1. 12 Jun, 2024 2 commits
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      [tool] Gitignore *.dist-info · 81a27fdc
      Xavier Thompson authored
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      [feat] Use pip install --editable in easy_install.develop · 4b207867
      Xavier Thompson authored
      Instead of running python setup.py develop directly. This will allow
      using zc.buildout.easy_install.develop on recent projects that have
      only a pyproject.toml. It also fixes develop leaving build artifacts
      in the source directory that caused later runs to do nothing, e.g.
      preventing develop-eggs to be rebuilt when a build dependency passed
      in setup-eggs option of zc.recipe.egg:develop changed.
      A verbosity parameter to tune verbosity of pip is added, with adjusted
      values for the case of buildout:develop and of zc.recipe.egg:develop,
      so as to remain close to the previous behavior with regards to logs.
  2. 31 May, 2024 1 commit
    • Xavier Thompson's avatar
      [feat] zc.recipe.egg: Reinstall when setup-eggs versions change · 52eb744f
      Xavier Thompson authored
      Trigger uninstall + install of eggs installed with zc.recipe.egg:custom
      or :develop when pinned versions of setup-eggs have changed. To achieve
      this the versions of setup-eggs are included in the section: this makes
      them part of its signature so that when they change, buildout will call
      `uninstall` and `install` for this section instead of just `update`.
      Unlike other zc.recipe.egg entry points, :custom stores the path of the
      installed egg; thus `uninstall` will remove it fully, leaving `install`
      to reinstall it cleanly from scrach.
      In the case of :develop, `uninstall` matters little as only the path of
      the installed `.egg-link` is stored. Instead `install` must be fixed to
      actually rebuild the egg in-place in the source directory and `develop`
      should do nothing.
      The main issue lies in `zc.buildout.easy_install.develop`: depending on
      the build process, it may leave build artifacts in the source directory
      that cause future runs to do nothing.
  3. 30 May, 2024 23 commits
  4. 24 May, 2024 5 commits
  5. 20 May, 2024 9 commits