Commit 0fc6e204 authored by Tom Niget's avatar Tom Niget

more migration

parent 66f2c73b
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ def router(ip, ip4, rt6, hello_interval, log_path, state_path, pidfile,
if hmac_sign:
def key(cmd, id: str, value):
cmd += '-C', ('key type blake2s128 id %s value %s' %
(id, binascii.hexlify(value)))
(id, binascii.hexlify(value).decode()))
key(cmd, 'sign', hmac_sign)
default += ' key sign'
if hmac_accept is not None:
......@@ -814,12 +814,12 @@ class RegistryClient(object):
def __getattr__(self, name):
getcallargs = getattr(RegistryServer, name).getcallargs
def rpc(*args, **kw):
def rpc(*args, **kw) -> bytes:
kw = getcallargs(*args, **kw)
query = '/' + name
if kw:
if any(type(v) is not str for v in kw.values()):
raise TypeError
raise TypeError(kw)
query += '?' + urlencode(kw)
url = self._path + query
client_prefix = kw.get('cn')
......@@ -344,6 +344,8 @@ class BaseTunnelManager(object):
def _sendto(self, to, msg, peer=None):
if type(msg) is str:
msg = msg.encode()
r = self.sock.sendto(peer.encode(msg) if peer else msg, to)
except socket.error as e:
......@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ class Peer(object):
seqno_struct = struct.Struct("!L")
def decode(self, msg, _unpack=seqno_struct.unpack):
def decode(self, msg: bytes, _unpack=seqno_struct.unpack) -> str:
seqno, = _unpack(msg[:4])
if seqno <= 2:
msg = msg[4:]
......@@ -280,10 +280,12 @@ class Peer(object):
if self._hmac(msg[:i]) == msg[i:] and self._i < seqno:
self._last = None
self._i = seqno
return msg[4:i]
return msg[4:i].decode()
def encode(self, msg, _pack=seqno_struct.pack):
def encode(self, msg: str | bytes, _pack=seqno_struct.pack) -> bytes:
self._j += 1
if type(msg) is str:
msg = msg.encode()
msg = _pack(self._j) + msg
return msg + self._hmac(msg)
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