Commit ba6cfec5 authored by Roque's avatar Roque

slapos_jio: keep backward compatibility for monitoring url

parent 7950da2e
Pipeline #32728 failed with stage
in 0 seconds
from ZTUtils import make_query
# TODO how to avoid hardcode here? from InstanceTree_getConnectionParameterList?
base_url = ''
url_parameter_kw = { 'page': 'ojsm_landing' }
url_parameter_kw = { 'page': 'ojsm_dispatch' }
instance_tree = context
if context.getPortalType() in ["Software Instance", "Slave Instance"]:
......@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ class TestSlapOSHalJsonStyleMixin(SlapOSTestCaseMixinWithAbort):
def getMonitorUrl(self, context):
if context.getPortalType() in ["Software Instance", "Slave Instance"]:
return ''
return ''
return ''
return ''
maxDiff = None
def afterSetUp(self):
......@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@ class TestSoftwareInstance_getNewsDict(TestSlapOSHalJsonStyleMixin):
'reference': instance.getReference(),
'is_slave': 1,
'text': '#nodata is a slave %s' % instance.getReference(),
'monitor_url': '',
'monitor_url': '',
'user': 'SlapOS Master'}
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