- 07 Apr, 2005 20 commits
lenz@mysql.com authored
has branched off from the 4.1 tree to build the 5.0.4 release
mskold@mysql.com authored
mskold@mysql.com authored
mskold@mysql.com authored
mskold@mysql.com authored
mskold@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/usr/local/home/marty/MySQL/mysql-4.1
mskold@mysql.com authored
sergefp@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/psergey/mysql-5.0-bug8877-merge
sergefp@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/psergey/mysql-4.1-bug8877
sergefp@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/psergey/mysql-5.0-bug8877-merge
sergefp@mysql.com authored
sergefp@mysql.com authored
magnus@msdesk.mysql.com authored
into msdesk.mysql.com:/home/magnus/mysql-5.0
magnus@msdesk.mysql.com authored
into msdesk.mysql.com:/home/magnus/mysql-5.0
bar@mysql.com authored
After merge fix.
jani@ua141d10.elisa.omakaista.fi authored
mskold@mysql.com authored
dlenev@brandersnatch.localdomain authored
state" to sp-error.test. According to Per-Erik all SP related tests which should result in error should go into sp-error.test and not in sp.test, because we want to be able to run sp.test using normal client.
dlenev@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/dlenev/src/mysql-5.0-bg9566
- 06 Apr, 2005 20 commits
jimw@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-5.0-clean
dlenev@brandersnatch.localdomain authored
illegal state". We should not assume that mysql.proc table does not exist if we are unable to open it under LOCK TABLES or in prelocked mode (and remember this fact by setting mysql_proc_table_exists to zero).
serg@serg.mylan authored
into serg.mylan:/usr/home/serg/Abk/mysql-5.0
serg@serg.mylan authored
serg@serg.mylan authored
Gluh's SESSION/GLOBAL for @variables fix in sql_yacc.yy and Bar's well_formed_len() changes in ndb code did not make it and should be re-applied manually
into a193-229-222-105.elisa-laajakaista.fi:/home/my/bk/mysql-5.0-new
serg@serg.mylan authored
konstantin@mysql.com authored
jimw@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-4.1-clean
jimw@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/jimw/my/mysql-4.0-clean
konstantin@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/media/sda1/mysql/mysql-5.0-9520
konstantin@mysql.com authored
kent@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/Users/kent/mysql/bk/mysql-5.0-compile
monty@mysql.com authored
kent@mysql.com authored
monty@mysql.com authored
into mysql.com:/home/my/mysql-5.0
monty@mysql.com authored
Added suppression file for some valgrind warnings that are not real errors
joerg@mysql.com authored
marko@hundin.mysql.fi authored
between two server instances at server shutdown/startup. This conflict on advisory locks appears to be the result of a bug in the operating system; these locks should be released when the files are closed, but somehow that does not always happen immediately in Linux. (Bug #9381)