Commit 3cbbb2b4 authored by Chris Withers's avatar Chris Withers

correct entry point docs.

parent 4b889785
......@@ -124,11 +124,19 @@ Now we also see the script defined by the demo script:
The scripts recipe defines some additional options:
A list of entry-point identifiers of the form name=module#attrs,
name is a script name, module is a module name, and a attrs is a
(possibly dotted) name of an object within the module. This option
is useful when working with distributions that don't declare entry
points, such as distributions not written to work with setuptools.
A list of entry-point identifiers of the form:
where name is a script name, module is a dotted name resolving to a
module name, and a attrs is a dotted name resolving to a callable
object within a module.
This option is useful when working with distributions that don't
declare entry points, such as distributions not written to work
with setuptools.
Examples can be seen in the section "Specifying entry points" below.
Control which scripts are generated. The value should be a list of
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