Commit 30a33295 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Use partition's critical TID to avoid unneeded replications.

git-svn-id: 71dcc9de-d417-0410-9af5-da40c76e7ee4
parent b0753366
......@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ class EventHandler(object):
def answerTIDs(self, conn, tid_list):
raise UnexpectedPacketError
def askTIDsFrom(self, conn, min_tid, length, partition):
def askTIDsFrom(self, conn, min_tid, max_tid, length, partition):
raise UnexpectedPacketError
def answerTIDsFrom(self, conn, tid_list):
......@@ -275,7 +275,8 @@ class EventHandler(object):
def answerObjectHistory(self, conn, oid, history_list):
raise UnexpectedPacketError
def askObjectHistoryFrom(self, conn, oid, min_serial, length, partition):
def askObjectHistoryFrom(self, conn, oid, min_serial, max_serial, length,
raise UnexpectedPacketError
def answerObjectHistoryFrom(self, conn, object_dict):
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ ZERO_TID = '\0' * 8
ZERO_OID = '\0' * 8
MAX_TID = '\xff' * 8
NodeTypes.STORAGE: 'S',
......@@ -1067,10 +1068,10 @@ class AskTIDsFrom(Packet):
Ask for length TIDs starting at min_tid. The order of TIDs is ascending.
S -> S.
_header_format = '!8sLL'
_header_format = '!8s8sLL'
def _encode(self, min_tid, length, partition):
return pack(self._header_format, min_tid, length, partition)
def _encode(self, min_tid, max_tid, length, partition):
return pack(self._header_format, min_tid, max_tid, length, partition)
def _decode(self, body):
return unpack(self._header_format, body) # min_tid, length, partition
......@@ -1170,11 +1171,11 @@ class AskObjectHistoryFrom(Packet):
Ask history information for a given object. The order of serials is
ascending, and starts at (or above) min_serial for min_oid. S -> S.
_header_format = '!8s8sLL'
_header_format = '!8s8s8sLL'
def _encode(self, min_oid, min_serial, length, partition):
return pack(self._header_format, min_oid, min_serial, length,
def _encode(self, min_oid, min_serial, max_serial, length, partition):
return pack(self._header_format, min_oid, min_serial, max_serial,
length, partition)
def _decode(self, body):
# min_oid, min_serial, length, partition
......@@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
If there is no such object ID in a database, return None."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getObjectHistoryFrom(self, oid, min_serial, length, num_partitions,
def getObjectHistoryFrom(self, oid, min_serial, max_serial, length,
num_partitions, partition):
"""Return a dict of length serials grouped by oid at (or above)
min_oid and min_serial, for given partition, sorted in ascending
min_oid and min_serial and below max_serial, for given partition,
sorted in ascending order."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getTIDList(self, offset, length, num_partitions, partition_list):
......@@ -307,11 +307,11 @@ class DatabaseManager(object):
to filter out non-applicable TIDs."""
raise NotImplementedError
def getReplicationTIDList(self, min_tid, length, num_partitions,
def getReplicationTIDList(self, min_tid, max_tid, length, num_partitions,
"""Return a list of TIDs in ascending order from an initial tid value,
at most the specified length. The partition number is passed to filter
out non-applicable TIDs."""
at most the specified length up to max_tid. The partition number is
passed to filter out non-applicable TIDs."""
raise NotImplementedError
def pack(self, tid, updateObjectDataForPack):
......@@ -649,20 +649,23 @@ class MySQLDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
return result
return None
def getObjectHistoryFrom(self, min_oid, min_serial, length, num_partitions,
def getObjectHistoryFrom(self, min_oid, min_serial, max_serial, length,
num_partitions, partition):
q = self.query
u64 = util.u64
p64 = util.p64
min_oid = u64(min_oid)
min_serial = u64(min_serial)
max_serial = u64(max_serial)
r = q('SELECT oid, serial FROM obj '
'WHERE ((oid = %(min_oid)d AND serial >= %(min_serial)d) OR '
'oid > %(min_oid)d) AND '
'MOD(oid, %(num_partitions)d) = %(partition)s '
'MOD(oid, %(num_partitions)d) = %(partition)s AND '
'serial <= %(max_serial)d '
'ORDER BY oid ASC, serial ASC LIMIT %(length)d' % {
'min_oid': min_oid,
'min_serial': min_serial,
'max_serial': max_serial,
'length': length,
'num_partitions': num_partitions,
'partition': partition,
......@@ -685,19 +688,24 @@ class MySQLDatabaseManager(DatabaseManager):
offset, length))
return [util.p64(t[0]) for t in r]
def getReplicationTIDList(self, min_tid, length, num_partitions,
def getReplicationTIDList(self, min_tid, max_tid, length, num_partitions,
q = self.query
u64 = util.u64
p64 = util.p64
min_tid = u64(min_tid)
max_tid = u64(max_tid)
r = q("""SELECT tid FROM trans WHERE
MOD(tid, %(num_partitions)d) = %(partition)d
AND tid >= %(min_tid)d
AND tid >= %(min_tid)d AND tid <= %(max_tid)d
ORDER BY tid ASC LIMIT %(length)d""" % {
'num_partitions': num_partitions,
'partition': partition,
'min_tid': util.u64(min_tid),
'min_tid': min_tid,
'max_tid': max_tid,
'length': length,
return [util.p64(t[0]) for t in r]
return [p64(t[0]) for t in r]
def _updatePackFuture(self, oid, orig_serial, max_serial,
......@@ -165,16 +165,21 @@ class ReplicationHandler(EventHandler):
def _doAskTIDsFrom(self, min_tid, length):
replicator =
partition = replicator.current_partition.getRID()
replicator.getTIDsFrom(min_tid, length, partition)
return Packets.AskTIDsFrom(min_tid, length, partition)
partition = replicator.current_partition
partition_id = partition.getRID()
max_tid = partition.getCriticalTID()
replicator.getTIDsFrom(min_tid, max_tid, length, partition_id)
return Packets.AskTIDsFrom(min_tid, max_tid, length, partition_id)
def _doAskObjectHistoryFrom(self, min_oid, min_serial, length):
replicator =
partition = replicator.current_partition.getRID()
replicator.getObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, length, partition)
return Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, length,
partition = replicator.current_partition
partition_id = partition.getRID()
max_serial = partition.getCriticalTID()
replicator.getObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, max_serial,
length, partition_id)
return Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom(min_oid, min_serial, max_serial,
length, partition_id)
def answerCheckTIDRange(self, conn, min_tid, length, count, tid_checksum,
......@@ -200,7 +205,8 @@ class ReplicationHandler(EventHandler):
p = self._doAskCheckTIDRange(min_tid, min(length / 2,
count + 1))
if p is None:
if count == length:
if count == length and \
max_tid < replicator.current_partition.getCriticalTID():
# Go on with next chunk
p = self._doAskCheckTIDRange(add64(max_tid, 1))
......@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@ class StorageOperationHandler(BaseClientAndStorageOperationHandler):
tid =
conn.answer(Packets.AnswerLastIDs(oid, tid,
def askTIDsFrom(self, conn, min_tid, length, partition):
def askTIDsFrom(self, conn, min_tid, max_tid, length, partition):
app =
tid_list =, length,
tid_list =, max_tid, length,, partition)
def askObjectHistoryFrom(self, conn, min_oid, min_serial, length,
def askObjectHistoryFrom(self, conn, min_oid, min_serial, max_serial,
length, partition):
app =
object_dict =, min_serial, length,, partition)
object_dict =, min_serial, max_serial,
length,, partition)
def askCheckTIDRange(self, conn, min_tid, length, partition):
......@@ -361,17 +361,18 @@ class Replicator(object):, (min_oid, min_serial, length,, partition))
def getTIDsFrom(self, min_tid, length, partition):
def getTIDsFrom(self, min_tid, max_tid, length, partition):
app =
self._addTask('TIDsFrom',, (min_tid, length,, (min_tid, max_tid, length,, partition))
def getObjectHistoryFrom(self, min_oid, min_serial, length, partition):
def getObjectHistoryFrom(self, min_oid, min_serial, max_serial, length,
app =
self._addTask('ObjectHistoryFrom',, (min_oid, min_serial, length,, partition)), (min_oid, min_serial, max_serial,
length,, partition))
def _getCheckResult(self, key):
return self.task_dict.pop(key).getResult()
......@@ -240,11 +240,13 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeIdenticalChunkWithNext(self):
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
assert max_tid < critical_tid
length = RANGE_LENGTH / 2
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length, 0, max_tid), rid=rid,
conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has the same data as we have: length, checksum and max_tid
# match.
......@@ -259,6 +261,31 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, plength, ppartition)
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeIdenticalChunkAboveCriticalTID(self):
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
assert critical_tid < max_tid
length = RANGE_LENGTH / 2
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length, 0, max_tid), rid=rid,
conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has the same data as we have: length, checksum and max_tid
# match.
handler.answerCheckTIDRange(conn, min_tid, length, length, 0, max_tid)
# Result: go on with object range checks
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition = self.checkAskPacket(conn,
Packets.AskCheckSerialRange, decode=True)
self.assertEqual(pmin_oid, ZERO_OID)
self.assertEqual(pmin_serial, ZERO_TID)
self.assertEqual(plength, RANGE_LENGTH)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('checkSerialRange')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition)
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeIdenticalChunkWithoutNext(self):
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
......@@ -307,11 +334,12 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeDifferentSmallChunkWithNext(self):
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
length = MIN_RANGE_LENGTH - 1
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length - 5, 0, max_tid), rid=rid,
conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has different data
handler.answerCheckTIDRange(conn, min_tid, length, length, 0, max_tid)
......@@ -322,13 +350,14 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
tid_packet = tid_call.getParam(0)
next_packet = next_call.getParam(0)
self.assertEqual(tid_packet.getType(), Packets.AskTIDsFrom)
pmin_tid, plength, ppartition = tid_packet.decode()
pmin_tid, pmax_tid, plength, ppartition = tid_packet.decode()
self.assertEqual(pmin_tid, min_tid)
self.assertEqual(pmax_tid, critical_tid)
self.assertEqual(plength, length)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('getTIDsFrom')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, plength, ppartition)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, pmax_tid, plength, ppartition)
self.assertEqual(next_packet.getType(), Packets.AskCheckTIDRange)
pmin_tid, plength, ppartition = next_packet.decode()
self.assertEqual(pmin_tid, add64(max_tid, 1))
......@@ -341,11 +370,12 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
def test_answerCheckTIDRangeDifferentSmallChunkWithoutNext(self):
min_tid = self.getNextTID()
max_tid = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
length = MIN_RANGE_LENGTH - 1
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length - 5, 0, max_tid), rid=rid,
conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has different data, and less than length
handler.answerCheckTIDRange(conn, min_tid, length, length - 1, 0,
......@@ -357,13 +387,14 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
tid_packet = tid_call.getParam(0)
next_packet = next_call.getParam(0)
self.assertEqual(tid_packet.getType(), Packets.AskTIDsFrom)
pmin_tid, plength, ppartition = tid_packet.decode()
pmin_tid, pmax_tid, plength, ppartition = tid_packet.decode()
self.assertEqual(pmin_tid, min_tid)
self.assertEqual(pmax_tid, critical_tid)
self.assertEqual(plength, length - 1)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('getTIDsFrom')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, plength, ppartition)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_tid, pmax_tid, plength, ppartition)
self.assertEqual(next_packet.getType(), Packets.AskCheckSerialRange)
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition = next_packet.decode()
self.assertEqual(pmin_oid, ZERO_OID)
......@@ -448,11 +479,12 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
max_oid = self.getOID(10)
min_serial = self.getNextTID()
max_serial = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
length = MIN_RANGE_LENGTH - 1
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length - 5, 0, max_oid, 1,
max_serial), rid=rid, conn=conn)
max_serial), rid=rid, conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has different data
handler.answerCheckSerialRange(conn, min_oid, min_serial, length,
......@@ -464,14 +496,17 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
serial_packet = serial_call.getParam(0)
next_packet = next_call.getParam(0)
self.assertEqual(serial_packet.getType(), Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom)
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition = serial_packet.decode()
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, pmax_serial, plength, ppartition = \
self.assertEqual(pmin_oid, min_oid)
self.assertEqual(pmin_serial, min_serial)
self.assertEqual(pmax_serial, critical_tid)
self.assertEqual(plength, length)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('getObjectHistoryFrom')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, pmax_serial, plength,
self.assertEqual(next_packet.getType(), Packets.AskCheckSerialRange)
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition = next_packet.decode()
self.assertEqual(pmin_oid, max_oid)
......@@ -487,25 +522,29 @@ class StorageReplicationHandlerTests(NeoTestBase):
max_oid = self.getOID(10)
min_serial = self.getNextTID()
max_serial = self.getNextTID()
critical_tid = self.getNextTID()
length = MIN_RANGE_LENGTH - 1
rid = 12
conn = self.getFakeConnection()
app = self.getApp(tid_check_result=(length - 5, 0, max_oid,
1, max_serial), rid=rid, conn=conn)
1, max_serial), rid=rid, conn=conn, critical_tid=critical_tid)
handler = ReplicationHandler(app)
# Peer has different data, and less than length
handler.answerCheckSerialRange(conn, min_oid, min_serial, length,
length - 1, 0, max_oid, 1, max_serial)
# Result: ask tid list, and mark replication as done
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition = self.checkAskPacket(conn,
Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom, decode=True)
pmin_oid, pmin_serial, pmax_serial, plength, ppartition = \
self.checkAskPacket(conn, Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom,
self.assertEqual(pmin_oid, min_oid)
self.assertEqual(pmin_serial, min_serial)
self.assertEqual(pmax_serial, critical_tid)
self.assertEqual(plength, length - 1)
self.assertEqual(ppartition, rid)
calls = app.replicator.mockGetNamedCalls('getObjectHistoryFrom')
self.assertEqual(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, plength, ppartition)
calls[0].checkArgs(pmin_oid, pmin_serial, pmax_serial, plength,
if __name__ == "__main__":
......@@ -119,15 +119,17 @@ class StorageStorageHandlerTests(NeoTestBase): = Mock({'getReplicationTIDList': (INVALID_TID, )}) = Mock({'getPartitions': 1})
tid = self.getNextTID()
self.operation.askTIDsFrom(conn, tid, 2, 1)
tid2 = self.getNextTID()
self.operation.askTIDsFrom(conn, tid, tid2, 2, 1)
calls ='getReplicationTIDList')
self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(tid, 2, 1, 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(tid, tid2, 2, 1, 1)
def test_26_askObjectHistoryFrom(self):
min_oid = self.getOID(2)
min_serial = self.getNextTID()
max_serial = self.getNextTID()
length = 4
partition = 8
num_partitions = 16
......@@ -137,13 +139,13 @@ class StorageStorageHandlerTests(NeoTestBase): = Mock({
'getPartitions': num_partitions,
self.operation.askObjectHistoryFrom(conn, min_oid, min_serial, length,
self.operation.askObjectHistoryFrom(conn, min_oid, min_serial,
max_serial, length, partition)
calls ='getObjectHistoryFrom')
self.assertEquals(len(calls), 1)
calls[0].checkArgs(min_oid, min_serial, length, num_partitions,
calls[0].checkArgs(min_oid, min_serial, max_serial, length,
num_partitions, partition)
def test_askCheckTIDRange(self):
count = 1
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import unittest
import MySQLdb
from mock import Mock
from neo.util import dump, p64, u64
from neo.protocol import CellStates, INVALID_PTID, ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID
from neo.protocol import CellStates, INVALID_PTID, ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, MAX_TID
from neo.tests import NeoTestBase
from neo.exception import DatabaseFailure
from import MySQLDatabaseManager
......@@ -516,29 +516,40 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
# Check full result
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, 10, 1, 0)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 10,
1, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, {
oid1: [tid1, tid3],
oid2: [tid2, tid4],
# Lower bound is inclusive
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(oid1, tid1, 10, 1, 0)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(oid1, tid1, MAX_TID, 10, 1, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, {
oid1: [tid1, tid3],
oid2: [tid2, tid4],
# Upper bound is inclusive
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, tid3, 10,
1, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, {
oid1: [tid1, tid3],
oid2: [tid2],
# Length is total number of serials
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, 3, 1, 0)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 3,
1, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, {
oid1: [tid1, tid3],
oid2: [tid2],
# Partition constraints are honored
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, 10, 2, 0)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 10,
2, 0)
self.assertEqual(result, {
oid1: [tid1, tid3],
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, 10, 2, 1)
result = self.db.getObjectHistoryFrom(ZERO_OID, ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 10,
2, 1)
self.assertEqual(result, {
oid2: [tid2, tid4],
......@@ -575,19 +586,21 @@ class StorageMySQSLdbTests(NeoTestBase):
def test_getReplicationTIDList(self):
tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4 = self._storeTransactions(4)
# get tids
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid1, 4, 1, 0)
# - all
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 10, 1, 0)
self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid2, tid3, tid4])
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid1, 4, 2, 0)
# - one partition
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 10, 2, 0)
self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid3])
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid1, 4, 3, 0)
self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid4])
# get a subset of tids
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid3, 4, 1, 0)
# - min_tid is inclusive
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid3, MAX_TID, 10, 1, 0)
self.checkSet(result, [tid3, tid4])
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid1, 2, 1, 0)
# - max tid is inclusive
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(ZERO_TID, tid2, 10, 1, 0)
self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid2])
# - limit
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(ZERO_TID, MAX_TID, 2, 1, 0)
self.checkSet(result, [tid1, tid2])
result = self.db.getReplicationTIDList(tid1, 1, 3, 1)
self.checkSet(result, [tid2])
def test__getObjectData(self):
db = self.db
......@@ -595,9 +595,11 @@ class ProtocolTests(NeoTestBase):
def test_AskTIDsFrom(self):
tid = self.getNextTID()
p = Packets.AskTIDsFrom(tid, 1000, 5)
min_tid, length, partition = p.decode()
tid2 = self.getNextTID()
p = Packets.AskTIDsFrom(tid, tid2, 1000, 5)
min_tid, max_tid, length, partition = p.decode()
self.assertEqual(min_tid, tid)
self.assertEqual(max_tid, tid2)
self.assertEqual(length, 1000)
self.assertEqual(partition, 5)
......@@ -607,12 +609,15 @@ class ProtocolTests(NeoTestBase):
def test_AskObjectHistoryFrom(self):
oid = self.getOID(1)
min_serial = self.getNextTID()
max_serial = self.getNextTID()
length = 5
partition = 4
p = Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom(oid, min_serial, length, partition)
p_oid, p_min_serial, p_length, p_partition = p.decode()
p = Packets.AskObjectHistoryFrom(oid, min_serial, max_serial, length,
p_oid, p_min_serial, p_max_serial, p_length, p_partition = p.decode()
self.assertEqual(p_oid, oid)
self.assertEqual(p_min_serial, min_serial)
self.assertEqual(p_max_serial, max_serial)
self.assertEqual(p_length, length)
self.assertEqual(p_partition, partition)
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