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Created with Raphaël 2.2.011Jul13Jun17May26Oct26Sep12May111095226Apr201931Mar2920326Feb325Jan15Dec127517OctUpdate README with dimensionsmastermasterUpdate Pick and Place on OrsTypeA and OrsTypeBtypeA_v4.5 type…typeA_v4.5 typeB_v4.5 panChange connector for PWR-IN porttypeC_v4.6typeC_v4.6Change reference of VCXO and RF filterRegerate OrsTypeC v4.5 based on TypeA after Accton production modificationOrsTypeC update RF filter and VCXO referenceOrsPa10w adjust BOMTDD_DEVTDD_DEVadd variations: B42 and NORFOrsPa10WhardOrsTypeA: second fixes for ActonCLENAUP: Remove unused filesUpdate READMEhardOrsTypeA: corections following Accton's feeedbackhardOrsTypeC: small changes on Signal TrackChange project name from "Ors" to "OrsTypeA"Add Project ORS_TypeC for B39 B40 B41Small modification on v4.5 according to suggestion from accton :Gerber corection stackup file and bug capa in altiumAdd mention of enclosure in CHANGES.mdRelease version typeB_v4.5Remove obsolete stackup for type BRelease version typeB_V4.5Add typeA_v4.5 in CHANGES.mdVersion typeA_v4.5Small fixes after version 4.4Update for version 4.4 and state this version is brokenRemove Altium librariestools: imporve compare_BOMtools: add compare_BOM.pyAdd new project "OrsTypeB" that will be used for higher frequenciesUpdate netlist fileFix coupler infos of B28v4.4v4.4tools/ correctly display modified componentsChange F1B4243* component infos to Tr000XA and regenerate BOMRelease version 4.4Add splitter30dB PCBAdd Altium library filesRun dos2unix (to remove the CRLF line terminators)Release version 4.3v4.3v4.3Add useful .gitignore