Commit d0ed4f68 authored by owsla's avatar owsla

Sync FAQ list with version on website

git-svn-id: 2b77aa54-bcbc-44c9-a7ec-4f6cf2b41109
parent 8f4290fe
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<h3><a name="ToC3">Table of contents</a></h3>
<ol><li><a href="#verbosity">What do the different verbosity levels mean?</a></li>
<li><a href="#compatible">Is rdiff-backup backwards compatible?</a></li>
<li><a href="#windows">Does rdiff-backup run under Windows?</a></li>
<li><a href="#OSX">Does rdiff-backup run under Mac OS X?</a></li>
<li><a href="#cifs">Can I backup files to a CIFS or smbfs mount?</a></li>
......@@ -24,6 +25,9 @@ how much is required? What is the problem if rdiff-backup says
"<code>ValueError: Incorrect length of data produced</code>"?</a></li>
<li><a href="#librsync_bug">What does "internal error: job made no progress" mean?</a></li>
<li><a href="#path">Why does rdiff-backup say it's not in my $PATH? It is when I login!</a></li>
<li><a href="#touple">What does "<code>touple index out of range</code>" mean?</a></li>
<li><a href="#crc">What does "<code>IO Error: CRC check failed</code>" mean?</a></li>
<li><a href="#badindex">What does "<code>AssertionError: Bad index order</code>" mean?</a></li>
<h3><a name="ToC4">Questions and Answers</a></h3>
......@@ -42,6 +46,21 @@ how much is required? What is the problem if rdiff-backup says
<tr><td>8</td><td>All logging is dated</td></tr>
<tr><td>9</td><td>Details on which objects are moving across the connection</td></tr>
<li><strong><a name="compatible">Is rdiff-backup backwards compatible?</a></strong>
<p>In general, rdiff-backup does not strive to make newer clients compatible
with older servers (or vice versa). However, there is no intention to
purposefully make different versions incompatible across the network -- changes
are introduced primarily to fix bugs or introduce new features that cannot be
implemented without breaking the network protocol. Furthermore, rdiff-backup
does try to make it possible to read older archives.</p>
<p>When running as a client, rdiff-backup checks the version of rdiff-backup
running on the server, and prints a warning message if the two versions are
different. If you have any problems with your backup, it is strongly
recommended that you upgrade the older version before reporting any issues.</p>
<li><strong><a name="windows">Does rdiff-backup run under Windows?</a></strong>
<p>Yes, although it is not a heavily tested configuration. Using the latest releases, such as
......@@ -101,11 +120,21 @@ experience one of these common errors:</p>
This can be resolved by unmounting the share, running the following command as root:<br>
<code>$ echo 0 &gt; /proc/fs/cifs/LookupCacheEnabled</code><br>
and then remounting the CIFS share.<br><br>
<li>If filenames in the mirror directory have some characters transformed to a '?' instead of remaining
the expected Unicode character, you will need to adjust the <code>iocharset=</code> mount option. This
happens because the server is using a codepage with only partial Unicode support and is not translating
characters correctly. See the mount.cifs man page for more information. Using smbfs can also improve this
situation since it has both an <code>iocharset=</code> and a <code>codepage=</code> option.
<li>If filenames in the mirror directory have some characters transformed
to a '?' instead of remaining the expected Unicode character, you will
need to adjust the <code>iocharset=</code> mount option. This happens
because the server is using a codepage with only partial Unicode support
and is not translating characters correctly. See the mount.cifs man page
for more information. Using smbfs can also improve this situation since it
has both an <code>iocharset=</code> and a <code>codepage=</code> option.
There is also an
<a href="">entry in the Wiki</a> about this.<br><br>
<li>If you have trouble with filenames containing a colon ':', or another
reserved Windows character, try using the <code>mapchars</code> option to
the CIFS mount. At least one user has reported success when using this
option while mounting a NAS system via CIFS. See the mount.cifs man page
for more information.</li>
<p>If you're still having trouble backing up to a CIFS or smbfs mount, try searching the
<a href="">mailing-list archives</a> and then sending
......@@ -116,7 +145,7 @@ further questions to the list.</p>
Windows's FAT32 or NTFS), rdiff-backup escapes uppercase characters in filenames to make sure that no files
are accidentally overwritten. When a filesystem is case-preserving but case-insensitive, it means that it
remembers that a file is named "Foo" but doesn't distinguish between "Foo", "foo", "foO", "fOo", etc. However,
Filesystems such as Linux's ext3 do treat these names as separate files.</p>
filesystems such as Linux's ext3 do treat these names as separate files.</p>
<p>Imagine you have a Linux directory with two files, "bar" and "BAR", and you copy them to a Mac system. You will
wind up with only one file (!) since HFS+ doesn't distinguish between the names, and the second file copied will
overwrite the first. Therefore, when rdiff-backup copies files from case-sensitive to case-insensitive filesystems, it escapes the uppercase characters (eg, "M" is replaced with ";077", and "F" with ";070") so that no filename
......@@ -354,4 +383,44 @@ information, read the <a href="">bash manpage</a>
<code>.bashrc</code> and <code>.bash_profile</code> files.</p>
<p>In particular, this can happen if rdiff-backup was installed via Fink on a remote Mac OS X system. <code>/sw/bin</code> is magically added to your <code>$PATH</code> by the script <code>/sw/bin/</code> when you login with an interative shell. Fink did this behind the scenes when you set it up. Simply add <code>/sw/bin</code> to your path manually, or copy rdiff-backup to a directory that is in your <code>$PATH</code>.</p>
<li><strong><a name="touple">What does "<code>touple index out of range</code>" mean?</a></strong>
<p>If you see the error "<code>tuple index out of range</code>" after running a command like:<br><br>
<code>$ rdiff-backup -l /path/to/backup/rdiff-backup-data/</code><br><br>
then the solution is to simply remove the extra "rdiff-backup-data" from the end of the path. The list increments option, and others like it, take the path to the repository, not the path to the rdiff-backup-data directory. In the above example, you should run again with:<br><br>
<code>$ rdiff-backup -l /path/to/backup</code><br><br>
If you get this error message for an unrelated reason, try contacting the mailing list.</p>
<li><strong><a name="crc">What does "<code>IO Error: CRC check failed</code>" mean?</a></strong>
<p>This error message means that a
<a href="">Cyclic Redudancy
Check</a> failed during some operation, most likely while gzip'ing or
un-gzip'ing a file. Possible causes of this error include an incomplete
gzip operation, and hardware failure. A brute-force way to recover from this
error is to remove the rdiff-backup-data directory. However, this will remove
all of your past increments. A better approach may be to delete the particular
file that is causing the problem. A command like:<br><br>
<code>$ find rdiff-backup-data -type f -name \*.gz -print0 | xargs -0r gzip --test</code><br><br>
will find the failing file. For more information on this approach, see this
mailing list post: <a href=""></a>.</p>
<li><strong><a name="badindex">What does "<code>AssertionError: Bad index order</code>" mean?</a></strong>
<p>If rdiff-backup fails with the message "<code>AssertionError: Bad index order</code>," it could be because the files in a directory have changed while
rdiff-backup is running. Possible ways of dealing with this situation include
implementing filesystem snapshots using the volume manager, excluding the
offending directory, or suspending the process that is changing the directory.
After the text "Bad index order", the error messge will indicate which files
have caused the problem.
<p>If you get this message for an unreleated reason, try contacting the mailing
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