1. 14 Nov, 2007 3 commits
  2. 12 Nov, 2007 7 commits
  3. 09 Nov, 2007 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#29083 - test suite times out on OS X 64bit - also in older releases · cd0fcfe0
      unknown authored
      The "mysql client in mysqld"(which is used by
      replication and federated) should use alarms instead of setting
      socket timeout value if the rest of the server uses alarm. By
      always calling 'my_net_set_write_timeout'
      or 'net_set_read_timeout' when changing the timeout value(s), the
      selection whether to use alarms or timeouts will be handled by
      ifdef's in those two functions.
      This is minimal backport of patch for BUG#26664, which was pushed
      to 5.0 and up.
      Affects 4.1 only.
        Move the net_set_*_timeout function declarations to mysql_com.h
         Use my_net_read_timeout or my_net_write_timeout when setting the timeouts
        Move the net_set_*_timeout function declarations to mysql_com.h
  4. 07 Nov, 2007 1 commit
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#31277 - myisamchk --unpack corrupts a table · 43dd5f39
      unknown authored
      With certain data sets (when compressed record length gets bigger than
      uncompressed) myisamchk --unpack may corrupt data file.
      Fixed that record length was wrongly restored from compressed table.
        With compressed tables compressed record length may be bigger than
        pack_reclength, thus we may allocate insufficient memory for record
        Let single function allocate record buffer, performing needed record
        length calculations.
        Still, it is not doable with parallel repair, as it allocates needed
        record buffers at once. For parellel repair added better record length
        When calculating record buffer size, take into account that compressed
        record length may be bigger than uncompressed.
        With certain data set share->max_pack_length (compressed record length)
        may be bigger than share->base.pack_reclength (packed record length).
        set_if_bigger(pack_reclength, max_pack_length) in this case causes
        myisamchk --unpack to write extra garbage, whereas pack_reclength
        remains the same in new index file. As a result we get unreadable
        With compressed tables compressed record length may be bigger than
        pack_reclength, thus we may allocate insufficient memory for record
        Let single function allocate record buffer, performing needed record
        length calculations.
        Environment variables to execute myisamchk and myisampack.
        New BitKeeper file ``mysql-test/r/myisampack.result''
        New BitKeeper file ``mysql-test/t/myisampack.test''
  5. 06 Nov, 2007 5 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#32111 - Security Breach via DATA/INDEX DIRECORY and RENAME TABLE · a837ff41
      unknown authored
      RENAME TABLE against a table with DATA/INDEX DIRECTORY overwrites
      the file to which the symlink points.
      This is security issue, because it is possible to create a table with
      some name in some non-system database and set DATA/INDEX DIRECTORY
      to mysql system database. Renaming this table to one of mysql system
      tables (e.g. user, host) would overwrite the system table.
      Return an error when the file to which the symlink points exist.
        A test case for BUG#32111.
        A test case for BUG#32111.
        Return an error when the file to which the symlink points exist.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge stella.local:/home2/mydev/mysql-5.0-amain · 69951a7f
      unknown authored
      into  stella.local:/home2/mydev/mysql-5.0-axmrg
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge stella.local:/home2/mydev/mysql-5.0-ateam · d948921f
      unknown authored
      into  stella.local:/home2/mydev/mysql-5.0-axmrg
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#4692 - DISABLE/ENABLE KEYS waste a space · 6b50443b
      unknown authored
      Disabling and enabling indexes on a non-empty table grows the
      index file.
      Disabling indexes just sets a flag per non-unique index and does not
      free the index blocks of the affected indexes. Re-enabling indexes
      creates new indexes with new blocks. The old blocks remain unused
      in the index file.
      Fixed by dropping and re-creating all indexes if non-empty disabled
      indexes exist when enabling indexes. Dropping all indexes resets
      the internal end-of-file marker to the end of the index file header.
      It also clears the root block pointers of every index and clears the
      deleted blocks chains. This way all blocks are declared as free.
        Bug#4692 - DISABLE/ENABLE KEYS waste a space
        Added function mi_drop_all_indexes() to support drop of all indexes
        in case we want to re-enable non-empty disabled indexes.
        Changed mi_repair(), mi_repair_by_sort(), and mi_repair_parallel()
        to use the new function instead of duplicate drop index code.
        Bug#4692 - DISABLE/ENABLE KEYS waste a space
        Added test result.
        Bug#4692 - DISABLE/ENABLE KEYS waste a space
        Added test.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge svojtovich@bk-internal.mysql.com:/home/bk/mysql-5.0-engines · 26c75106
      unknown authored
      into  mysql.com:/home/svoj/devel/mysql/BUG31950/mysql-5.0-engines
  6. 05 Nov, 2007 3 commits
  7. 02 Nov, 2007 10 commits
  8. 01 Nov, 2007 6 commits
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge stella.local:/home2/mydev/mysql-5.0-amain · 52d18cfa
      unknown authored
      into  stella.local:/home2/mydev/mysql-5.0-axmrg
    • unknown's avatar
      Post-merge fix · 94b28ff8
      unknown authored
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug#31909 - New gis.test creates warnings files · a34cc513
      unknown authored
      Comment sign of -- at line begin in test files lead to warnings
      from mysqltest.
      Changed -- to #.
        Bug#31909 - New gis.test creates warnings files
        Changed -- to # at comment begin to avoid warnings files.
    • unknown's avatar
      Merge lambda.hsd1.co.comcast.net.:/home/malff/TREE/mysql-5.0-base · 05b053eb
      unknown authored
      into  lambda.hsd1.co.comcast.net.:/home/malff/TREE/mysql-5.0-rt-merge
    • unknown's avatar
      BUG#31950 - repair table hangs while processing multicolumn utf8 · d92cd553
      unknown authored
                  fulltext index
      Having a table with broken multibyte characters may cause fulltext
      parser dead-loop.
      Since normally it is not possible to insert broken multibyte sequence
      into a table, this problem may arise only if table is damaged.
      Affected statements are:
      - CHECK/REPAIR against damaged table with fulltext index;
      - boolean mode phrase search against damaged table with or
        without fulltext inex;
      - boolean mode searches without index;
      - nlq searches.
      No test case for this fix. Affects 5.0 only.
        When skipping leading spaces, skip broken characters as well (broken
        characters a identified by mbl == 0).
    • unknown's avatar
      Bug #31848: Test failure: Cluster has problems on insert with auto-increment · 9bb1fe68
      unknown authored
      Fix uninitialized variable causing failures for some interpreted update
      operations on gcc 4.2.1.
        Fix uninitialized variable causing failures for some interpreted update
        operations on gcc 4.2.1.
  9. 31 Oct, 2007 4 commits