Commit c25339ca authored by ben's avatar ben

Added support for gzipped increments

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 54ae4bff
#!/usr/bin/env python
# rdiff-backup -- Mirror files while keeping incremental changes
# Version 0.7.0 released March 21, 2002
# Copyright (C) 2001 Ben Escoto <>
# Version 0.7.1 released March 25, 2002
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Ben Escoto <>
# This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
# Distributions of rdiff-backup usually include a copy of the GPL in a
# file called COPYING. The GPL is also available online at
# Please send mail to me or the mailing list if you find bugs or have
# any suggestions.
# See for more
# information. Please send mail to me or the mailing list if you find
# bugs or have any suggestions.
from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators
import os, stat, time, sys, getopt, re, cPickle, types, shutil, sha, marshal, traceback, popen2, tempfile
import os, stat, time, sys, getopt, re, cPickle, types, shutil, sha, marshal, traceback, popen2, tempfile, gzip
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
while 1:
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked)
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked, dsrp)
except StopIteration: break
if checkpoint: SaveState.checkpoint_mirror(finalizer, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer)
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
while 1:
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked)
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked, dsrp)
except StopIteration: break
SaveState.checkpoint_inc_backup(ITR, finalizer, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
def check_skip_error(cls, thunk):
def check_skip_error(cls, thunk, dsrp):
"""Run thunk, catch certain errors skip files"""
try: return thunk()
except (IOError, OSError, SkipFileException), exp:
......@@ -294,7 +294,8 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
26] # Requested by Campbell (see list) -
# happens on some NT systems
Log("Skipping file", 2)
Log("Skipping file because of error after %s" %
(dsrp and dsrp.index,), 2)
return None
else: raise
......@@ -43,14 +43,27 @@ class Inc:
def makesnapshot_action(mirror, incpref):
"""Copy mirror to incfile, since new is quite different"""
snapshotrp = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "snapshot")
return Robust.copy_with_attribs_action(mirror, snapshotrp)
if (mirror.isreg() and Globals.compression and
not Globals.no_compression_regexp.match(mirror.path)):
snapshotrp = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "snapshot.gz")
return Robust.copy_with_attribs_action(mirror, snapshotrp, 1)
snapshotrp = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "snapshot")
return Robust.copy_with_attribs_action(mirror, snapshotrp, None)
def makediff_action(new, mirror, incpref):
"""Make incfile which is a diff new -> mirror"""
diff = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "diff")
return Robust.chain([Rdiff.write_delta_action(new, mirror, diff),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(mirror, diff)])
if (Globals.compression and
not Globals.no_compression_regexp.match(mirror.path)):
diff = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "diff.gz")
return Robust.chain([Rdiff.write_delta_action(new, mirror,
diff, 1),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(mirror, diff)])
diff = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "diff")
return Robust.chain([Rdiff.write_delta_action(new, mirror,
diff, None),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(mirror, diff)])
def makedir_action(mirrordir, incpref):
"""Make file indicating directory mirrordir has changed"""
......@@ -69,14 +69,19 @@ class Restore:
if inctype == "diff":
if not target.lstat():
raise RestoreError("Bad increment sequence at " + inc.path)
Rdiff.patch_action(target, inc).execute()
Rdiff.patch_action(target, inc,
delta_compressed = inc.isinccompressed()
elif inctype == "dir":
if not target.isdir():
if target.lstat():
raise RestoreError("File %s already exists" % target.path)
elif inctype == "missing": return
elif inctype == "snapshot": RPath.copy(inc, target)
elif inctype == "snapshot":
if inc.isinccompressed():
target.write_from_fileobj("rb", compress = 1))
else: RPath.copy(inc, target)
else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype)
RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target)
......@@ -142,13 +142,14 @@ class Robust:
return RobustAction(init, final, lambda e: tfl[0] and tfl[0].delete())
def copy_with_attribs_action(rorpin, rpout):
def copy_with_attribs_action(rorpin, rpout, compress = None):
"""Like copy_action but also copy attributes"""
tfl = [None] # Need mutable object that init and final can access
def init():
if not (rorpin.isdir() and rpout.isdir()): # already a dir
tfl[0] =
if rorpin.isreg(): tfl[0].write_from_fileobj("rb"))
if rorpin.isreg():
tfl[0].write_from_fileobj("rb"), compress)
else: RPath.copy(rorpin, tfl[0])
if tfl[0].lstat(): # Some files, like sockets, won't be created
RPathStatic.copy_attribs(rorpin, tfl[0])
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class RPathStatic:
if rpout.conn is rpin.conn:
rpout.conn.shutil.copyfile(rpin.path, rpout.path) = {'type':['type']}
except AttributeError: pass
......@@ -648,44 +648,75 @@ class RPath(RORPath):
"""Return similar RPath but with new index"""
return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, index)
def open(self, mode):
"""Return open file. Supports modes "w" and "r"."""
return, mode)
def open(self, mode, compress = None):
"""Return open file. Supports modes "w" and "r".
If compress is true, data written/read will be gzip
compressed/decompressed on the fly.
if compress: return self.conn.gzip.GzipFile(self.path, mode)
else: return, mode)
def write_from_fileobj(self, fp, compress = None):
"""Reads fp and writes to self.path. Closes both when done
If compress is true, fp will be gzip compressed before being
written to self.
def write_from_fileobj(self, fp):
"""Reads fp and writes to self.path. Closes both when done"""
Log("Writing file object to " + self.path, 7)
assert not self.lstat(), "File %s already exists" % self.path
outfp ="wb")
outfp ="wb", compress = compress)
RPath.copyfileobj(fp, outfp)
if fp.close() or outfp.close():
raise RPathException("Error closing file")
def isincfile(self):
"""Return true if path looks like an increment file"""
dotsplit = self.path.split(".")
if len(dotsplit) < 3: return None
timestring, ext = dotsplit[-2:]
"""Return true if path looks like an increment file
Also sets various inc information used by the *inc* functions.
if self.index: dotsplit = self.index[-1].split(".")
else: dotsplit = self.base.split(".")
if dotsplit[-1] == "gz":
compressed = 1
if len(dotsplit) < 4: return None
timestring, ext = dotsplit[-3:-1]
compressed = None
if len(dotsplit) < 3: return None
timestring, ext = dotsplit[-2:]
if Time.stringtotime(timestring) is None: return None
return (ext == "snapshot" or ext == "dir" or
ext == "missing" or ext == "diff")
if not (ext == "snapshot" or ext == "dir" or
ext == "missing" or ext == "diff"): return None
self.inc_timestr = timestring
self.inc_compressed = compressed
self.inc_type = ext
if compressed: self.inc_basestr = ".".join(dotsplit[:-3])
else: self.inc_basestr = ".".join(dotsplit[:-2])
return 1
def isinccompressed(self):
"""Return true if inc file is compressed"""
return self.inc_compressed
def getinctype(self):
"""Return type of an increment file"""
return self.path.split(".")[-1]
return self.inc_type
def getinctime(self):
"""Return timestring of an increment file"""
return self.path.split(".")[-2]
return self.inc_timestr
def getincbase(self):
"""Return the base filename of an increment file in rp form"""
if self.index:
return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, self.index[:-1] +
else: return self.__class__(self.conn,
".".join(self.base.split(".")[:-2]), ())
else: return self.__class__(self.conn, self.inc_basestr)
def getincbase_str(self):
"""Return the base filename string of an increment file"""
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import re, os
class Globals:
# The current version of rdiff-backup
version = "0.7.0"
version = "0.7.1"
# If this is set, use this value in seconds as the current time
# instead of reading it from the clock.
......@@ -132,6 +132,18 @@ class Globals:
# hardlink information regardless.
preserve_hardlinks = 1
# If this is false, then rdiff-backup will not compress any
# increments. Default is to compress based on regexp below.
compression = 1
# Increments based on files whose names match this
# case-insensitive regular expression won't be compressed (applies
# to .snapshots and .diffs). The second below is the compiled
# version of the first.
no_compression_regexp_string = ".*\\.(gz|z|bz|bz2|tgz|zip|rpm|deb|" \
no_compression_regexp = None
def get(cls, name):
"""Return the value of something in this class"""
return cls.__dict__[name]
......@@ -181,3 +193,15 @@ class Globals:
if mirror: Globals.exclude_mirror_regexps.append(compiled)
else: Globals.exclude_regexps.append(compiled)
add_regexp_local = classmethod(add_regexp_local)
def postset_regexp(cls, name, re_string, flags = None):
"""Compile re_string on all existing connections, set to name"""
for conn in Globals.connections:
conn.Globals.postset_regexp_local(name, re_string, flags)
postset_regexp = classmethod(postset_regexp)
def postset_regexp_local(cls, name, re_string, flags):
"""Set name to compiled re_string locally"""
if flags: cls.__dict__[name] = re.compile(re_string, flags)
else: cls.__dict__[name] = re.compile(re_string)
postset_regexp_local = classmethod(postset_regexp_local)
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class Hardlink:
cls.get_indicies(src_rorp, 1)[0])
def write_linkdict(cls, rpath, dict):
def write_linkdict(cls, rpath, dict, compress = None):
"""Write link data to the rbdata dir
It is stored as the a big pickled dictionary dated to match
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ class Hardlink:
rpath.conn is Globals.local_connection)
tf =
def init():
fp ="wb")
fp ="wb", compress)
cPickle.dump(dict, fp)
assert not fp.close()
Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (tf,), (rpath,)).execute()
......@@ -158,18 +158,21 @@ class Hardlink:
"""Return index dictionary written by write_linkdata at time"""
rp = cls.get_linkrp(data_rpath, time, prefix)
if not rp: return None
fp ="rb")
fp ="rb", rp.isinccompressed())
index_dict = cPickle.load(fp)
assert not fp.close()
return index_dict
def final_writedata(cls):
"""Write final checkpoint data to rbdir after successful backup"""
if cls._src_index_indicies:
Log("Writing hard link data", 6)
rp = Globals.rbdir.append("hardlink_data.%s.snapshot" %
if not cls._src_index_indicies: return
Log("Writing hard link data", 6)
if Globals.compression:
rp = Globals.rbdir.append("hardlink_data.%s.snapshot.gz" %
cls.write_linkdict(rp, cls._src_index_indicies)
else: rp = Globals.rbdir.append("hardlink_data.%s.snapshot" %
cls.write_linkdict(rp, cls._src_index_indicies, Globals.compression)
def retrieve_final(cls, time):
"""Set source index dictionary from hardlink_data file if avail"""
#!/usr/bin/env python
# rdiff-backup -- Mirror files while keeping incremental changes
# Version 0.7.0 released March 21, 2002
# Copyright (C) 2001 Ben Escoto <>
# Version 0.7.1 released March 25, 2002
# Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Ben Escoto <>
# This program is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
# Distributions of rdiff-backup usually include a copy of the GPL in a
# file called COPYING. The GPL is also available online at
# Please send mail to me or the mailing list if you find bugs or have
# any suggestions.
# See for more
# information. Please send mail to me or the mailing list if you find
# bugs or have any suggestions.
from __future__ import nested_scopes, generators
import os, stat, time, sys, getopt, re, cPickle, types, shutil, sha, marshal, traceback, popen2, tempfile
import os, stat, time, sys, getopt, re, cPickle, types, shutil, sha, marshal, traceback, popen2, tempfile, gzip
......@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
while 1:
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked)
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked, dsrp)
except StopIteration: break
if checkpoint: SaveState.checkpoint_mirror(finalizer, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer)
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
while 1:
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked)
try: dsrp = cls.check_skip_error(error_checked, dsrp)
except StopIteration: break
SaveState.checkpoint_inc_backup(ITR, finalizer, dsrp)
except: cls.handle_last_error(dsrp, finalizer, ITR)
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
if Globals.preserve_hardlinks: Hardlink.final_writedata()
def check_skip_error(cls, thunk):
def check_skip_error(cls, thunk, dsrp):
"""Run thunk, catch certain errors skip files"""
try: return thunk()
except (IOError, OSError, SkipFileException), exp:
......@@ -294,7 +294,8 @@ class HLDestinationStruct:
26] # Requested by Campbell (see list) -
# happens on some NT systems
Log("Skipping file", 2)
Log("Skipping file because of error after %s" %
(dsrp and dsrp.index,), 2)
return None
else: raise
......@@ -43,14 +43,27 @@ class Inc:
def makesnapshot_action(mirror, incpref):
"""Copy mirror to incfile, since new is quite different"""
snapshotrp = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "snapshot")
return Robust.copy_with_attribs_action(mirror, snapshotrp)
if (mirror.isreg() and Globals.compression and
not Globals.no_compression_regexp.match(mirror.path)):
snapshotrp = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "snapshot.gz")
return Robust.copy_with_attribs_action(mirror, snapshotrp, 1)
snapshotrp = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "snapshot")
return Robust.copy_with_attribs_action(mirror, snapshotrp, None)
def makediff_action(new, mirror, incpref):
"""Make incfile which is a diff new -> mirror"""
diff = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "diff")
return Robust.chain([Rdiff.write_delta_action(new, mirror, diff),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(mirror, diff)])
if (Globals.compression and
not Globals.no_compression_regexp.match(mirror.path)):
diff = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "diff.gz")
return Robust.chain([Rdiff.write_delta_action(new, mirror,
diff, 1),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(mirror, diff)])
diff = Inc.get_inc_ext(incpref, "diff")
return Robust.chain([Rdiff.write_delta_action(new, mirror,
diff, None),
Robust.copy_attribs_action(mirror, diff)])
def makedir_action(mirrordir, incpref):
"""Make file indicating directory mirrordir has changed"""
......@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ class Main:
"include-from-stdin", "terminal-verbosity=",
"exclude-device-files", "resume", "no-resume",
"resume-window=", "windows-time-format",
"checkpoint-interval=", "no-hard-links", "current-time="])
"checkpoint-interval=", "no-hard-links", "current-time=",
"no-compression", "no-compression-regexp="])
except getopt.error:
self.commandline_error("Error parsing commandline options")
......@@ -45,11 +46,14 @@ class Main:
elif opt == "--exclude-mirror":
elif opt == "--force": self.force = 1
elif opt == "--no-hard-links": Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
elif opt == "--include-from-stdin": Globals.include_from_stdin = 1
elif opt == "-l" or opt == "--list-increments":
self.action = "list-increments"
elif opt == "-m" or opt == "--mirror-only": self.action = "mirror"
elif opt == "--no-compression": Globals.set("compression", None)
elif opt == "--no-compression-regexp":
Globals.set("no_compression_regexp_string", arg)
elif opt == "--no-hard-links": Globals.set('preserve_hardlinks', 0)
elif opt == '--no-resume': Globals.resume = 0
elif opt == "--remote-cmd": self.remote_cmd = arg
elif opt == "--remote-schema": self.remote_schema = arg
......@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ class Main:
def misc_setup(self, rps):
"""Set default change ownership flag, umask, excludes"""
"""Set default change ownership flag, umask, regular expressions"""
if ((len(rps) == 2 and rps[1].conn.os.getuid() == 0) or
(len(rps) < 2 and os.getuid() == 0)):
# Allow change_ownership if destination connection is root
......@@ -116,6 +120,8 @@ class Main:
Globals.add_regexp(regex_string, None)
for regex_string in self.exclude_mirror_regstrs:
Globals.add_regexp(regex_string, 1)
Globals.no_compression_regexp_string, re.I)
def take_action(self, rps):
"""Do whatever self.action says"""
......@@ -250,7 +256,7 @@ may need to use the --exclude option.""" % (rpout.path, rpin.path), 2)
"""Warning: duplicate current_mirror files found. Perhaps something
went wrong during your last backup? Using """ + mirrorrps[-1].path, 2)
timestr = self.datadir.append(mirrorrps[-1].path).getinctime()
timestr = mirrorrps[-1].getinctime()
return Time.stringtotime(timestr)
def backup_touch_curmirror(self, rpin, rpout):
......@@ -36,37 +36,52 @@ class Rdiff:
return rp_new.conn.RdiffPopen(['rdiff', 'delta',
rp_signature.path, rp_new.path])
def write_delta_action(basis, new, delta):
"""Return action writing delta which brings basis to new"""
def write_delta_action(basis, new, delta, compress = None):
"""Return action writing delta which brings basis to new
If compress is true, the output of rdiff will be gzipped
before written to delta.
sig_tf =, None)
delta_tf =
def init():
Log("Writing delta %s from %s -> %s" %
(basis.path, new.path, delta.path), 7)
delta_tf.write_from_fileobj(Rdiff.get_delta(sig_tf, new))
delta_tf.write_from_fileobj(Rdiff.get_delta(sig_tf, new), compress)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (sig_tf, delta_tf),
(None, delta))
def write_delta(basis, new, delta):
def write_delta(basis, new, delta, compress = None):
"""Write rdiff delta which brings basis to new"""
Rdiff.write_delta_action(basis, new, delta).execute()
Rdiff.write_delta_action(basis, new, delta, compress).execute()
def patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None, out_tf = None):
def patch_action(rp_basis, rp_delta, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Return RobustAction which patches rp_basis with rp_delta
If rp_out is None, put output in rp_basis. Will use TempFile
out_tf it is specified.
out_tf it is specified. If delta_compressed is true, the
delta file will be decompressed before processing with rdiff.
if not rp_out: rp_out = rp_basis
else: assert rp_out.conn is rp_basis.conn
if not (isinstance(rp_delta, RPath) and isinstance(rp_basis, RPath)
and rp_basis.conn is rp_delta.conn):
return Rdiff.patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb'),
rp_out, out_tf)
if (delta_compressed or
not (isinstance(rp_delta, RPath) and isinstance(rp_basis, RPath)
and rp_basis.conn is rp_delta.conn)):
if delta_compressed:
assert isinstance(rp_delta, RPath)
return Rdiff.patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb', 1),
rp_out, out_tf)
else: return Rdiff.patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis,'rb'),
rp_out, out_tf)
# Files are uncompressed on same connection, run rdiff
if out_tf is None: out_tf =
def init():
Log("Patching %s using %s to %s via %s" %
......@@ -79,8 +94,8 @@ class Rdiff:
RdiffException("Error running %s" % cmdlist)
return Robust.make_tf_robustaction(init, (out_tf,), (rp_out,))
def patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis, delta_fileobj,
rp_out = None, out_tf = None):
def patch_fileobj_action(rp_basis, delta_fileobj, rp_out = None,
out_tf = None, delta_compressed = None):
"""Like patch_action but diff is given in fileobj form
Nest a writing of a tempfile with the actual patching to
......@@ -69,14 +69,19 @@ class Restore:
if inctype == "diff":
if not target.lstat():
raise RestoreError("Bad increment sequence at " + inc.path)
Rdiff.patch_action(target, inc).execute()
Rdiff.patch_action(target, inc,
delta_compressed = inc.isinccompressed()
elif inctype == "dir":
if not target.isdir():
if target.lstat():
raise RestoreError("File %s already exists" % target.path)
elif inctype == "missing": return
elif inctype == "snapshot": RPath.copy(inc, target)
elif inctype == "snapshot":
if inc.isinccompressed():
target.write_from_fileobj("rb", compress = 1))
else: RPath.copy(inc, target)
else: raise RestoreError("Unknown inctype %s" % inctype)
RPath.copy_attribs(inc, target)
......@@ -142,13 +142,14 @@ class Robust:
return RobustAction(init, final, lambda e: tfl[0] and tfl[0].delete())
def copy_with_attribs_action(rorpin, rpout):
def copy_with_attribs_action(rorpin, rpout, compress = None):
"""Like copy_action but also copy attributes"""
tfl = [None] # Need mutable object that init and final can access
def init():
if not (rorpin.isdir() and rpout.isdir()): # already a dir
tfl[0] =
if rorpin.isreg(): tfl[0].write_from_fileobj("rb"))
if rorpin.isreg():
tfl[0].write_from_fileobj("rb"), compress)
else: RPath.copy(rorpin, tfl[0])
if tfl[0].lstat(): # Some files, like sockets, won't be created
RPathStatic.copy_attribs(rorpin, tfl[0])
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil
import os, stat, re, sys, shutil, gzip
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class RPathStatic:
if rpout.conn is rpin.conn:
rpout.conn.shutil.copyfile(rpin.path, rpout.path) = {'type':['type']}
except AttributeError: pass
......@@ -648,44 +648,75 @@ class RPath(RORPath):
"""Return similar RPath but with new index"""
return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, index)
def open(self, mode):
"""Return open file. Supports modes "w" and "r"."""
return, mode)
def open(self, mode, compress = None):
"""Return open file. Supports modes "w" and "r".
If compress is true, data written/read will be gzip
compressed/decompressed on the fly.
if compress: return self.conn.gzip.GzipFile(self.path, mode)
else: return, mode)
def write_from_fileobj(self, fp, compress = None):
"""Reads fp and writes to self.path. Closes both when done
If compress is true, fp will be gzip compressed before being
written to self.
def write_from_fileobj(self, fp):
"""Reads fp and writes to self.path. Closes both when done"""
Log("Writing file object to " + self.path, 7)
assert not self.lstat(), "File %s already exists" % self.path
outfp ="wb")
outfp ="wb", compress = compress)
RPath.copyfileobj(fp, outfp)
if fp.close() or outfp.close():
raise RPathException("Error closing file")
def isincfile(self):
"""Return true if path looks like an increment file"""
dotsplit = self.path.split(".")
if len(dotsplit) < 3: return None
timestring, ext = dotsplit[-2:]
"""Return true if path looks like an increment file
Also sets various inc information used by the *inc* functions.
if self.index: dotsplit = self.index[-1].split(".")
else: dotsplit = self.base.split(".")
if dotsplit[-1] == "gz":
compressed = 1
if len(dotsplit) < 4: return None
timestring, ext = dotsplit[-3:-1]
compressed = None
if len(dotsplit) < 3: return None
timestring, ext = dotsplit[-2:]
if Time.stringtotime(timestring) is None: return None
return (ext == "snapshot" or ext == "dir" or
ext == "missing" or ext == "diff")
if not (ext == "snapshot" or ext == "dir" or
ext == "missing" or ext == "diff"): return None
self.inc_timestr = timestring
self.inc_compressed = compressed
self.inc_type = ext
if compressed: self.inc_basestr = ".".join(dotsplit[:-3])
else: self.inc_basestr = ".".join(dotsplit[:-2])
return 1
def isinccompressed(self):
"""Return true if inc file is compressed"""
return self.inc_compressed
def getinctype(self):
"""Return type of an increment file"""
return self.path.split(".")[-1]
return self.inc_type
def getinctime(self):
"""Return timestring of an increment file"""
return self.path.split(".")[-2]
return self.inc_timestr
def getincbase(self):
"""Return the base filename of an increment file in rp form"""
if self.index:
return self.__class__(self.conn, self.base, self.index[:-1] +
else: return self.__class__(self.conn,
".".join(self.base.split(".")[:-2]), ())
else: return self.__class__(self.conn, self.inc_basestr)
def getincbase_str(self):
"""Return the base filename string of an increment file"""
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