Commit ff2ee218 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Do never install from wheels

parent 25ac00a3
Pipeline #15421 passed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ import tempfile
import zc.buildout
import warnings
WHL_DIST = pkg_resources.EGG_DIST + 1
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'ignore', '.+is being parsed as a legacy, non PEP 440, version')
......@@ -545,7 +547,7 @@ class Installer:
# Filter the available dists for the requirement and source flag
dists = [dist for dist in index[requirement.project_name]
if ((dist in requirement)
and dist.precedence != WHL_DIST and
((not source) or
(dist.precedence == pkg_resources.SOURCE_DIST)
  • For some egg like plantuml, there's no tarball, only wheels, so I must change to accept wheels as fallback.

  • is it only plantuml ? there are some other problems with this egg

  • No idea, slapos-sr-testing fails during SR build and it can take a while to disable problematic eggs one by one.

  • The issue with plantuml was I don't remember how I hit this bug, but it seems that we can install it with slapos, probably because something installs httplib2 before.

    Anyway, my idea was that if it's only plantuml, we can maybe install plantuml differently, but it's highly probable that there are more eggs like this, so maybe the best is to make buildout do something like "prefer source distribution over wheels"

  • mentioned in commit 6d9b7483

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  • There's also jsonschema that fails. But since there's a tarball, I guess the issue is related to setup dependency, apparently setuptools_scm.

  • There's also jsonschema that fails. But since there's a tarball, I guess the issue is related to setup dependency, apparently setuptools_scm.

    This should have been fixed a long time ago :

    slapos!768 (merged)

  • mentioned in commit 0abf873d

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