a column index. Instead it behaves just like when using a user variable
        for instance (i.e. it will not affect the ordering).
    • evgen@moonbone.local's avatar
      Fixed bug#13575: SP funcs in select with distinct/group and order by can · c5493b63
      evgen@moonbone.local authored
      produce wrong data
      By default Item_sp_func::val_str() returns string from it's result_field 
      internal buffer. When grouping is present Item_copy_string is used to 
      store SP function result, but it doesn't additionally buffer the result.
      When the next record is read, internal buffer is overwritten, due to
      this Item_copy_string::val_str() will have wrong data. Thus producing
      weird query result.
      The Item_func_sp::val_str() now makes a copy of returned value to prevent
      occasional corruption.
  4. 09 Mar, 2006 1 commit
  5. 02 Mar, 2006 2 commits
  6. 24 Feb, 2006 1 commit
  7. 16 Feb, 2006 1 commit
  8. 15 Feb, 2006 2 commits
    •'s avatar
      Additional tests for nested handlers added to sp.test. · f5035faf authored
      A follow-up to BUG#15011 (already fixed).
    •'s avatar
      Fixed BUG#16887: Cursor causes server segfault · cfba31dd authored
        The problem was a code generation bug: cpop instructions were not generated
        when using ITERATE back to an outer block from a context with a declared
        cursor; this would make it push a new cursor without popping in-between,
        eventually overrunning the cursor stack with a crash as the result.
        Fixed the calculation of how many cursors to pop (in
        diff_cursors()), and also corrected diff_cursors() and diff_handlers()
        to when doing a "leave"; don't include the last context we're leaving
        (we are then jumping to the appropriate pop instructions).
  9. 26 Jan, 2006 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed on BUG#16568: Continue handler with simple CASE not working correctly · ff4e2892 authored
        After trying multiple inheritance (to messy and hard make it work) and
        sublassing jump_if_not (worked, but ugly), decided to on this solution
        Inserting an abstract sp_instr_opt_meta class as parent for all instructions
        with destinations makes it possible to handle a continuation pointer for
        sp_instr_set_case_expr too.
        Note: No special test case; the fix is captured by the changed behaviour of
        bug14643_2, and bug14498_4 (formerly disabled), in sp.test.
  10. 25 Jan, 2006 1 commit
  11. 20 Jan, 2006 1 commit
  12. 19 Jan, 2006 1 commit
  13. 16 Jan, 2006 1 commit
  14. 12 Jan, 2006 1 commit
  15. 13 Dec, 2005 2 commits
  16. 08 Dec, 2005 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      A fix and a test case for Bug#15441 "Running SP causes Server · bbf3a593 authored
      to Crash": the bug was that due to non-standard name
      resolution precedence in stored procedures (See Bug#5967)
      a stored procedure variable took precedence over a table column
      when the arguments for VALUES() function were resolved.
      The implementation of VALUES() function was not designed to work
      with Item_splocal and crashed.
      VALUES() function is non-standard. It can refer to, and
      is meaningful for, table columns only. The patch disables SP 
      variables as possible arguments of VALUES() function.
  17. 07 Dec, 2005 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Patch for WL#2894: Make stored routine variables work · 0ff8f60b authored
      according to the standard.
      The idea is to use Field-classes to implement stored routines
      variables. Also, we should provide facade to Item-hierarchy
      by Item_field class (it is necessary, since SRVs take part
      in expressions).
      The patch fixes the following bugs:
        - BUG#8702: Stored Procedures: No Error/Warning shown for inappropriate data 
          type matching; 
        - BUG#8768: Functions: For any unsigned data type, -ve values can be passed 
          and returned; 
        - BUG#8769: Functions: For Int datatypes, out of range values can be passed 
          and returned; 
        - BUG#9078: STORED PROCDURE: Decimal digits are not displayed when we use 
          DECIMAL datatype; 
        - BUG#9572: Stored procedures: variable type declarations ignored; 
        - BUG#12903: upper function does not work inside a function; 
        - BUG#13705: parameters to stored procedures are not verified; 
        - BUG#13808: ENUM type stored procedure parameter accepts non-enumerated
        - BUG#13909: Varchar Stored Procedure Parameter always BINARY string (ignores 
          CHARACTER SET); 
        - BUG#14161: Stored procedure cannot retrieve bigint unsigned;
        - BUG#14188: BINARY variables have no 0x00 padding;
        - BUG#15148: Stored procedure variables accept non-scalar values;
  18. 06 Dec, 2005 1 commit
  19. 03 Dec, 2005 1 commit
  20. 02 Dec, 2005 2 commits
  21. 01 Dec, 2005 1 commit
  22. 26 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  23. 24 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  24. 23 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  25. 22 Nov, 2005 2 commits
    •'s avatar
    •'s avatar
      Fix for BUG#13549 "Server crash with nested stored procedures · 2bcd6897 authored
      if inner routine has more local variables than outer one, and
      one of its last variables was used as argument to NOT operator".
      THD::spcont was non-0 when we were parsing stored routine/trigger
      definition during execution of another stored routine. This confused
      methods of Item_splocal and forced them use wrong runtime context.
      Fix ensures that we always have THD::spcont equal to zero during
      routine/trigger body parsing. This also allows to avoid problems
      with errors which occur during parsing and SQL exception handlers.
  26. 18 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  27. 15 Nov, 2005 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed BUG#14723: Dumping of stored functions seems to cause corruption · 547f2676 authored
                       in the function body
        Changed the way the end of query was found from the lex state.
        The routine body was not extracted correctly when using the
        /*!version ... */ wrapper (in dump files); for some types of routines
        (e.g. with a label at the first begin), the trailing "*/" was not skipped.
        This is a recommit for the 5.0.16-release tree.
  28. 11 Nov, 2005 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed BUG#14723: Dumping of stored functions seems to cause corruption · 7d134961 authored
                       in the function body
        Changed the way the end of query was found from the lex state.
        The routine body was not extracted correctly when using the
        /*!version ... */ wrapper (in dump files); for some types of routines
        (e.g. with a label at the first begin), the trailing "*/" was not skipped.
  29. 08 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  30. 04 Nov, 2005 1 commit
    •'s avatar
      Fixed BUG#14498: Stored procedures: hang if undefined variable and exception · 58db5436 authored
        The problem was to continue at the right place in the code after the
        test expression in a flow control statement fails with an exception
        (internally, the test in sp_instr_jump_if_not), and the exception is
        caught by a continue handler. Execution must then be resumed after the
        the entire flow control statement (END IF, END WHILE, etc).
  31. 03 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  32. 01 Nov, 2005 1 commit
  33. 26 Oct, 2005 1 commit
  34. 24 Oct, 2005 1 commit