Commit f1d82c72 authored by David Wilson's avatar David Wilson

More API documentation.

parent 9d2a11e7
......@@ -207,12 +207,21 @@ Router Class
receive side to the I/O multiplexer. This This method remains public
for now while hte design has not yet settled.
.. method:: add_handler (fn, handle=None, persist=None, respondent=None)
.. method:: add_handler (fn, handle=None, persist=True, respondent=None)
Invoke `fn(msg)` for each Message sent to `handle` from this context.
Unregister after one invocation if `persist` is ``False``. If `handle`
is ``None``, a new handle is allocated and returned.
:param int handle:
If not ``None``, an explicit handle to register, usually one of the
``mitogen.core.*`` constants. If unspecified, a new unused handle
will be allocated.
:param bool persist:
If ``False``, the handler will be unregistered after a single
message has been received.
:param mitogen.core.Context respondent:
Context that messages to this handle are expected to be sent from.
If specified, arranges for ``_DEAD`` to be delivered to `fn` when
......@@ -221,6 +230,9 @@ Router Class
In future `respondent` will likely also be used to prevent other
contexts from sending messages to the handle.
`handle`, or if `handle` was ``None``, the newly allocated handle.
.. method:: _async_route(msg, stream=None)
Arrange for `msg` to be forwarded towards its destination. If its
......@@ -335,7 +347,8 @@ Router Class
Accepts all parameters accepted by :py:meth:`local`, in addition to:
:param str username:
The ``sudo`` username; defaults to ``root`..
The ``sudo`` username; defaults to ``root``.
:param str sudo_path:
Absolute or relative path to ``sudo``. Defaults to ``sudo``.
:param str password:
......@@ -377,20 +390,125 @@ Router Class
``~/.ssh/id_rsa``, or ``~/.ssh/id_dsa``.
Broker Class
Context Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Broker
.. class:: mitogen.core.Context
Represent a remote context regardless of connection method.
Context Class
**Note:** This is the somewhat limited core version of the Context class
used by child contexts. The master subclass is documented below this one.
.. method:: send (msg)
Arrange for `msg` to be delivered to this context. Updates the
message's `dst_id` prior to routing it via the associated router.
:param mitogen.core.Message msg:
The message.
.. method:: send_async (msg, persist=False)
Arrange for `msg` to be delivered to this context, with replies
delivered to a newly constructed Receiver. Updates the message's
`dst_id` prior to routing it via the associated router and registers a
handle which is placed in the message's `reply_to`.
:param bool persist:
If ``False``, the handler will be unregistered after a single
message has been received.
:param mitogen.core.Message msg:
The message.
:return mitogen.core.Receiver:
Receiver configured to receive any replies sent to the message's
`reply_to` handle.
.. method:: send_await (msg, deadline=None)
As with :py:meth:`send_async`, but expect a single reply
(`persist=False`) delivered within `deadline` seconds.
:param mitogen.core.Message msg:
The message.
:param float deadline:
If not ``None``, seconds before timing out waiting for a reply.
:raises mitogen.core.TimeoutError:
No message was received and `deadline` passed.
.. class:: mitogen.master.Context
Extend :py:class:`mitogen.core.Router` with functionality useful to
masters, and child contexts who later become masters. Currently when this
class is required, the target context's router is upgraded at runtime.
.. method:: call_async (fn, \*args, \*\*kwargs)
Arrange for the context's ``CALL_FUNCTION`` handle to receive a
message that causes `fn(\*args, \**kwargs)` to be invoked on the
context's main thread.
:param fn:
A free function in module scope, or a classmethod or staticmethod
of a class directly reachable from module scope:
.. code-block:: python
def my_func():
"""A free function reachable as mymodule.my_func"""
class MyClass:
def my_staticmethod():
"""Reachable as mymodule.MyClass.my_staticmethod"""
def my_classmethod(cls):
"""Reachable as mymodule.MyClass.my_staticmethod"""
def my_instancemethod(self):
"""Unreachable: requires a class instance!"""
class MyEmbeddedClass:
def my_classmethod(cls):
"""Not directly reachable from module scope!"""
:param tuple args:
Function arguments, if any. See :ref:`serialization-rules` for
permitted types.
:param dict kwargs:
Function keyword arguments, if any. See :ref:`serialization-rules`
for permitted types.
:return mitogen.core.Receiver:
A receiver configured to receive the result of the invocation:
.. code-block:: python
recv = context.call_async(os.check_output, 'ls /tmp/')
print recv.get_data() # Prints output once it is received.
except mitogen.core.CallError, e:
print 'Call failed:', str(e)
.. method:: call (fn, \*args, \*\*kwargs)
Equivalent to :py:meth:`call_async(fn, \*args, \**kwargs).get_data()
The function's return value.
:raises mitogen.core.CallError:
An exception was raised in the remote context during execution.
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Context
Receiver Class
......@@ -519,6 +637,13 @@ Channel Class
to match. Currently this is a manual task.
Broker Class
.. autoclass:: mitogen.master.Broker
Utility Functions
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Getting Started
.. _serialization-rules:
RPC Serialization Rules
......@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ After all initialization is complete, the slave's main thread sits in a loop
reading from a :py:class:`Channel <mitogen.core.Channel>` connected to the
:py:data:`CALL_FUNCTION <mitogen.core.CALL_FUNCTION>` handle. This handle is
written to by
:py:meth:`call_with_deadline() <mitogen.master.Context.call_with_deadline>`
and :py:meth:`call() <>`.
:py:meth:`call() <>`
and :py:meth:`call_async() <mitogen.master.Context.call_async>`.
......@@ -711,9 +711,6 @@ class Stream(BasicStream):
class Context(object):
Represent a remote context regardless of connection method.
remote_name = None
def __init__(self, router, context_id, name=None):
......@@ -799,7 +799,6 @@ class Context(mitogen.core.Context):
def call(self, fn, *args, **kwargs):
"""Invoke `fn(*args, **kwargs)` in the external context."""
return self.call_async(fn, *args, **kwargs).get_data()
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