Commit 9702995a authored by Ivan Tyagov's avatar Ivan Tyagov

Fully replaced by e2e testing.

parent 9e803c64
OPC-UA test agent used for testing of PLC program here:
from opcua import Client
import time
import argparse
import configparser
def main():
# handle CLI arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--iterations', \
type = int, \
default = 100, \
help='number of iterations to check')
parser.add_argument('--timeout', \
type = int, \
default = 2, \
help='seconds to wait between checks')
parser.add_argument('--opc-ua-server', \
type = str, \
default = 'opc.tcp://', \
help='Address of OPC-UA server')
parser.add_argument('--opc-ua-node-identifier', \
type = str, \
default = 'ns=1;s=i2c0.relay0', \
help='Address of OPC-UA server')
args = parser.parse_args()
NUMBER_OF_CHECKS = args.iterations
TIMEOUT = args.timeout
OPC_UA_ADDRESS = args.opc_ua_server
OPC_UA_IDENTIFIER = args.opc_ua_node_identifier
# connect to a session at OPC-UA server
client = Client(OPC_UA_ADDRESS)
# for now this is the only test thus we start it without a wrapper
test_count = 1
test_failures = 0
expected_failures = 0
# Client has a few methods to get proxy to UA nodes that should always be in address space such as Root or Objects
root = client.get_root_node()
children_list = root.get_children()
var = client.get_node(OPC_UA_IDENTIFIER)
for i in range (0, NUMBER_OF_CHECKS):
i2c0_relay0_before = var.get_value()
print("\ni2c0_relay0 (before) = ", i2c0_relay0_before)
print("Sleep for %s seconds ..." %TIMEOUT)
i2c0_relay0_after = var.get_value()
print("i2c0_relay0 (after) = ", i2c0_relay0_after)
# for the wait timeout runtime should have increased the value
if (i2c0_relay0_after <= i2c0_relay0_before):
# counter should have been increased, mark failure
test_failures += 1
# print out to sdtout results
print("Integration Tests %d Tests, %d Failures, %d Expected failures" \
%(test_count, test_failures, expected_failures))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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