Commit 9b6dfd40 authored by Jim Fulton's avatar Jim Fulton Committed by GitHub

Annotate and setup commands again (#363)

* Added docs for the annotate and setup commands. (#362)
parent c208d0b6
...@@ -88,6 +88,31 @@ Buildout command-line options ...@@ -88,6 +88,31 @@ Buildout command-line options
Buildout commands Buildout commands
----------------- -----------------
Display the buildout configuration options, including their values and
where they came from. Try it!
.. code-block:: console
buildout annotate
.. -> command
>>> write("[buildout]\nparts=\n", "buildout.cfg")
>>> run_buildout(command)
>>> print(read()) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
Creating directory ...
Annotated sections
allow-hosts= *
.. _bootstrap-command: .. _bootstrap-command:
bootstrap bootstrap
...@@ -113,6 +138,38 @@ It then runs the resulting buildout. ...@@ -113,6 +138,38 @@ It then runs the resulting buildout.
See :ref:`Bootstrapping <init-generates-buildout.cfg>` for examples. See :ref:`Bootstrapping <init-generates-buildout.cfg>` for examples.
Run a setuptools-based setup script to build a distribution.
The path must be the path of a `setup script
<>`_ or of a
directory containing one named ````. For example, to create a
source distribution using a setup script in the current directory:
.. code-block:: console
buildout setup . sdist
.. -> command
>>> write("""from setuptools import setup
... setup(name='foo', url='.', author='test', author_email='')
... """, "")
>>> write('test', 'README')
>>> run_buildout(command.replace('.', '. -q'))
>>> eqs(ls('dist'), 'foo-0.0.0.tar.gz')
This command is useful when the Python environment you're using
doesn't have setuptools installed. Normally today, setuptools *is*
installed and you can just run setup scripts that use setuptools directly.
Note that if you want to build and upload a package to the `standard
package index <>`_ you should consider
using `zest.releaser <>`_,
which automates many aspects of software release including checking
meta data, building releases and making version-control tags.
.. _buildout-configuration-options-reference: .. _buildout-configuration-options-reference:
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