• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    time: Move code to pyx · 32f34607
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    In preparation to start migrating, at least partly, time functionality
    to nogil mode, move the code from time.py to _time.pyx . This is straight
    code movement except
    	now	-> pynow, and
    	sleep	-> pysleep
    replaces, since in _time.pyx now and sleep were already referring to
    nogil versions.
    We don't move just to time.pyx (note no _ prefix), since we will need to
    continue distinguishing pyx/nogil from py objects/functions, e.g.
    pyx time.second is C constant, while pyx time.pysecond is pyobject
    exported to python world as time.second.
_time.pyx 6.07 KB