Commit f1a8b573 authored by indexzero's avatar indexzero Committed by Cédric de Saint Martin

[refactor] Listen for `socket` events since reverseProxy.socket is no longer set synchronously

parent bdd6352d
......@@ -663,8 +663,8 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, buffer)
// If the reverseProxy connection has an underlying socket,
// then execute the WebSocket handshake.
if (typeof reverseProxy.socket !== 'undefined') {
reverseProxy.socket.on('data', function handshake (data) {
reverseProxy.once('socket', function (revSocket) {
revSocket.on('data', function handshake (data) {
// Ok, kind of harmfull part of code. Socket.IO sends a hash
// at the end of handshake if protocol === 76, but we need
......@@ -697,12 +697,12 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, buffer)
var flushed = socket.write(data);
if (!flushed) {
socket.once('drain', function () {
try { reverseProxy.socket.resume() }
try { revSocket.resume() }
catch (er) { console.error("reverseProxy.socket.resume error: %s", er.message) }
// Force the `drain` event in 100ms if it hasn't
// happened on its own.
......@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, buffer)
// Remove data listener on socket error because the
// 'handshake' has failed.
reverseProxy.socket.removeListener('data', handshake);
revSocket.removeListener('data', handshake);
return proxyError(ex);
......@@ -727,9 +727,9 @@ HttpProxy.prototype.proxyWebSocketRequest = function (req, socket, head, buffer)
// Remove data listener now that the 'handshake' is complete
reverseProxy.socket.removeListener('data', handshake);
revSocket.removeListener('data', handshake);
reverseProxy.on('error', proxyError);
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