Commit 12722462 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov


parent fc4a7c11
No related merge requests found
......@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@ def Bmerge(B, merger):
for name_ in name_v:
b_ = Bname.get(name_)
if b_ is not None:
# ok to merge if either probably same or the difference is < 1µs
# ok to merge if either probably same or the difference is < 1µs # XXX 0.5
s_ = b_.stats()
assert s.unit == s_.unit, (s.unit, s_.unit)
t = ttest_ind_from_stats(s.avg, s.std, s.ninliers, s_.avg, s_.std, s_.ninliers)
if t.pvalue >= 0.3 or (s.unit == usop and abs(s.avg - s_.avg) < 1.0):
if t.pvalue >= 0.3 or (s.unit == usop and abs(s.avg - s_.avg) < 0.5):
print 'merging %s (%s)\t+ %s (%s) (%s)' % (name, s, name_, s_, t)
......@@ -248,6 +248,11 @@ def add_yvalueticks(ax, yv, fmt='%d'):
ylabv = []
_, ycutoff = ax.get_ylim()
#print 'ycutoff:', ycutoff
yv = [y for y in yv if y <= ycutoff]# don't add ticks above ylim XXX explain
for i, y in enumerate(yv):
if y in ys0:
l = '%d' % y
......@@ -272,10 +277,10 @@ def add_yvalueticks(ax, yv, fmt='%d'):
# stylefor is {} name -> Line2D style kw, so that we can always use e.g. the
# _stylefor is {} name -> Line2D style kw, so that we can always use e.g. the
# same colors for plots for the same server.
def _(**kw): return kw
stylefor = {
_stylefor = {
'neo/go/fs1-zwrk.go': _(color='C0'),
'neo/go/fs1(!sha1)-zwrk.go(!sha1)': _(color='C0', ls='dashed'),
'neo/go/sqlite-zwrk.go': _(color='C1'),
......@@ -284,8 +289,33 @@ stylefor = {
'neo/py(!log)/sqlite-zwrk.go': _(color='C3'), # ls='dashed'), # XXX dashed?
'neo/py(!log)/sql-zwrk.go': _(color='C4'), # ls='dashed'), # XXX dashed?
_stylefor_re = [(re.compile(_), sty) for _,sty in [
('crc32/.*/1K', _(color='C5')),
('crc32/.*/4K', _(color='C5')), # XXX distinguish
('sha1/.*/1K', _(color='C6')),
('sha1/.*/4K', _(color='C6')), # XXX
('unzlib/.*/null-1K', _(color='C7')),
('unzlib/.*/null-4K', _(color='C7')), # XXX
('unzlib/.*/wczdata', _(color='C7')), # XXX
('unzlib/.*/prod1-avg', _(color='C7')), # XXX
del _
def stylefor(name):
sty = _stylefor.get(name)
if sty is not None:
return sty
for namere, sty in _stylefor_re:
return sty
#print 'stylefor(%s) -> ?' % name
#return {}
raise RuntimeError('stylefor(%s) -> ?' % name)
# r0 is invisible something
# (useful as e.g. proxy in text-only legend)
r0 = Rectangle((0,0), 1, 1, fill=False, edgecolor='none', visible=False)
......@@ -313,7 +343,7 @@ def plotseries(ax, labkey, S):
err1 = [s.avg - s.min for _,s in bs.series]
err2 = [s.max - s.avg for _,s in bs.series]
# XXX ecolor='black'
ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=[err1, err2], capsize=2, label=name, **stylefor[name])
ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=[err1, err2], capsize=2, label=name, **stylefor(name))
# XXX fmt for line
# XXX always use the same colors for the same lines (e.g. picking by hash)
......@@ -376,16 +406,16 @@ def plotlat1(ax, S):
# 1 hand-made error bar (cannot control line styles of cap lines with errorbar)
w = 0.15
lw = None
ax.plot([1-w, 1+w], [s.min]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor[name])
ax.plot([1-w, 1+w], [s.max]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor[name])
ax.plot([1]*2, [s.min, s.max], lw=lw, **stylefor[name])
ax.plot([1-w, 1+w], [s.min]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([1-w, 1+w], [s.max]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([1]*2, [s.min, s.max], lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
# mark first values with dedicated y ticks
add_yvalueticks(ax, yticks0)
# plotnode1 plots latencies of base CPU/disk operations on the nodes.
def plotnode1(ax, B):
def plotnode1(ax, B, w=0.05):
Bu = B.byunit()
Bn = Bu[usop].byname() # XXX µs/op hardcoded. FIXME disk/*
......@@ -398,11 +428,11 @@ def plotnode1(ax, B):
b = Bn[name]
s = b.stats()
c, w = 1.1, 0.05
c = 1.1
lw = 0.5
ax.plot([c-w, c+w], [s.min]*2, lw=lw) # XXX **stylefor[name]
ax.plot([c-w, c+w], [s.max]*2, lw=lw) # XXX **stylefor[name]
ax.plot([c]*2, [s.min, s.max], lw=lw) # XXX **stylefor[name]
ax.plot([c-w, c+w], [s.min]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([c-w, c+w], [s.max]*2, lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
ax.plot([c]*2, [s.min, s.max], lw=lw, **stylefor(name))
# mark node-local values with ticks at right
ax2 = ax.twinx()
......@@ -540,7 +570,8 @@ def main():
# don't show legend in latency plot - instead show latency details for client=1
ax21 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 8, loc='upper left', borderpad=3.0)
#ax21 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 8, loc='upper left', borderpad=3.0)
ax21 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 8, loc='upper left', borderpad=1.0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.06, 1), bbox_transform=ax2.transAxes)
zlatmax = 200 # XXX hardcoded
zxmin, zxmax = 0.8, 1.2 # XXX adjust?
ax21.set_ylim(0, zlatmax)
......@@ -561,6 +592,23 @@ def main():
plotnode1(ax21, B)
# and same in detail
print ax2.bbox
print ax2.bbox.get_points()
print 'pos:', ax2.get_position()
bb = ax2.bbox.translated(0,0) # .anchored((0,0)) #.anchored((3000,50))
print bb
print bb.get_points()
print '---'
ax211 = zoomed_inset_axes(ax2, 14*8, loc='upper left', borderpad=1.0, bbox_to_anchor=(0.33, 1), bbox_transform=ax2.transAxes)
#zlatmax = 25 # XXX hardcoded
zlatmax = 10 # XXX hardcoded
zxmin, zxmax = 1.09, 1.11 # XXX adjust?
ax211.set_ylim(0, zlatmax)
ax211.set_xlim(zxmin, zxmax)
plotnode1(ax211, B, w=0.007)
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