Commit 6d3bed94 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Disallow requesting root software instance.

parent d10bb9ed
......@@ -87,6 +87,11 @@ request_software_instance = software_instance.portal_catalog.getResultValue(\n
# above query does not find root software instance, but as this case is easy\n
# to find, just check if such request does not come and raise\n
if root_software_instance.getTitle() == requested_partition_reference:\n
raise ValueError(\'It is disallowed to request root software instance\')\n
if (request_software_instance is None):\n
if (portal.portal_activities.countMessageWithTag(tag) > 0):\n
# The software instance is already under creation but can not be fetched from catalog\n
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