Commit 454ef493 authored by Alain Takoudjou's avatar Alain Takoudjou

slapos_pdm: update notification message for upgrade decision request

parent ddeb07f6
......@@ -113,14 +113,9 @@ Dear User,\n
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <b> ${software_release_name} ${software_release_reference} </b>\n
<br> Click below to launch the Installation:\n
<br> Click <Accept> button to launch the Installation.\n
<br> <a href=${upgrade_accept_link}> I AGREE TO REQUEST THE INSTALLATION NOW </a>\n
<br> If you don\'t want to use this new version, please cancel the upgrade request using\n
<br> the link below:\n
<br> <a href=${upgrade_reject_link}> I DON\'T WANT TO INSTALL THIS NEW RELEASE </a>\n
<br> If you don\'t want to use this new version, please cancel the upgrade request by clicking on <Reject> button.\n
<br>Thank you for use our services,\n
<br>Support Team\n
......@@ -130,8 +125,7 @@ Dear User,\n
<br> ${software_release_name} ${software_release_reference} Software Release URL :\n
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ${new_software_release_url}\n
]]></string> </value>
......@@ -109,13 +109,9 @@ Dear User,\n
<br> New version of the ${software_product_title} has been released.\n
<br> Launch the upgrade on your instance <strong> ${hosting_subscription_title} </strong> to the newest version <strong> ${software_release_name} ${software_release_reference} </strong> using the link below:\n
<br> Launch the upgrade on your instance <strong> ${hosting_subscription_title} </strong> to the newest version <strong> ${software_release_name} ${software_release_reference} </strong> by clicking on <Accept> button.\n
<br> <a href=${upgrade_accept_link}> I AGREE TO LAUNCH THE UPGRADE NOW </a>\n
<br> If you don\'t want to use this new version, please cancel the upgrade request using the link below:\n
<br> \n
<br> <a href=${upgrade_reject_link}> I DON\'T WANT TO LAUNCH THE UPGRADE </a>\n
<br> If you don\'t want to use this new version, please cancel the upgrade request by clicking on <Reject> button.\n
<br>Thank you for use our services,\n
<br>Support Team\n
......@@ -129,8 +125,7 @@ Dear User,\n
<br> New Software Release URL:\n
<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ${new_software_release_url}\n
]]></string> </value>
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