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  1. 04 Aug, 2022 10 commits
  2. 03 Aug, 2022 10 commits
  3. 02 Aug, 2022 15 commits
  4. 01 Aug, 2022 5 commits
    • Aleksey Midenkov's avatar
      MDEV-28727 ALTER TABLE ALGORITHM=NOCOPY does not work after upgrade · 1ea5e402
      Aleksey Midenkov authored
      MDEV-20704 changed the rules of how (HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY |
      HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY) flags are added. Older FRMs before that fix had
      these flags for DOUBLE index. After that fix when ALTER sees such old
      FRM it thinks it cannot do instant alter because of failed
      compare_keys_but_name(): it compares flags against tmp table created
      by ALTER.
      MDEV-20704 fix was actually not about DOUBLE type but about
      FIELDFLAG_BLOB which affected DOUBLE. So there is no direct knowledge
      that any other types were not affected.
      The proposed fix under CHECK TABLE checks if FRM has
      (HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY) flags and was created prior
      MDEV-20704 and if so issues "needs upgrade". When mysqlcheck and
      mysql_upgrade see such status they issue ALTER TABLE FORCE and upgrade
      the table to the version of server.
    • Aleksey Midenkov's avatar
      MDEV-21540 Initialization of already inited long unique index on reorganize partition · 231feabd
      Aleksey Midenkov authored
      Handler for existing partition was already index-inited at the
      beginning of copy_partitions().
      In the case of REORGANIZE PARTITION we fill new partition by calling
      its ha_write_row() (handler is storage engine of new partition). From
      that we go through the below conditions:
          if (this->inited == RND)
          handler *h= table->update_handler ? table->update_handler : table->file;
      First, the above misses the meaning of this->inited check. Now it is
      new partition and this handler is not inited. So, we assign
      table->file which is ha_partition and is really not known to be inited
      or not. It is supposed (this == table->file), otherwise we are
      out of the logic for using update_handler. This patch adds DBUG_ASSERT
      for that.
      Second, we call check_duplicate_long_entries() for table->file and
      that calls ha_partition::index_init() which calls index_init() for
      each partition's handler. But the existing parititions' handlers was
      already inited in copy_partitions() and we fail on assertion.
      The fix implies that we don't need check_duplicate_long_entries()
      per-partition as we've already done check_duplicate_long_entries() for
      ha_partition. For REORGANIZE PARTITION that means existing row was
      already checked at previous INSERT/UPDATE commands, so no need to
      check it again (see NOTE in handler::ha_write_row()).
      The fix also optimizes ha_update_row() so
      check_duplicate_long_entries_update() is not called per-partition
      considering it was already called for ha_partition. Besides,
      per-partition duplicate check is not really usable.
    • Julius Goryavsky's avatar
      MDEV-28758: Mariabackup copies binary logs to backup directory · 7fb1f919
      Julius Goryavsky authored
      This commit restores defaults and functionality regarding binlogs
      to the way it was prior to MDEV-27524. The mariabackup utility no
      longer saves binlogs files as part of a backup without the --galera-info
      option. However, since we use --galera-info during SST, the behavior
      of mariabackup changes and, in combination with GTIDs support enabled,
      mariabackup transfers one (most recent) binlog file obtained after
      FLUSH BINARY LOGS. In other cases, binlogs are not transferred during
      SST in mariabackup mode. As for SST in the rsync mode, it works the
      same way as before MDEV-27524 - by default it transfers one last
      binlog file.
      The --sst-max-binlogs option for mariabackup and the sst_max_binlogs
      parameter in the [sst] / server sections are no longer supported for
      SST via mariabackup.
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar
      only copy buffer pool dump in SST galera mode · 5b415437
      Sergei Golubchik authored
      and then only into the default name, so that the joiner could find it
    • Sergei Golubchik's avatar