Commit 709acaa7 authored by Titouan Soulard's avatar Titouan Soulard

slapos_crm: fix typo in reported error

parent a58773e0
Pipeline #39270 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ for software_installation in portal.portal_catalog(
if access_status_text.startswith("#building"):
error_dict['ticket_description'] = \
"The software release %s is building for mode them 12 hours on %s, started on %s" % message_list
"The software release %s is building for more than 12 hours on %s, started on %s" % message_list
error_dict['ticket_description'] = \
"The software release %s is failing to build for too long on %s, started on %s" % message_list
......@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ class TestSlapOSCrmMonitoringCheckComputeNodeState(TestSlapOSCrmMonitoringMixin)
message = ticket.SupportRequest_recheckMonitoring()
self.assertEqual(error_dict['message'], message)
self.assertIn(" is building for mode them 12 hours on", message)
self.assertIn(" is building for more than 12 hours on", message)
event_list = ticket.getFollowUpRelatedValueList()
self.assertEqual(len(event_list), 1)
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