Add multimaster support to slapproxy.

parent 955bc036
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
import logging
from slapos.proxy.views import app
def _generateSoftwareProductListFromString(software_product_list_string):
......@@ -52,33 +53,48 @@ def _generateSoftwareProductListFromString(software_product_list_string):
class ProxyConfig(object):
def __init__(self, logger):
self.logger = logger
self.multimaster = {}
self.software_product_list = []
def mergeConfig(self, args, configp):
# Set options parameters
# Set arguments parameters (from CLI) as members of self
for option, value in args.__dict__.items():
setattr(self, option, value)
# Merge the arguments and configuration
for section in ("slapproxy", "slapos"):
for section in configp.sections():
configuration_dict = dict(configp.items(section))
for key in configuration_dict:
if not getattr(self, key, None):
setattr(self, key, configuration_dict[key])
if section in ("slapproxy", "slapos"):
# Merge the arguments and configuration as member of self
for key in configuration_dict:
if not getattr(self, key, None):
setattr(self, key, configuration_dict[key])
elif section.startswith('multimaster/'):
# Merge multimaster configuration if any
# XXX: check for duplicate SR entries
for key, value in configuration_dict.iteritems():
if key == 'software_release_list':
# Split multi-lines values
configuration_dict[key] = [line.strip() for line in value.strip().split('\n')]
self.multimaster[section.split('multimaster/')[1]] = configuration_dict
def setConfig(self):
if not self.database_uri:
raise ValueError('database-uri is required.')
# XXX: check for duplicate SR entries.
self.software_product_list = _generateSoftwareProductListFromString(
getattr(self, 'software_product_list', ''))
def setupFlaskConfiguration(conf):
app.config['computer_id'] = conf.computer_id
app.config['DATABASE_URI'] = conf.database_uri
app.config['software_product_list'] = conf.software_product_list
app.config['multimaster'] = conf.multimaster
def do_proxy(conf):
from slapos.proxy.views import app
for handler in conf.logger.handlers:
app.config['computer_id'] = conf.computer_id
app.config['DATABASE_URI'] = conf.database_uri
app.config['software_product_list'] = \
getattr(conf, 'software_product_list', "")), port=int(conf.port))
setupFlaskConfiguration(conf), port=int(conf.port), threaded=True)
......@@ -45,3 +45,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS partition_network%(version)s (
netmask VARCHAR(255)
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS forwarded_partition_request%(version)s (
partition_reference VARCHAR(255), -- a.k.a source_instance_id
master_url VARCHAR(255)
......@@ -29,10 +29,13 @@
from lxml import etree
import random
import sqlite3
import string
from slapos.slap.slap import Computer, ComputerPartition, \
SoftwareRelease, SoftwareInstance, NotFoundError
from slapos.proxy.db_version import DB_VERSION
import slapos.slap
from flask import g, Flask, request, abort
import xml_marshaller
......@@ -112,14 +115,16 @@ def partitiondict2partition(partition):
return slap_partition
def execute_db(table, query, args=(), one=False, db_version=None, log=False):
def execute_db(table, query, args=(), one=False, db_version=None, log=False, db=None):
if not db:
db = g.db
if not db_version:
db_version = DB_VERSION
query = query % (table + db_version,)
if log:
print query
cur = g.db.execute(query, args)
cur = db.execute(query, args)
app.logger.error('There was some issue during processing query %r on table %r with args %r' % (query, table, args))
......@@ -161,7 +166,7 @@ def _upgradeDatabaseIfNeeded():
# If version of current database is not old, do nothing
if current_schema_version == DB_VERSION:
schema = app.open_resource('schema.sql')
schema = % dict(version=DB_VERSION, computer=app.config['computer_id'])
......@@ -330,9 +335,7 @@ def supplySupply():
@app.route('/requestComputerPartition', methods=['POST'])
def requestComputerPartition():
parsed_form_dict = parseRequestComputerPartitionForm(request.form)
# By default, ALWAYS request instance on default computer
parsed_form_dict['filter_kw'].setdefault('computer_guid', app.config['computer_id'])
parsed_request_dict = parseRequestComputerPartitionForm(request.form)
# Is it a slave instance?
slave = loads(request.form.get('shared_xml', EMPTY_DICT_XML).encode())
......@@ -341,29 +344,36 @@ def requestComputerPartition():
if slave:
# XXX: change schema to include a simple "partition_reference" which
# is name of the instance. Then, no need to do complex search here.
slave_reference = parsed_form_dict['partition_id'] + '_' + parsed_form_dict['partition_reference']
requested_computer_id = parsed_form_dict['filter_kw']['computer_guid']
slave_reference = parsed_request_dict['partition_id'] + '_' + parsed_request_dict['partition_reference']
requested_computer_id = parsed_request_dict['filter_kw'].get('computer_guid', app.config['computer_id'])
matching_partition = getAllocatedSlaveInstance(slave_reference, requested_computer_id)
matching_partition = getAllocatedInstance(parsed_form_dict['partition_reference'])
matching_partition = getAllocatedInstance(parsed_request_dict['partition_reference'])
if matching_partition:
# Then the instance is already allocated, just update it
# XXX: split request and request slave into different update/allocate functions and simplify.
# By default, ALWAYS request instance on default computer
parsed_request_dict['filter_kw'].setdefault('computer_guid', app.config['computer_id'])
if slave:
software_instance = requestSlave(**parsed_form_dict)
software_instance = requestSlave(**parsed_request_dict)
software_instance = requestNotSlave(**parsed_form_dict)
software_instance = requestNotSlave(**parsed_request_dict)
# Instance is not yet allocated: try to do it.
# XXX Insert here multimaster allocation
external_master_url = isRequestToBeForwardedToExternalMaster(parsed_request_dict)
if external_master_url:
return forwardRequestToExternalMaster(external_master_url, request.form)
# XXX add support for automatic deployment on specific node depending on available SR and partitions on each Node.
# Note: only deploy on default node if SLA not specified
# Note: It only deploys on default node if SLA not specified
# XXX: split request and request slave into different update/allocate functions and simplify.
# By default, ALWAYS request instance on default computer
parsed_request_dict['filter_kw'].setdefault('computer_guid', app.config['computer_id'])
if slave:
software_instance = requestSlave(**parsed_form_dict)
software_instance = requestSlave(**parsed_request_dict)
software_instance = requestNotSlave(**parsed_form_dict)
software_instance = requestNotSlave(**parsed_request_dict)
return dumps(software_instance)
......@@ -378,15 +388,123 @@ def parseRequestComputerPartitionForm(form):
parsed_dict['partition_id'] = form.get('computer_partition_id', '').encode()
parsed_dict['partition_parameter_kw'] = loads(form.get('partition_parameter_xml', EMPTY_DICT_XML).encode())
parsed_dict['filter_kw'] = loads(form.get('filter_xml', EMPTY_DICT_XML).encode())
# Note: currently ignored on for slave instance (slave instances
# Note: currently ignored for slave instance (slave instances
# are always started).
parsed_dict['requested_state'] = loads(form.get('state').encode())
return parsed_dict
run_id = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for n in xrange(32)])
def checkIfMasterIsCurrentMaster(master_url):
Because there are several ways to contact this server, we can't easily check
in a request() if master_url is ourself or not. So we contact master_url,
and if it returns an ID we know: it is ourself
# Dumb way: compare with listening host/port
host =
port = request.environ['SERVER_PORT']
if master_url == 'http://%s:%s/' % (host, port):
return True
# Hack way: call ourself
slap = slapos.slap.slap()
master_run_id = slap._connection_helper.GET('/getRunId')
return False
if master_run_id == run_id:
return True
return False
@app.route('/getRunId', methods=['GET'])
def getRunId():
return run_id
def checkMasterUrl(master_url):
Check if master_url doesn't represent ourself, and check if it is whitelisted
in multimaster configuration.
if not master_url:
return False
if checkIfMasterIsCurrentMaster(master_url):
# master_url is current server: don't forward
return False
master_entry = app.config.get('multimaster').get(master_url, None)
# Check if this master is known
if not master_entry:
# Check if it is ourself
if not master_url.startswith('https') and checkIfMasterIsCurrentMaster(master_url):
return False
app.logger.warning('External SlapOS Master URL %s is not listed in multimaster list.' % master_url)
return True
def isRequestToBeForwardedToExternalMaster(parsed_request_dict):
Check if we HAVE TO forward the request.
Several cases:
* The request specifies a master_url in filter_kw
* The software_release of the request is in a automatic forward list
master_url = parsed_request_dict['filter_kw'].get('master_url')
if checkMasterUrl(master_url):
# Don't allocate the instance locally, but forward to specified master
return master_url
software_release = parsed_request_dict['software_release']
for mutimaster_url, mutimaster_entry in app.config.get('multimaster').iteritems():
if software_release in mutimaster_entry['software_release_list']:
# Don't allocate the instance locally, but forward to specified master
return mutimaster_url
return None
def forwardRequestToExternalMaster(master_url, request_form):
Forward instance request to external SlapOS Master.
master_entry = app.config.get('multimaster').get(master_url, {})
key_file = master_entry.get('key')
cert_file = master_entry.get('cert')
if master_url.startswith('https') and (not key_file or not cert_file):
app.logger.warning('External master %s configuration did not specify key or certificate.' % master_url)
if master_url.startswith('https') and not master_url.startswith('https') and (key_file or cert_file):
app.logger.warning('External master %s configurqtion specifies key or certificate but is using plain http.' % master_url)
slap = slapos.slap.slap()
if key_file:
slap.initializeConnection(master_url, key_file=key_file, cert_file=cert_file)
partition_reference = request_form['partition_reference'].encode()
# Store in database
execute_db('forwarded_partition_request', 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s values(:partition_reference, :master_url)',
{'partition_reference':partition_reference, 'master_url': master_url})
new_request_form = request_form.copy()
filter_kw = loads(new_request_form['filter_xml'].encode())
filter_kw['source_instance_id'] = partition_reference
new_request_form['filter_xml'] = dumps(filter_kw)
partition = loads(slap._connection_helper.POST('/requestComputerPartition', new_request_form))
# XXX move to other end
partition._master_url = master_url
return dumps(partition)
def getAllocatedInstance(partition_reference):
Look for existence of instance, if so return the
Look for existence of instance, if so return the
corresponding partition dict, else return None
args = []
......@@ -398,7 +516,7 @@ def getAllocatedInstance(partition_reference):
def getAllocatedSlaveInstance(slave_reference, requested_computer_id):
Look for existence of instance, if so return the
Look for existence of instance, if so return the
corresponding partition dict, else return None
args = []
This diff is collapsed.
software_root = %(tempdir)s/opt/slapgrid
instance_root = %(tempdir)s/srv/slapgrid
master_url = %(proxyaddr)s
computer_id = computer
host =
port = 8080
database_uri = %(tempdir)s/lib/proxy.db
# Here goes the list of slapos masters that slapproxy can contact
# Each section beginning by multimaster is a different SlapOS Master, represented by arbitrary name.
# For each section, you need to specify the URL of the SlapOS Master.
# For each section, you can specify if needed the location of key/certificate used to authenticate to this slapOS Master.
# For each section, you can specify a list of Software Releases. Any instance request matching this Softwrare Release will be automatically forwarded to this SlapOS Master and will not be allocated locally.
key = /path/to/cert.key
cert = /path/to/cert.cert
# XXX add wildcard support for SR list.
software_release_list =
# No certificate here: it is http.
software_release_list =
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