Commit d6f49a00 authored by David Wilson's avatar David Wilson

issue #106: ansible: beginnings of FileService.

parent 6118d4e6
......@@ -27,9 +27,16 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import zlib
import mitogen
import mitogen.service
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ContextService(mitogen.service.DeduplicatingService):
Used by worker processes connecting back into the top-level process to
......@@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ class ContextService(mitogen.service.DeduplicatingService):
This concentrates all SSH connections in the top-level process, which may
become a bottleneck. There are multiple ways to fix that:
become a bottleneck. There are multiple ways to fix that:
* creating one .local() child context per CPU and sharding connections
between them, using the master process to route messages, or
* as above, but having each child create a unique UNIX listener and
......@@ -68,3 +75,64 @@ class ContextService(mitogen.service.DeduplicatingService):
args.pop('discriminator', None)
method = getattr(self.router, args.pop('method'))
return method(**args)
class FileService(mitogen.service.Service):
Primitive latency-inducing file server for old-style incantations of the
module runner. This is to be replaced later with a scheme that forwards
files known to be missing without the target having to ask for them,
avoiding a corresponding roundtrip per file.
Paths must be explicitly added to the service by a trusted context before
they will be served to an untrusted context.
:param tuple args:
Tuple of `(cmd, path)`, where:
- cmd: one of "register", "fetch", where:
- register: register a file that may be fetched
- fetch: fetch a file that was previously registered
- path: key of the file to fetch or register
Returns ``None` for "register", or the file data for "fetch".
:raises mitogen.core.CallError:
Security violation occurred, either path not registered, or attempt to
register path from unprivileged context.
handle = 501
max_message_size = 1000
unprivileged_msg = 'Cannot register from unprivileged context.'
unregistered_msg = 'Path is not registered with FileService.'
def __init__(self, router):
super(FileService, self).__init__(router)
self._paths = {}
def validate_args(self, args):
return (
isinstance(args, tuple) and
len(args) == 2 and
args[0] in ('register', 'fetch') and
isinstance(args[1], str)
def dispatch(self, args, msg):
cmd, path = msg
return getattr(self, cmd)(path, msg)
def register(self, path, msg):
if msg.auth_id not in mitogen.parent_ids:
raise mitogen.core.CallError(self.unprivileged_msg)
with open(path, 'rb') as fp:
self._paths[path] = zlib.compress(
def fetch(self, path, msg):
if path not in self._paths:
raise mitogen.core.CallError(self.unregistered_msg)
LOG.debug('Serving %r to context %r', path, msg.src_id)
return self._paths[path]
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