Commit 4f85ca04 authored by indexzero's avatar indexzero

[api doc test] node-http-proxy now emits `websocket:*` on important WebSocket...

[api doc test] node-http-proxy now emits `websocket:*` on important WebSocket events. Added tests for these features and updated some code docs
parent fcfe8462
......@@ -553,17 +553,29 @@ HttpProxy.prototype._forwardRequest = function (req) {
HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options) {
var self = this, outgoing, errState = false, CRLF = '\r\n';
var self = this,
listeners = {},
errState = false,
CRLF = '\r\n',
// WebSocket requests has method = GET
// WebSocket requests must have the `GET` method and
// the `upgrade:websocket` header
if (req.method !== 'GET' || req.headers.upgrade.toLowerCase() !== 'websocket') {
// This request is not WebSocket request
// Turn of all bufferings
// For server set KeepAlive
// For client set encoding
// Helper function for setting appropriate socket values:
// 1. Turn of all bufferings
// 2. For server set KeepAlive
// 3. For client set encoding
function _socket(socket, keepAlive) {
......@@ -580,20 +592,25 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options
function onUpgrade(reverseProxy, proxySocket) {
// On `upgrade` from the Agent socket, listen to
// the appropriate events.
function onUpgrade (reverseProxy, proxySocket) {
if (!reverseProxy) {
var listeners = {};
// We're now connected to the server, so lets change server socket
proxySocket.on('data', listeners._r_data = function(data) {
// Pass data to client
// Any incoming data on this WebSocket to the proxy target
// will be written to the `reverseProxy` socket.
proxySocket.on('data', listeners.onIncoming = function (data) {
if (reverseProxy.incoming.socket.writable) {
try {
self.emit('websocket:outgoing', req, socket, head, data);
catch (e) {
......@@ -603,9 +620,13 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.on('data', listeners._data = function(data) {
// Pass data from client to server
// Any outgoing data on this Websocket from the proxy target
// will be written to the `proxySocket` socket.
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.on('data', listeners.onOutgoing = function(data) {
try {
self.emit('websocket:incoming', reverseProxy, reverseProxy.incoming, head, data);
catch (e) {
......@@ -613,41 +634,60 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options
// Detach event listeners from reverseProxy
// Helper function to detach all event listeners
// from `reverseProxy` and `proxySocket`.
function detach() {
proxySocket.removeListener('end', listeners._r_close);
proxySocket.removeListener('data', listeners._r_data);
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.removeListener('data', listeners._data);
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.removeListener('end', listeners._close);
proxySocket.removeListener('end', listeners.onIncomingClose);
proxySocket.removeListener('data', listeners.onIncoming);
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.removeListener('end', listeners.onOutgoingClose);
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.removeListener('data', listeners.onOutgoing);
// Hook disconnections
proxySocket.on('end', listeners._r_close = function() {
// If the incoming `proxySocket` socket closes, then
// detach all event listeners.
proxySocket.on('end', listeners.onIncomingClose = function() {
// Emit the `end` event now that we have completed proxying
self.emit('websocket:end', req, socket, head);
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.on('end', listeners._close = function() {
// If the `reverseProxy` socket closes, then detach all
// event listeners.
reverseProxy.incoming.socket.on('end', listeners.onOutgoingClose = function() {
// Client socket
// Setup the incoming client socket.
// Remote host address
// Get the protocol, and host for this request and create an instance
// of `http.Agent` or `https.Agent` from the pool managed by `node-http-proxy`.
var protocolName = options.https || ? 'https' : 'http',
agent = _getAgent(, options.port, options.https ||,
remoteHost = + (options.port - 80 === 0 ? '' : ':' + options.port);
remoteHost = + (options.port - 80 === 0 ? '' : ':' + options.port),
agent = _getAgent(, options.port, options.https ||;
// Change headers
// Change headers (if requested).
if (this.changeOrigin) { = remoteHost;
req.headers.origin = protocolName + '://' + remoteHost;
// Make the outgoing WebSocket request
outgoing = {
port: options.port,
......@@ -655,10 +695,13 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options
path: req.url,
headers: req.headers,
// Make the outgoing WebSocket request
var reverseProxy = agent.appendMessage(outgoing);
// On any errors from the `reverseProxy` emit the
// `webSocketProxyError` and close the appropriate
// connections.
function proxyError (err) {
if (self.emit('webSocketProxyError', req, socket, head)) {
......@@ -703,7 +746,7 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options
// If the reverseProxy connection has an underlying socket,
// then behing the handshake.
// then execute the WebSocket handshake.
if (typeof reverseProxy.socket !== 'undefined') {
reverseProxy.socket.on('data', function handshake (data) {
......@@ -741,6 +784,7 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, options
// Write the printable and non-printable data to the socket
// from the original incoming request.
self.emit('websocket:handshake', req, socket, head, sdata, data);
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ var fs = require('fs'),
vows = require('vows'),
assert = require('assert'),
request = require('request'),
websocket = require('./../vendor/websocket'),
httpProxy = require('./../lib/node-http-proxy');
function merge (target) {
......@@ -120,6 +121,39 @@ TestRunner.prototype.assertResponseCode = function (proxyPort, statusCode, creat
return test;
TestRunner.prototype.webSocketTest = function (options) {
var self = this;
this.startTargetServer(, 'hello websocket', function (err, target) {
var socket =;
if (options.onListen) {
function (err, proxy) {
if (options.onServer) { options.onServer(proxy) }
// Setup the web socket against our proxy
var uri = options.wsprotocol + '://' + + ':' + options.ports.proxy;
var ws = new websocket.WebSocket(uri + '/', 'borf', {
origin: options.protocol + '://' +
if (options.onWsupgrade) { ws.on('wsupgrade', options.onWsupgrade) }
if (options.onMessage) { ws.on('message', options.onMessage) }
if (options.onOpen) { ws.on('open', function () { options.onOpen(ws) }) }
// Creates the reverse proxy server
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
var vows = require('vows'),
var assert = require('assert'),
util = require('util'),
request = require('request'),
assert = require('assert'),
argv = require('optimist').argv,
request = require('request'),
vows = require('vows'),
helpers = require('./helpers');
var forwardOptions = {
......@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
var fs = require('fs'),
vows = require('vows'),
util = require('util'),
var assert = require('assert'),
fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
util = require('util'),
argv = require('optimist').argv,
request = require('request'),
assert = require('assert'),
vows = require('vows'),
helpers = require('./helpers'),
argv = require('optimist').argv,
TestRunner = helpers.TestRunner;
var protocol = argv.https ? 'https' : 'http',
......@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
var vows = require('vows'),
util = require('util'),
colors = require('colors'),
request = require('request'),
var util = require('util'),
assert = require('assert'),
argv = require('optimist').argv,
colors = require('colors'),
request = require('request'),
vows = require('vows'),
websocket = require('./../vendor/websocket'),
helpers = require('./helpers');
......@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ try {
io = require('');
catch (ex) {
console.error(' is required for this test:');
console.error('npm ' + 'install'.green + ''.magenta);
console.error(' is required for this example:');
console.error('npm ' + 'install'.green + ''.magenta);
......@@ -52,35 +52,32 @@ vows.describe('node-http-proxy/websocket/' + wsprotocol).addBatch({
"with no latency" : {
"when an inbound message is sent from a WebSocket client": {
topic: function () {
var that = this;
runner.startTargetServer(8130, 'hello websocket', function (err, target) {
var socket = io.listen(target),
headers = {};
socket.on('connection', function (client) {
client.on('message', function (msg) {
that.callback(null, msg, headers);
runner.startProxyServer(8131, 8130, 'localhost', function (err, proxy) {
// Setup the web socket against our proxy
var ws = new websocket.WebSocket(wsprotocol + '://localhost:8131/', 'borf', {
origin: protocol + '://localhost'
ws.on('wsupgrade', function (req, res) {
headers.request = req;
headers.response = res.headers;
ws.on('open', function () {
ws.send(utils.encode('from client'));
var that = this
headers = {};
io: io,
host: 'localhost',
wsprotocol: wsprotocol,
protocol: protocol,
ports: {
target: 8130,
proxy: 8131
onListen: function (socket) {
socket.on('connection', function (client) {
client.on('message', function (msg) {
that.callback(null, msg, headers);
onWsupgrade: function (req, res) {
headers.request = req;
headers.response = res.headers;
onOpen: function (ws) {
ws.send(utils.encode('from client'));
"the target server should receive the message": function (err, msg, headers) {
......@@ -92,38 +89,63 @@ vows.describe('node-http-proxy/websocket/' + wsprotocol).addBatch({
assert.equal(headers.request.Origin, headers.response['sec-websocket-origin']);
"when an outbound message is sent from the target server": {
"when an inbound message is sent from a WebSocket client with event listeners": {
topic: function () {
var that = this;
runner.startTargetServer(8132, 'hello websocket', function (err, target) {
var socket = io.listen(target),
headers = {};
socket.on('connection', function (client) {
socket.broadcast('from server');
runner.startProxyServer(8133, 8132, 'localhost', function (err, proxy) {
// Setup the web socket against our proxy
var ws = new websocket.WebSocket(wsprotocol + '://localhost:8133/', 'borf', {
origin: protocol + '://localhost'
ws.on('wsupgrade', function (req, res) {
headers.request = req;
headers.response = res.headers;
var that = this
headers = {};
io: io,
host: 'localhost',
wsprotocol: wsprotocol,
protocol: protocol,
ports: {
target: 8132,
proxy: 8133
onServer: function (server) {
server.proxy.on('websocket:incoming', function (req, socket, head, data) {
that.callback(null, data);
ws.on('message', function (msg) {
msg = utils.decode(msg);
if (!/\d+/.test(msg)) {
that.callback(null, msg, headers);
onOpen: function (ws) {
ws.send(utils.encode('from client'));
"should raise the `websocket:incoming` event": function (ign, data) {
assert.equal(utils.decode(data.toString().replace('\u0000', '')), 'from client');
"when an outbound message is sent from the target server": {
topic: function () {
var that = this,
headers = {};
io: io,
host: 'localhost',
wsprotocol: wsprotocol,
protocol: protocol,
ports: {
target: 8134,
proxy: 8135
onListen: function (socket) {
socket.on('connection', function (client) {
socket.broadcast('from server');
onWsupgrade: function (req, res) {
headers.request = req;
headers.response = res.headers;
onMessage: function (msg) {
msg = utils.decode(msg);
if (!/\d+/.test(msg)) {
that.callback(null, msg, headers);
"the client should receive the message": function (err, msg, headers) {
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